Cafè fun

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Quick A/N I'm only going to post when I can because I don't wanna make worse chapters then they already are if I'm rushing these so yeah sorry guys also I'm only now seeing how bad this book is lol. Future me writing at like 11:00 I'm sorry this chapter took so long! I've been stressing over school and it's been really getting to me. But y'all don't wanna hear that crud so let's get on with the chapter!

"So, wanna meet up with Logan and Patton tomorrow?" I asked stopping at his door.

"Uh, sure" He answered nervously. I give him a hug, then walk away yelling bye. I walk across the road to my place opening the door.

"I'm home~" I sing. No one answers but I hear shuffling so someone is home. I walk upstairs to my room and lay down. Today was amazing! Virgil is starting to trust me! Maybe he can forgive what I did.

The next day I called Patton.

"Hey Roman! What's up!" Patton said.

"Hey Patton! Is Logan around? I was thinking we could go to the cafe, I'm going to bring V with me" I say excitedly. I heard a gasp from the phone.

"Oh my goodness you went and talked with him?!? Is he okay??? He didn't answer my texts! What happened???" Patton said most likely in one breath. I hear Logan quietly talk, telling Patton to slow down and that Virgil is most likely fine.

"Pat listen to Logan, Virgil's fine I'll have him explain when we meet up at the cafe, speaking of the cafe do you wanna meet now?" I asked checking the time. I heard a sequel come from Patton and take it as a yes.

"I'm taking that as a yes so I'll see you soon." I hang up the phone and grab my coat, checking my hair on the way out. I walk across the street to Virgil's and knock.

"Virgil? Are you ready to go to the cafe?" I ask, I hear slight shuffling and quiet murmurs. "Virge? It's just me" the shuffling and murmurs continue on for about a minute then he finally opens the door. He's wearing some black ripped jeans, a MCR t shirt whatever that is, and his normal hoodie, but what's different is he, from what I can tell, doesn't have any makeup on! I can see freckles but their very faint. But the bags are still there. Does he not sleep? I give him a reassuring smile.

"You look simply gorgeous my love" He rolls his eyes at that but doesn't say anything, a smirk resting on his face. We walk in silence to the cafe, I break the silence, it being too quiet.

"So, how are you today Virgil?" I say looking at him.

"Tired but will be ok" An idea comes to my head, Virgil wouldn't like it most likely, Ima do it. I stop for a second, he stops and looks at me with confusion. Quickly I pick him up and set him on my shoulders. He tenses up, but let's me carry him.

"Why did you pick me up" he groans. I laugh, and soon he joins as well.

"Because your tired!" I laughed again.

We arrived at the cafe and I let Virgil off.

"Ima make you pay one day!" He said in what I believe was a joking manner. I smiled and just opened the door and let him go in. I enter as well and look for Patton and Logan. I spot them in a booth and wave. They wave back and me and Virgil order. I, being the gentleman I am, pay obviously. He orders a back coffee and a oatmeal raisin cookie. I just get a hot chocolate. I guide Virgil over to Logan and Patton then sit down.

"Hey guys!" Patton says as I take a sip of my hot cocoa. I give him a bright smile.

"Hey dad" Virgil says smirking. Patton's eyes lit up.

"Oh my goodness! Virgil's still my son!" He squealed happily.

"Why wouldn't he be? That's saying we're going with the whole son thing." Logan asked. That launched Patton into a long rant, he got sidetracked at one point and we stayed on that.

A few hours later the cafe was packed. Virgil also had said that he should get going, that his parents want him home soon. I told him I was going with him and we said bye to Patton and Logan. We walked out the cafe and Virgil asked me something.

"Can you carry me again, I'm still tired." He asked quietly reaching out. I nod and crouch down for him to get on my back. After he got on I stood up again. He held on loosely, resting his head. I walked for awhile soon hearing light snores from the small person on my back. What do I do???? I mean he doesn't seem like he gets a lot of sleep so should I wake him up? I don't know what to do!

I finally arrive at his house. I had texted Patton earlier and ask what I should do. He had said to just wake him up. So I did,

"Virgil wake up" I said bouncing in the spot. He woke up and looked at me.

"What" he groaned, putting his head back down.

"You fell asleep, you have to go home" He sighed and I let him down. He grumbled something but rubbed his eyes and waved bye, entering his house.

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