More presents

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Quick thing, I want to thank everybody whose read this, I woke up this morning and saw that I have over 500 reads on this! Thank you all so much for reading this book, it means a lot to me. Also I really hate this chapter but I'm not going to rewrite it and have you guys wait even longer for the end. (This isn't the last chapter don't worry) Thank you all again, now let's get to the chapter.

After I had dropped off Virgil at his house, I went to mine. I went home to plan presents for both my friends and also family. I've been working on Virgil's for the past few hours. I wrote a note fine tuned it and then started on the actual present. The present is a little box of memories. One describing the time he figured out who I was, one of our deal. That's right I haven't forgotten about it. Another paper talking about our make shift date in the tree house. A few more things were added. I decided not to mention the kidnapping, for reasonable reasons. The next gift I made was a jar filled with reasons I love him or just jokes or quotes. I'm not going to list much as I had around a hundred or so papers already. I was barely done with what wanted to say but I knew at the most I needed 113 which I was coming close to. I needed 113 because that's about how many day's we have until the end of school.

A few hours later and I have all the gifts I'm giving. Remus is getting AirPods, it will take a bit to get into them but he's still getting them. Patton is getting a sweater with dogs and cats on it. For Logan I got a book about space travel. I remember he said awhile back he loved space and he used to want to explore it or at least work for NASA. My mother got a book series she's been wanting. My dad is getting a gift card to his favorite restaurant. I know, compared to Virgil's gifts all the others seem dumb. My creativity was all spent on Virgil's and Remus' gifts. Virgil's Christmas was going to be the best this year. I mean, his dad is getting him either a dog or a cat. Dimitri is going to be taking him to a movie. Patton is getting him a sweater and Logan is going to be getting him some books. I'm hoping that what I've done is enough for him, New Years is coming close and I want to have a future with him. I hope he wants one with me too. When I was younger, I had always dreamed of a fantastic wedding. I hope to have that wedding with him.

I entered Virgil's house, walking into the living room. Not finding him there but instead Dimitri passed out, I walked up to Virgil's room. He was in his window with a drawing tablet on his legs, a computer close by, not to mention a cat in his lap as well. I see that he has one Christmas gift already.

"Hey Verge! How you feeling?" I ask walking up to his window sill, wondering what he's drawing.

"You look at the screen and your as good as dead" he says deadpanning, not even glancing up. He sets his pen down and does a few things on his computer before closing it. "Anyways, I'm all good, you?" He pets his cat.

"I'm good I just finished Christmas gifts, what'd you name your cat?"

"Moon" he said with a small smile, it was the type of smile that I loved.

We had sat and talked for hours, I had helped Virgil over to his bed and I sat in the window. He had resumed drawing his cat, Moon on the edge of his bed.

"Hey, what do you want for dinner?" I asked standing and stretching. He looked up and shrugged.

"I'm not very hungry," he looked back at his computer "help yourself though"

"Yeah no, I'm making food for you too, the doctors said you need to eat more than usual to help contrast the little you ate while in the hospital" I heard him groan and I walked downstairs. I woke up Dimitri asking if he wanted food.

"I'm good but V needs some" he said half asleep, he soon fell asleep again. I walked to the fridge rummaging around in it, I soon found that Virgil's has little to nothing. I decide to walk back upstairs and see if he wanted to come join me going to the store.

"Hey Virgil, you don't have anything good so do you wanna come get groceries with me?" He looked up rubbing his eyes.

"I need to finish this," he yawned "I know that's have pasta though"

"Pasta isn't going to work, that's all you ever eat." I paused, walking over to him "How about this, I'll run to the store get some fruit and some chicken or something and you take a nap while I do that and cook." I took his pen and tablet away from him. He sighed softly, nodding. He closed his laptop and handed it to me. I put the tablet and computer on his desk.

"Fine but when I'm done eating I better get them back" He glared at me and I chuckled.

"Alright fine if that means you're going to rest"

I soon returned from the store with oranges and apples because Virgil had texted saying he wanted some. Along with some chicken and ingredients to make Alfredo Sauce. It's pretty easy to make homemade Alfredo, I mean it's just butter, heavy cream, parmesan cheese, and some spices. I cut the chicken and fried it with Dimitri's help, he said it looked good and I decide it meant he wanted to help. Since I was doing chicken, I had Dimitri make pasta. I also made the Alfredo sauce. If you couldn't guess already I'm making chicken Alfredo.

Not very long later everything is done. Dimitri eats his share downstairs while I bring mine and Virgil's upstairs. I open his door finding him asleep, good he needed some. I set down my plate at his desk and woke him up.

"Virgil, wake up I got you food" he grumbled and sat himself up.

"I hate being so damn crippled" I laughed and he chuckled along with me.

"You'll be fine soon, don't worry" I said handing him his plate.

We ate in relative silence and Virgil soon finished getting his laptop and drawing tablet back. I still wasn't happy he wasn't resting but him and I agreed that if he ate he could draw. I'm still worried about him but he's strong he'll be okay in due time.

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