Chapter 8 - A Poem & Proposal

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Paul's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed after a super crazy day. I got myself dressed for the day and combed my hair to make it nice.

Paul's Outfit:

The next thing I did was grab a piece of paper and a pen

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The next thing I did was grab a piece of paper and a pen. Only I wasn't writing another song, I was about to write a poem for my sweet Amanda. And since I never had a chance to propose to her yesterday, I'm gonna do it today. Besides, I was already exhausted after that horrible kidnapping. But I'm forever grateful to Amanda for saving me, she was so darn brave! Anyway, I better focus on writing that poem.

After I got done, I read it over and actually ended up making myself cry. Even though that poem is meant for Amanda, I couldn't help but shed a few tears myself. After drying my eyes, I went downstairs and picked up the phone to call my beautiful girlfriend, who will soon become my fiancé. I dialed her number and waited for an answer.


It wasn't Amanda's voice, it was her little sister's voice. "Hey, Chloe. It's Paul." I said. "Oh! Good morning, Paul. How are you doing?" Asked Chloe. "Much better today than yesterday." I said. "I hear you. Amanda told me and Daddy that you got kidnapped yesterday." Chloe said. "I did. But she saved me, which I'm forever grateful for." I said. "Yeah. She really loves you, Paul." Said Chloe. "I know. And I love her too." I said.

"Anyway, what are you calling for?" Chloe asked. "Oh yes, I wanna talk to your sister about something. Is she there?" I asked. "Yes she is. Let me go get her." Said Chloe. There's a pause on the other side. After a while, another female voice began talking.


This time, it's Amanda. "Good morning, Amanda, my beautiful girlfriend." I said. "Hi, Paul! I hope you slept okay after that whole kidnapping episode." Said Amanda. "I absolutely did, thank you." I said.

"So, what's up?" Amanda asked. "I'd like you to meet me at the same park we went to the other day at 8:00 tonight." I said. "What for?" Asked Amanda. "I have a few surprises for you. That's what for." I said. "Okay then. Should I dress up?" Amanda asked. "Not really. I'm not gonna wear anything fancy, so you can dress however you want." I said. "Alright, Paulie. I guess I'll see you later tonight." Said Amanda. "You certainly will, sweetheart. I can't wait to see you!" I said. "Me too! Bye, honey!" Amanda said. "Bye, Amanda!" I said.

I hung up the phone and went back up to my room. I put the little box that has the engagement ring inside in my pocket. In my other pocket, I put the poem I wrote inside. I smiled to myself knowing that when Amanda reads that poem, she's gonna be the happiest girl in the world.

Amanda's P.O.V.

In the later hours of the day, I was working on yet another song. I was planning on singing it for Paul when I meet him at the park. It didn't take me too long to get done. After I finished, I checked the time and it was 7:45 PM. That means I have to meet Paul in a few minutes.

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