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LAUREN opened her eyes when she felt Camila's lips on hers.

"A dream," she said when she didn't find Camila in her side and inside the bedroom so she get up and stretched her body and then she heard her bedroom door open.

"Good morning Lo."

Lauren pause for a second when she saw Camila, she was not dreaming, "hey, good morning," and she get up.

"How was your sleep?" and she seated beside her.

"Very fine."

'Is it because I'd kissed you?' "that was good to hear."

"Yeah, how about you?"

"Same, hey are you hungry? I made a breakfast."

"Did you wake up so early to make breakfast?"

"Nope, not so early, I woke up 30 mins ago."

"Really, thank you."

"You're welcome, so?"

"Sure, come on now."


They both enjoy their breakfast. Lauren has no work since it was Sunday and same goes for Camila no meeting in the Council or meet up with the members.

"WHAT time do you want to go home?" that time they were watching tv.

"Hm maybe later."

"I'll take you home, need to run some errands."




"I just noticed."

"What is it?"

"I'd never met your boyfriend."

"It's because I don't have one."

"And how's that happened? You're not ugly."

'Oh my God! It sounds like she's saying I'm beautiful,' "well, they didn't notice my beauty," 'unlike you.'

"They're blind if that's the reason."

"Maybe, I don't care and I'm still not ready, I'll let you know if there's one."

"I will expect that, I have to know first."

"Sure, I notice you don't have one too."

"It can wait and I still don't have savings."

"You're talking that you wanted to marry her, damn you're so fast."

Camila's last word hit her so she looked at her, because Camila notice something on her.

Camila noticed Lauren eyes on hers so she looked at her and she was right, Lauren is staring at her, she even look straight to those emerald eyes, "what?" after finding the reason in those eyes she knows now the reason, "I know you're a lesbian."

And Lauren panicked, Camila will put a distance to her that's why she's trying her best not to show it but she was too obvious for not Camila to notice, "h-how did you n-know?"

"I just feel it, why? it's because I don't see any woman stuff here or you don't want woman stuff here as your decorations?"

"Well I don't want any girly stuff because as you can see I don't have time to clean and I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being a lesbian, don't worry I'm not trying to seduce you, I know my limitations," she said with bitterness because she know that Camila is straight.

"Really, okay, Lo don't think I will put distance to you because of your sexuality, no, I really respect your sexuality Lo and there's nothing wrong with it, I see your point."

"Thank you, nothing's—changed, right?"

Camila didn't know if when she can take it to be friends with Lauren but she have to, "nothing of course, you're my only best friend Lo."

"Okay," and Camila's phone rang, "answer it, its important maybe."

And Camila nod, "just a sec," and she took the phone and stood and left to answer the phone.

'I'm sorry Camz,' Lauren said in her thoughts while looking at Camila talking someone on the phone, 'I chose not to tell you the truth of how much I love you because I know you're not into women and you love your position very much, you're a Student Council President, it will affect your position if we are in a relationship and I don't want to ruin it, your reputation, and I respect you more than you know, that's why I need to do this, to be your bestfriend forever, it hurts me but I need to, for you,' and she darted back her eyes to the TV.

"It was Shawn..."

'Camila's suitor, he's making a move huh,' she said in her thoughts without taking her eyes off the tv.

"—it's urgent we need to meet up, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I understand and besides it's your oath and you must do it, don't mind me," 'I'm used to this, leaving me alone, damn I'm being emotional.'

"Okay, I leave now."

"Yeah sure, you take care okay?"

"I will, bye."

"Bye," and Camila left.

And Lauren left alone in her apartment watching the tv and suddenly she felt a wet in her cheeks. She tried to wipe it away but she can't stop it, it's too much tears. Pain overtook her and she cried in silence.

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