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AS what Camila told her through the phone, the brunette was already left, when Lauren gets home so she immediately repaired what's needed to her Ducati, she'll be taking it to Sweden. After repairing her Ducati she then arrange the things she needed for she was staying 1 week there, she even took out the package that she hidden under the sofa.

While packing her things, she saw the picture she had with Camila, she got smile and took it then she put it in her bag. She take a one last look of her bedroom, even her apartment before leaving, she'll be gone for 1 week and she will miss her apartment she'd been living for almost 9yrs. And for Camila and Shawn whose about to be wed, she was sure that it's already done once she got home so it will be fine. Then she left bolting the door locked.

She was in the airport when Ms. Ally called.

"Ms. Ally?"

"Are you already in the airport?"

"Yes Ms. Ally I'm already here my flight will be called any second from now."

"I see, okay you take care and have a safe flight."

"Thank you Ms. Ally."

"Did you bring some notes with you it will be a long flight, I warn you."

"Yeah I'd bring it, maybe I can write some while on the plane."

"Well that's a kill of time so you won't be bored."

"Yeah it is," and she heard her flight number from the announcer, "Ms. Ally it's time for me to board."

"Oh really, have a safe flight Lauren."

"Okay Ms. Ally, thank you so much," and end call.

Lauren took a breath and exhale, "this is it, my new chapter in life has taken place," and she walk together with the other passenger from that flight.

"MILA," he said with a smile when he saw her and he was ready to greet her when Camila look away from him, so he stopped, "I'm sorry, I forgot."

"I will not stay long," Camila quickly said.

"Are you okay?"

"I've been fooling myself if I said yes, I'm not okay Shawn and you know that."


"Let's stop this okay? I can't take it anymore, let's stop fooling anyone, the Council is important to me but—"

"But Jauregui is more important," Shawn finished the words from Camila.

"Yes, I'm sorry and thank you for letting me know you."

"No Mila, thank you for letting me, even though it's a short time I'm having fun so I understand, so, no worries."

'That's why I can't love you Shawn because you think all of relationship is just for fun,' "yes, there's someone who can love you more than me."

"I hope so, oh wait, Dinah needs confirmation, is Lauren going?"

And Camila shook her head, "I made a mistake."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Lauren thought that it was us that are getting married."

And Shawn chuckled, "damn how I wish, but what did you do? You're hurting her."

"I know and I see it, that's why I made this decision."

"It looks like one thing, I think she's beginning, just you wait and you will see what I mean."

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