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LUCY and Ms. Ally did see Lauren off.

"My staff will take care of you, they already know what to do, I'm sorry I can't be with you in Miami I have a business con in England."

"Its okay Ms. Ally you helped me a lot and besides I'm in my hometown nothing's to worry about, I will be fine there."

And Ms. Ally nod, "call anytime."

"I will, thank you," and she handed her hand.

And Ms. Ally accepted it, "no Jauregui, thank you."

"You're welcome," then she look at to Lucy then she embraced her, "thank you for everything and I'm sorry."

"Its okay Lauren, thank you, I'll be happier if I met your Camila."

"We'll see about that, I leave now."

"Take care."

And Lauren left with her bagpack since her Ducati is already on the plane.

"SHE will come home tomorrow and 10am is her book signing, I will surprise her," and she smiled.

IT was already late at night when she finally got home in her apartment in Miami she was tired. The other passenger mobbed her when she set foot in the arrival area and she remembered that her press interview is worldwide coverage.

"Finally," and she lied down on her bed then close her eyes after it and she quickly fell asleep.

Lauren woke up once again when she heard her phone rang, she pick it up and answer it without opening her eyes, "hello..?"

"Hey Lauren, its Lucy..."


"Are you still in bed?"

"Yeah, why..?"

"Lauren don't you forget that you still had 10am book signing."

"But it's still dark."

"No Lauren, you forgot you're already in Miami, here in Sweden is dawn."

"What?" and she open her left eye and look at the alarm clock and widened her both eyes when she saw that it's already 8:30 am, she still have an hour to prepare and went to J.BOSS branch that located in Miami, "it can't be! Lucy I'll hang up now."

"Faster Lauren."

"Yeah, thank you for reminding me."

And end the call.

"WOW didn't expect this crowd too much, if only Camila was here, if it isn't because of her this is not happening."

"Lauren we're starting."

"Okay," and she sighed and take a deep breath then she followed.

Lauren greeted by the fans with a scream when she walked in to the table, beside of it was the bookstore.

"Lauren sorry, if it's okay can you make it faster? We'll surely meet the mall closed."

"I'll try but I can't promise."

"That's fine."

And Lauren nod, then she sat on the center chair. The avid readers quickly shuffled and fall in line together with the books in their hands.

Lauren don't know what time is it already and she don't know how long hours she was sitting, signing, smiling for the readers who wants to take a selfie with her. Her jaw is already hurting because of unending smile she gave from her fans and her hand is hurting too for signing the 4 books.

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