The start of trust

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TW:Mentions of bullying, a knife and blood, Swearing

I start to write my final letter


I'm sorry. I can't tell you enough that I'm sorry. If you don't want to ever see me fine. But please what happened? I don't know what they did but it wasn't me. Just text me I promise I'll make it up. Again, here's my number ***-***-****. I'm sorry text me and I'll explain it all. I'm sorry please answer Pat, he has nothing to do with any of this he just delivered your notes. I didn't even know what the other had planned. Please V I'm sorry. Just let me tell you my side then you can do whatever you want. Maybe it will make me feel better about all my mistakes and hopefully help you feel better about this all. I'm sorry. I don't have the right to say I love you, so I won't but I wish I could because I truly do.

I cried while writing, it at first was just to vent. I was tempted to just rip it up but I didn't have the guts. I needed to give it to him. Try one more time.

I step up onto the porch. Just like I did the first time. I was nervous again. I set down the note and walk back to my house. I sit in the kitchen, finally being out of my room in a few days.

"How are you holding up sweet pea?" My mom says walking into the kitchen.

"Okay, just wish he'd talk with me, Patton, even Logan!" I took a death breath, "just with someone" She sat with me and started to talk but my phone went off. I look over to my phone. Who the heck is texting me? Did Patton or Logan get ahold of him? I grab my phone and find it's a new number. I recognize the number but I'm not sure from where.

***-***-****: It's Virgil, what did you want to explain?

Roman Prince: Omg you actually text me thank you Virgil.

Virgil: What did you want to say Roman, I don't want your excuses.

Roman Prince: I want to say I'm sorry, but I can't do anything to prove that unless you tell me what my 'friends' did to you.

Virgil: Like you don't already know

Roman Prince: I don't please Virgil tell me.

Virgil: Fine, they texted me and acted like you, asked to come to my house. When they came I found that it was your friends. They attacked me and beat me up, keeping the bruises under my clothes to make sure no one would see. They said some things how I was unloveable and you couldnt find anything you liked about me. How you sent them to beat me. One pulled out a knife and I blacked out, they cut me up and I woke up in a pool of blood. So yeah, I'm on great fucking ground with you.

Roman Prince: Oh my god, are you okay Love?

Virgil: Don't fucking call me that!

Virgil: besides I'm fine

Roman Prince: I'm sorry, but can I tell you my part?

Roman Prince:Virgil?

I began to get worried, why wouldn't he answer?

"It's okay Roman, maybe his phone died?" My mother said looking at the texts.

"I'm going over"

"What?" My mother asked, "You can't just enter the house!"

"Never said I was going to, just going to knock, if he lets me in he lets me in, if he doesn't he doesn't" I left before she could say anything else. Running out the door and to the road, I checked for cars of course but I didn't see any. I run across the street to Virgil's.

"Virgil?" I yell stepping up to the door. I knock on the door.

"What?" I hear a scratchy voice ask. I think it was Virgil.

Letters from the boy next door (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now