Chapter 6 - Lost & Found

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Jade's P.O.V.

As I took Amanda to where Paul was captured, I fill her in on what I remember. "Now, I was going for a walk and saw this woman wearing a black and red dress. Her name is Zelda, she had a frying pan and whacked Paul with it, knocking him unconscious. I followed her to see where she was taking Paul and let me tell you this place wasn't pretty!" I said.

"Like a dungeon?" Asked Amanda. "That's exactly what it was! Anyway, I overheard the whole confrontation. Zelda said the reason she kidnapped Paul is so she could marry him!" I said. "What?! Why would some psychotic woman kidnap Paul and force him to marry her?!" Amanda asked in shock. "I'm just as confused as you are, Amanda." I said.

By the time I finished explaining the situation, we made it to the destination. "Is this the place?" Asked Amanda. "Yes it is." I said. I lead Amanda to where Paul is. I then peeked through the window.

"Is he in there?" Amanda asked. "Yep!" I said. I stepped back and kicked the door down. There was Paul laying on the floor unconscious. "PAUL!!!" Shouted Amanda. "Go to him! I'm gonna go find Zelda and teach her a lesson! Then I'm gonna call the cops!" I said. "Alright, Jade. Be careful." Amanda said. I nod as I run off to confront Zelda.

Amanda's P.O.V.

I ran over to Paul and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him. "Paul? Paul?! Can you hear me?! Paul?!?!" I yelled. But Paul didn't move. I shake him again. "Wake up! I'm begging you! Please, wake up!" I pleaded. No movement.

I start to feel a lump in my throat as I continue shaking my unconscious boyfriend. "Come on, Paul! I lost my mom, I don't wanna lose you too!" I begged. Still no movement. Tears begin filling up my eyes as I shake Paul one more time. "I swear, Paul! If you die, I'll never forgive myself!" I said. Once again, Paul doesn't move.

The tears start coming down from my eyes. I couldn't help but cry since I thought I was losing my boyfriend. After a few minutes of weeping, I put my fingers on Paul's neck and checked his pulse. "Oh, thank goodness! He's still alive!" I said.

Since shaking Paul didn't work, I had to think of something else to help him regain consciousness. Then something sparked into my mind. "Wait a minute! That song he sang for me yesterday! Maybe if I sing it to him, he'll finally wake up! Besides, he needs to know how much I truly love him. I've tried so many ways to tell him, but somehow they weren't enough. This time for sure, I'm gonna make this one the most memorable!" I said. I took a deep breath, cradled Paul in my arms, and started to sing.

Hold me close and tell me how you feel
Tell me love is real
Mm, mm, mm, mm

Words of love you whisper soft and true
Darling, I love you
Mm, mm, mm, mm

Let me hear you say the words I long to hear
Darling, when you're near
Mm, mm, mm, mm

Words of love you whisper soft and true
Darling, I love you
Mm, mm, mm, mm

Mm, mm, mm
Mm, mm, mm

After I finished singing, I kissed Paul on his forehead. "I love you, Paul. These words I'm telling you, I need you to know that my love for you is real, and I love you so, so much. Whenever I needed comfort, I'd always come to you, because you always knew what to say. I always felt happier ever since I first met you. Please, don't leave me. I don't know what I'd do without my true love. Paul, I need you. Please, come back to me." I said.

Paul's eyes began to open. He then sees me looking down at him. "Amanda? Is that you?" He asked. "Yes, Paul. It's me." I said. I stand up and hold my hand out for Paul. He takes it and I help him up. Instantly, I throw my arms around him and hug him a lot tighter than I did last night. "I thought I lost you!" I said. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm still alive and that's all that matters." Said Paul. "Let's get out of here!" I said.

I grab Paul's hand and started running towards the door. I made it to the exit, but realized Paul slipped out of my grasp. I turned around and saw him on his hands and knees. I ran back over to him and bent down to his level. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. I've been unconscious for a while, and I completely forgot to mention that I'm chained up." Paul said. "Where?" I asked. "On my ankles." Said Paul. I looked at his ankles and saw the chains. "Can you break them?" I asked. "I tried to, but I can't." Paul said. "Here, let me try." I said.

With all my might, I yanked on the chains to try to break them, but no luck. "It's no use, Paulie! They're too strong!" I said. Paul looks around until he sees an object. "Amanda, look!" He said. "What do you see?" I asked. "They look like clippers or something. Try using them to break the chains." Said Paul. I nod and grab the big clippers. I walk back over to Paul. "Okay, honey. Hold still." I said. I put the clippers on the chain and pressed down on them.


The chains finally break and came off of Paul's ankles. "Got it!" I said. Paul stands up and punches his fists in the air. "Yes!! I'm free!!!" He said excitedly. He then sweeps me off my feet and spins me around multiple times. He puts me down after that. "Now let's get out of here!" I said.

I took Paul's hand and we ran towards the door. Before I reached the exit again, Paul pulls me back. "Amanda, wait!" He said. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked. "Nothing. I just wanted to ask you something." Paul said. "What is it?" I asked. "Did you mean all those things you said?" Asked Paul. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I heard you saying that you felt the happiest after you met me, and that you'd always come to me whenever you needed comfort." Paul said.

"How did you know I said all that stuff?" I asked. "I was beginning to regain consciousness after I heard you singing." Said Paul. "Oh." I said. "Did you really mean them?" Paul asked. "I did. I said all those things because I love you." I said. Paul smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "Oh, darling! You say the sweetest things!" He said. He releases me from the hug after a few minutes. "Let's go!" I said.

The two of us run out of the dungeon and see Jade coming towards us. She looked a little beat up. "Jade, what happened?" Asked Paul. "I just got into a huge fight with Zelda!" Said Jade. "What did she do?" I asked. "After I confronted her about kidnapping Paul and forcing him to marry her, she got all mad and tried to rip me apart. Although she did punch me in the face once." Jade said. "When will she ever learn that you can't force someone into marriage?" Paul said as he slapped his forehead. "That girl definitely has issues." Said Jade. "Where is she now?" I asked.

Just as I said that, in came Zelda. She looked extremely angry. Her hair was a mess, her dress looked completely torn, and she had scratches on her face. "Where do you think you're going with my boyfriend?!" She asked angrily. "Your boyfriend?! He's my boyfriend!" I said with my teeth clenched.

Zelda raised her fist. Before she could punch me, Jade grabs her arm. "You guys run! I'll hold her off some more!" She said. "Wait a minute! I have an idea!" Said Paul. He rushes back into the dungeon. "Amanda, come help me out!" He called. I run back to the dungeon and noticed that Paul was holding another set of chains.

"What are those for?" I asked. "I'm gonna have Jade throw Zelda in here. Once that's done, you and I will chain her arms up so she can't touch us." Paul said. "Great plan, Paulie! Always thinking of bright ideas!" I said. "Then we'll keep her here until the police come." Said Paul. I give him a thumbs up.

I walked towards the exit of the dungeon and see Jade still restraining Zelda. Once they were close enough to the doorway, I signaled for Paul. "Jade! Throw her in here!" He yelled. "Okay!" Said Jade. She pushes Zelda to the ground and she slides all the way into the dungeon. Paul and I chain her arms up. "Let me go!" She demanded. "I don't think so!" I said. "I mean it! If you don't release me right now, I'm gonna scream!" Yelled Zelda. "Scream all you want! The only place you're going to is jail!" Said Paul.

Paul and I walk hand in hand out of the dungeon, ignoring Zelda's yelling and complaining. We find Jade standing outside. "Did you call the police?" I asked. "Yes. They're on their way." Jade said.

The police arrived a few minutes later and arrested Zelda. Paul, Jade, and I filled them in on what she did and the situations that happened. They left after a while as the three of us wiped our foreheads with relief. "What... a... day!" I said. "I know right?" Said Jade. "I'm glad it's finally over." Paul said.

After a little while of catching our breaths, the three of us all went home. Lucky for Paul, his car was still in the very same spot from before he got kidnapped. This was by far one of the craziest days of my life!

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