Chapter 7 - One Hand, One Heart

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Paul's P.O.V.

After I got home, I saw my bandmates standing outside my house. I wonder what they're doing here? They all gathered around me after I got out of my car. "Paul! Where in blazes have you been?!" Asked John. "Amanda told us that you went missing! We were worried sick and she was too!" Said Ringo. "Relax, fellas! I'm fine!" I said. "Relax?! We haven't seen you all day, and you want us to relax?!" Asked George frustratingly. I roll my eyes. "Please, I can explain!" I said. "Please do." John said as he crossed his arms.

For the next few minutes, I explained to my bandmates the situation from earlier. They all stare at me with wide eyes after I finished. "You have got to be kidding!" George said in shock. "I'm not! This is all true!" I said. "We believe you! We're just in shock!" Ringo said. "Let's be glad that it's all over, thanks to Amanda and her friend, Jade." I said. My bandmates nod in agreement. So we hung out together for a little while longer to make up for lost time.

Amanda's P.O.V.

I made it home and found my dad and Chloe sitting anxiously on the couch. They face me when I walked towards them. "Where in the world have you been?!" Asked my dad. "Looking for Paul! That's where I've been." I said. "Huh?" Said Chloe raising an eyebrow. "He was kidnapped earlier today, but he's safe and sound now." I said.

"Kidnapped?!" My dad asked in shock. "Yep. Jade called the police, and Paul's captor is now behind bars." I said. "Wow, Amanda! I never knew you could take risks!" Chloe said. "I normally don't. But I only did this because I love Paul and didn't wanna lose him." I said.

About an hour later, I sat in my room and got started on another song. As I continued to work, I heard the phone ring. Is it Paul keeping his promise to call me? I hope so! I ran downstairs and picked up the phone instantly.


"Hello, princess!" Said the voice. I was right! "Paulie!" I said excitedly. "I know it's late in the day, but I'm keeping my promise of calling you since we didn't really hang out at all today." Said Paul. "Well, I did save you from a possessive woman that wanted to marry you." I said. "True. But that doesn't really count." Paul said. "I know that, silly!" I said with a giggle. "So, I wanted to ask you if I could come over in a bit." Asked Paul. "Sure you can." I said. "Great! Besides, I have another song for you." Paul said. "I do too. But I'm still writing it. It'll probably be finished around the time you come over." I said. "Sounds good, love. See you later." Said Paul. "Bye, Paul." I said. I hung up the phone and got back to my writing.

I got done with the song a lot quicker than I thought. As I was waiting for Paul to come over, I changed into a clean pair of clothes since what I had on got a little filthy from that dungeon. After changing into something fresh, I grabbed my guitar and started composing music for my new song.

A knock on the door occurred. I went downstairs and opened it. There stood Paul holding a bouquet of flowers. I let out a gasp. "Oh, Paul, thank you! They're beautiful!" I said. I take the flowers and put them in a vase. I walked back towards the door and Paul was still standing there. "Come on in, sweetie pie." I said. He comes in and kisses my cheek. In his other hand, he was holding his guitar case. We walk over to the couches and sit on them.

"So, are you finished with your new song?" Paul asked. "Yes. Let me grab my guitar." I said. I went up to my room and got my guitar. I sat back down on the couch and started tuning it. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes. Sing your heart out, love." Said Paul. I started strumming and sang my new song for Paul.

Angel in disguise
Stories in his eyes
Love for every true heart that he sees

Was it just a lucky day
That he turned to look my way
Or is it heaven right before my very eyes

He showed me all new things
The shimmer of moonbeams
I was blind but now he's helped me see

I was lost but now I'm found
His happiness surrounds
And now I've found that my dreams can come true

Cause I'm gonna love you
For the rest of my life
I'm holding you safe here
In this heart of mine

I can't live without you
Cause my soul would die
You know I'm tellin' the truth
I'll spend the rest of my life loving you

It didn't start this way
It happened just one day
You smiled at me and I saw you differently

Now I would tremble just to be
A part of you as we
Begin a life that's sure to never end

Cause I'm gonna love you
For the rest of my life
I'm holding you safe here
In this heart of mine

I can't live without you
Cause my soul would die
You know I'm tellin' the truth
I'll spend the rest of my life loving you

The rest of my life babe

Loving you

The whole time I sang, I noticed that Paul had the most adorable expressions. For the first half, he had his hands on his chest. For the second half, his hands were over his mouth. As I was close to the end, I saw tears roll down his cheeks. "Oh... my... gosh! That was the sweetest song I've ever heard!" He said.

I could swear his voice was trembling, but he was happy. I reached for the box of tissues that were on the table next to me and pulled one out. I handed it to Paul afterwards. He wiped his eyes with it and crumpled it up. "You loved the song, huh?" I asked. "Absolutely! The lyrics were extremely touching!" Paul said excitedly. "Thanks. Now let's hear yours." I said. Paul nods and takes his guitar out. He tunes it until it was ready. "Are you ready, darling?" He asked. "Yes I am, Paulie." I said. Paul begins strumming and sings his song.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her, too
I love her

She gives my everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

My expression wasn't as adorable as Paul's, but I was touched either way. "That was lovely, Paul! I really love it!" I said. Paul and I put our guitars away and stepped outside for some fresh air. The stars were shining like diamonds, and the moon was bright as always.

Paul put his arm around me and turned my face towards him. "Thank you so much for saving my life earlier today. I thought you'd never find me." He said. "Darling, there's absolutely no way I'd let you get into harm's way! If you were in danger, I'll always come to your rescue!" I said. "You mean that?!" Asked Paul excitedly. "Of course. I didn't rescue you because I was trying to be a hero, I rescued you because I love you." I said.

The minute I saw Paul smile, I couldn't help but smile too, since it's so contagious. "Amanda, I don't know what I'd do if I never met you!" He said. I caressed his face and stroked his cheek with my thumb. "You probably wouldn't be this happy today. I'd feel the same way if I never met you." I said. "That's true. But I'm glad to have you in my life forever and always." Paul said. He caresses my face in return.

"I hope I don't ever lose you again." I said. "You won't, sweetie. I'll make sure of it." Said Paul. I got lost into his beautiful eyes and slowly began to lean towards him. He does the same thing as our lips touched. We stayed like this for the rest of the night as we kissed under the stars.

The song that Amanda sang for Paul is called I'm Gonna Love You. It's sung by Jennifer Love Hewitt and is once again another song that wasn't around in the 60's. In real life, it came out in the early 2000's. Tap the thumbnail to hear the song. ~ Amanda

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