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'YOU'RE just her bestfriend, nothing more,' and rub the soap in her body and then stopped, 'but I can't take it, I'm hurting, I love Lauren, I love her so much, what am I gonna do? I just can't easily forget my feelings for her, she's already engraved here in my heart,' and she bite her lower lip when she felt her tears running down through her cheeks, "Lauren..."

'IF I'm in love with Camila and tell her about it, will she accept me?' and she heard the bathroom door click, and she look up when she heard it and she saw Camila emerge from the bathroom, her body was wrapped with white towel, it was hers, Lauren is aware of it and her jaw almost drop when she saw her sexiness and her beauty was like a goddess, 'damn she looks like a goddess,' and she gulped, 'is this called love? I'm getting started to appreciate her, every inch of her.'

"Lo are you alright?" and she get no response from her so she look at her and she surprisingly saw her pair of emerald eyes darting at her body, 'is she checking me out?' and it made her giggle a little, "Lolo?"

And Lauren snap back from reality, she was floating in the air, in the sky with Camila holding her hand, they were dancing endlessly, then she met her brown eyes, "w-what?"

"You-didn't hear me."


Camila felt glad, she even bite her lower lip because she was right that Lauren was checking her out, "I asked earlier if you're okay, from the way you stared at me, you're undressing me from your look," she teased.

Lauren felt herself burning and she knew she was blushing on that statement, "n-no it's not! Y-You're wrong."

And Camila chuckled, she really likes teasing her, "then why are you stuttering?"

And Lauren get it, Camila was teasing her like she always does, "you're teasing me again Camz," and she lied on the bed then pull the comforter up from her body, "double your time Camz we're sleeping," and she turn her back, facing the window, 'damn! Am I that obvious? I hope she didn't notice, but—ahh fuck it!'

Camila secretly smiled because Lauren gave her a hint not to give up on what she felt, "okay Lo," 'I'll try my best to get you out of your shell my lovely Lauren Jauregui.'

LAUREN was really trying to get some sleep but she can't. Camila's body wrap in her own towel is still playing in her mind, she was going crazy! And even more, she can't take it out of her mind. She knew that Camila was trying to show her some more of her but she look away, she respect her but then she really wanted to see what is behind that towel. While the time is running, Lauren was slowly getting arouse especially when she felt Camila's heat inches away from her body. Even though Camila is using her body wash and bath soap it still had a special effect on Camila, she was mesmerized by her scent.


"Nn?" she face her half way.

"You're still awake, I'm glad."

"What do you mean by that?" and she face her fully, she didn't expect that Camila is facing her too and now they were inches away and she smell her lovely breath that makes her hormones run wild.

"It's nothing."

"I know you Camz, there's a reason, what is it?"

"You don't have a girlfriend right?"

"What kind of question is that or what are you trying to imply? Of course none! Why, is there a problem?"

"Nothing, I'm just cold."

Lauren got smiled when she saw her innocence, "you should have told me quickly," and then she stretched her right arm, "come here, lie down."

"Are you sure?"

"You don't want?"

"It's not that!" and she move closer to her and lied down on those arms, she felt her arms wrapping around her so she can get closer.

"Feel better?" and she move closer closing the gap between them, giving her heat.

"Yes," and she scoot closer.

And Lauren smiled, 'this is what called love, you don't want to let her go.'



"We will be forever right?"

"What kind of forever?"

"Any kind of it..."

And she smiled, "yes we can Camz, we can be forever."

"I'm glad, I'm so happy right now Lo."

"Me too, thank you."

"For you, goodnight," and she kiss her cheek.

"Goodnight," and she kiss her forehead.

And Camila smiled when she felt Lauren's soft and warm lips on her forehead and the sleep finally pull her.

"I love you Camz."

"Lauren..," she moaned from her sleep.

And Lauren smiled and she embrace her tight, afraid of losing her, "I'm always here Camz, whenever you need me, I'm always here, even if you can't love me back that's okay, I'm yours and I love you," and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

CAMILA was wide awake but she still closes her eyes, savouring the moment while she was on Lauren's arms, embracing her, she was now lying on her chest.

"I hope we can do this always," and she open her eyes after a minute, then she stared at her sleeping form, "you're so handsome," and she touch her cheek, "still the same when I first met you, hey say it, what will be your reaction when you knew how much I love you, will you accept me in your life? I will still respect you Lo, whatever your decision is, I'm happy and I will not regret the moment of loving you," and she whisper to her ear, "you're the only one for me, I'm yours forever Lauren Jauregui," and she kiss her.

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