Chapter 4

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"As many of you know, I opened up a panel whereby you all were given an opportunity to voice your concerns. And while the panel did not name a singular person, you all seemed to have. As a result, there will be a new Commander. With a recommendation from both Commander Edrik and Edrei, Torren from the North Tribe will assume the rank of Third Commander," Kaelon announced after settling everyone.

Unlike what I had expected, the room didn't erupt into cheers and celebration. Instead, every one composed themselves, calmly clapping as Kaelon invited Torren up on the stage.

I shrivelled into the background as I watched Kaelon hand him the purple gemstone necklace that was once mine.

Irina's hand could be felt softly patting my arm, doing her best to comfort me.

What felt like an eternity of shame and embarrassment, was probably no longer than a couple of minutes before Kaelon ended the meeting and dismissed everyone.

"Is that it?" A male called out, loud voice emerging from the wave of noise. His comment silenced everyone in the room. All eyes flew back to Kaelon, waiting for him to react. Everyone stilled as tension quickly built up.

I watched as Kaelon narrowed his eyes, trying to find the male who called out. His face twisted in anger, chest-puffing up and down. Unable to locate the man, Kaelon composed himself.

"You are all dismissed," he gritted out, keeping himself on alert for any more unnecessary comments.

I stayed still as wolves walked past me. Their eyes flickered to me, their gazes lacking any sign of sympathy as they walked past.

I turned to Jase, unable to take their judgemental looks any longer. I kept my eyes on him as he quickly tried to strike up a conversation to distract me.

His rambling went on one ear and out the other as I worked on detaching myself from their judgement. I shouldn't care what they think of me, but it's easier said than done.

I let out a deep breath when a majority of the pack had left. There were still a few wolves lingering around, pushing the tables and chairs back to their place, readying the common room for tomorrow's daily breakfast.

Unsurprisingly, Sascha stayed behind. Perhaps she thought she was now welcomed back to the pack house.

Whatever. I'm not going to be living here for much longer.

"Jase shut up!" Irina growled, rubbing her temples with her fingers. "You could probably talk someone to death."

Jase shot her daggers before he motioned to me with a slight tilt of his head. Irina pushed him out of her way before stepping in front of me.

"Let's go to my house. I have chocolate and Edvard brought back wine a few days ago. How about we get you drunk?" She suggested.

I smiled, putting on a brave face. "While that sounds like fun, I think I'll hang back and maybe do some training."

Irina grabbed my hand. "You know where to find me if you need anything." She let go. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

I nodded, smiling. "I need to start working on my technique again. I'm not the boss anymore so I can't get away with slacking," I joked.

Irina nodded. She looked at me, eyes darting around my face as she tried to come up with something else to say.

I pulled her in for a hug and thanking her before pulling Jase in as well, knowing how much the two of them meant to me.

"If you ever change your mind about getting drunk, I'll make sure to keep that bottle untouched," Irina said after we let go.

Kaelon was next to me a second later, wrapping his arms around my waist as the other Commanders, with the exception of Torren, joined us.

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