Bet! (Hosuh x jay) part three

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No ones POV:
Hosuh begins to slightly regret inviting jay. He's so nervous he dosent know what to do. Jay steps in and slides off his shoes and hosuh closes and locks the door behind them

Hosuh turns around awkwardly and walks into the kitchen. Jay soon follows. Hosuh turns around and leans on the kitchen counter "so... whatcha wanna do?" he says trying to calm himself down

Jay yawns and stretches ad he says "I dunno man. I'm kinda tired" hosuh slouches and extends his arms, "nah man! It's only like... 10. Lets do something first!" Hosuh gets on his knees and begs "please?" Jay looks down, shocked at Hosuhs actions. He looks to the side trying to hide his blush "s-sure" he says clearing his throat

Hosuhs eyes shine "yay! U choose!" He says grabbing jays hand as he drags him into the living room, his shyness completely disappearing for good. Jay smiles at how childish hosuh is acting. 'Cute~'

Hosuh leaves jay to choose a movie and he leaves to get changed into his pjs. Jay rummages through and hear hosuh come back "ok so did u chose one?" Hosuh asks

Jay keeps his eyes on the movies but tilts his head to face hosuh "yeah I kinda wanna watch-" he starts but cuts himself off once he looks at hosuh. Hosuh is wearing some cute lil shorts with a lace rim. He has a cute simple pastel blue (cuz it's Hosuhs favorite color. Hehehehe) shirt and he has put his beautiful grey hair up in a messy bun.

Jay opens his eyes wide and stares. Hosuh notices And he begins to blush like crazy "q-quit staring jay" he says pulling up his shirt to cover his face but he shows a bit of his stomach which drives jay crazy

Jays about to lunge himself at the smaller man but he stops himself. He holds himself back and runs into the bathroom or else he knows that he'll end up doing something that he would completely regret

Hosuh hears footsteps run away from him. He lets go of his shirt and he uncovers his face and looks around. "Jay?" He asks and begins to walk around

He panics 'Did I do something wrong?' He notices that the bathroom door is shut and locked. "Jay!?" He runs to the a bathroom and knocks "jay are u ok?" He asks becoming more and more worried

Jay sits on the floor and covers his head with his arms. He try's to calm down his.... *ahem*... his lil (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) when he hears a knock on the door "jay!?" He hears. It's hosuh. He begins to panic again his stomach feeling the familiar butterfly's flutter. He's felt this before but it's never been this bad before. He starts to feel incredibly tight in his own jeans but he dosent know how to control it

"G-go away hosuh" he says he mouth slurring out the others name. His face explodes with heat and he's left there in pain. He needs to do something about his problem in his lower region but he dosent know how and not here at hosuh place, That's embarrassing! Hosuh keeps knocking "no!please open. What did I do wrong?" Hosuhs voice cracks at the end

Jay freezes. His stomach calms down and he looks towards the door as he stands up. "W-What did u say?" He stutters. There's a silent pause and hosuh says "what did I do wrong?" Jays world crashes. Does hosuh believe that he did something wrong?

Jay steps closer to the door "u did nothing wrong hosuh..." but hosuh yells back "then why did u run away!?" He says. It sounds like he's crying. Jays own eyes begin to fill with tears just thinking of him ever being the cause of Hosuhs sadness. But it seems like that worst fear is becoming real at that very moment

Jay wipes away his tears and clams his shakeing voice "no no. It's just..." he debates wether to say the truth or to come up with some shit excuse. He's taking too long. "Speak up!" Hosuh cries between sobs. "It's because I feel like I'll do something I'll soon regret!" Jay screams out in one breath

Hosuh stands there in shock. 'Is he referring to... wait' hosuh hesitates "w-what do u mean?" He stutters as he wipes away his tears. Jay stand quiet. 'Shit. Too late now.' He begins to panic " I-I just... ugh fuck it hosuh! I like u" he just spits out

There's silence. No one speaks and no one moves. Jay begins to panic with the second. He gets closer to the door and unlocks it. "Hosuh?" He asks as he opens the door but is cut off by a pair of soft lips smash against his own. Jay is shocked and tenses a bit at first but soon melts into the kiss and he runs his hand behind Hosuhs waist

Jay licks Hosuhs bottom lip for entrence and hosuh gladly accepts. Hosuh wraps his arms around jays neck and jay takes Hosuhs hair down and runs his fingers through Hosuhs smooth silver hair.

Jay shoves his toung deep into Hosuhs mouth exploring every inch making hosuh moan into the kiss. After a while of this HOT make out session they both pull away panting and gasping for air as a string of saliva still connects them

They both stare deep into eachothers lustfull eyes as hosuh swallows and wipes his mouth. Hosuh looks to the side and says "I-I wouldn't regret anything if it's with u" he says looking back up at jay with an innocent look. Jay looks down in shock but then a wide goofy grin spreads wide across his face

" u sure about that?" He says leaning close into Hosuhs face. Hosuhs face imidiatly explodes in blush as he looks deep into jays red and yellow eyes. "Of course" he purrs out that just drives jay insane and finally pushes him over the line

Jay picks up hosuh bridal style and hosuh giggles all the way upstairs as jay takes him into the bedroom. Jay tosses hosuh gently onto the bed and he shuts Hosuhs door quietly as they begin the night that will soon connect them as one

Hey! Cream here! I'm sooooooooooooo sorry if this one turned out a tad bit too much for hard fluff. I just couldn't stop myself, ok!? rip. No smut tho :(. *sigh* lol. Hope u still enjoyed! Till next time my wierdos. Stay safe and stay wierd! Bye!

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