Chapter 4

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No ones POV

It has been three weeks ever since Angel's call and Alastor's sudden anger outburst towards him. Charlie had told him to keep his anger in check not only because of Angel but also for the sake of their hotel guests. Alastor apologized the next day ofcours, like a reall gentlemen should, the apologie tasted bitter in his mouth. Angel however accepted his apology just to get Alastor out of trouble with Charlie or Vaggie as he knew those girls are very persistant. Even so he kept his distance from the deer demon, how he does it is a mystery to everyone, even Alastor as he almost sees everyone in the hotel. Today Angel was hanging out with Cherri his best gal friend who he could tell everything to. "you're fucking kidding me right?" Cherri said with a giggle "no i'm serious, sir pentious flirted with me the other day as soon as he found out i was no longer working for valentino" Cherri laughed but Angel thought he was rather cute for a snake boi. "about val, has he left ya alone?" Cherri asked as Angel was about to reply only to see group of goons surrounding them "there, ya got yer answer" Angel said in sarcasm. They both laughed a little until the leader who they call Snare spoke "the boss is not happy that you left angel" "yeah well to bad for him" "you are going back to him and apologize for beeing a stupid idiot" "as if i would do that".  Right after Angel said that, the goons attacked them head on. 

Alastor POV

I was reading a book as i heard someone's footsteps getting closer to me "al?" 'it is dear charlie' i thought to myself before looking up at her "yess charlie, dear?" "have you seen angel?" no my dear, i have not. the fellow has been avoiding me as of late. but it is rather peacefull without him lingering around me" i said but i could tell by Charlie's smirk that she would probably send me to find him. "weeeeell, since you arent doing anything. could you go find angel for me?" i kept smilling even though i was annoyed to do this. I stood up and nodded wich made her smile more "thank you al!" she sais before running of to help some geusts. My staff appears and i take my leave to find the spider demon. I hadnt walked long or my thoughts were swarming with questions about the fellow. 'how in the 9 circles is he able to avoid me in the hotel. me! the most feared radio demon!! then his cooking, his polite behaviour on the cellular phone or whatever the contraption is called' it was driving me curiously insane to figure out this mystery box called Angel "DUST!!!" i heard someone yell. I looked to my left to see a marvelous display of unconcious hench-demons and on the right side i saw a boorish remnants of explotions. So ofcours i followed the more well displayed art on the left only to find none other then Angel Dust at the end of it. I just kept watching, seeing how he had so much fun beating those oversized demons to the ground and laughing about it. My smile grew wider as i started to walk over to him almost entranced by the way he fought. 'such grace, such finess, such brute strenght and so much FUN' i thought to myself. But suddenly he turned to me with a suprised expression before he pulled me into a hug, pushing my face into his fluff as it muffled out everything. He had a strong grip on me for a split second until his arms went slack very quickly. I was ofcours enraged how dare he do this to me, i pulled my face out of his fluff so i could look him straight in the eyes. But i noticed i was ontop of him on a pile of rubble, hot pink blood seeping out of his head, but he never lost that smile as he looked up at me "s-sorry al...y-you oke?" he asked weakly. "am i oke? dear, angel what about you? what happend?" i kept smilling even though i was utterly confused as to what happend so quickly that we got to this point. He lifted one of his upper hands up pointing to the group behind us as they were chuckeling and holding what seems to be heavy bombs. I heard a tud and diverted my gaze back to the spider demon who lost conciousness "angel?" no reaction "angel dear, this is not funny wake up..." still no reaction. "heh seems like the slut is finally down for the count" one of the tugs sais mockingly as i could feel my anger boiling up inside of me. My antlers grew and my eyes turned to radio dials, the  world turned into static as symbols started to appear "YoU bEtTeR rUn".

~Time skip brought to you by a flirtatious angel~

Angel POV

I opend my eyes slowly as i could only see a bright light. Finally my eyes adjusted to the lights only to see that i was in my own room 'the fuck? how'd i get here?' i thought to myself as i shifted slowly only to feel pain going throughout my entire body. I bit my lower lip to hold back my screams of pain. I looked around seeing my adorable piglet sleeping on the edge of my bed but also alastor sleeping on a chair. "alastor?" i wisphered while grabbing Fat Nuggets gently as to not wake him. Alastor's ears twitched as he woke up 'he even smiles in his the fuck does he do that' i wondered. "ah, angel! you are awake, that is wonderful news!" he exclaimed 'wait a fucking second...did he just call me by my name, like actually for reall?' i thought to myself while i put up a smile "yeah i'm alastor" "oh no need to be so formal, you can call me al just like charlie does" "oke..." i used my lower arms to pinch my leg to see if i was dreaming, nope i'm awake.  "so al, how long have i been out?" i asked "only two days angel, dear" he said "two days?" "yess indeedy!" he stood up from his chair "i shall inform charlie and the others that you are awake". he opens the door only for them to fall into my bedroom "it seems i dont need to inform anyone anymore...they are all here on your floor" he narrowed his eyes but still smiled while they nervously laughed and got up from the floor. Charlie quickly hugged me as i shivered from the pain "oops sorry...hehe" she pulls of and smiles at me. Vaggie however looks at me anger across her face 'ofcours she's angry...when isnt she angry?' i thought to myself. "angel, how many times do we have to tell you not to go into any more turfwars!" she yelled as i glared at her "hey! it was'nt a turfwar first of all. those were valentino's goons that came after me!!" i yelled back but as soon as i did, black dots formed infront of my eyes as i felt out of breath. "angel?...angel!" Charlie yelled as Alastor quickly pulled both girls out of my face, giving me breathing space. "girls, girls, remember to give him his breathing space" he said with a smile while Vaggie was squirming to get free from his grasp. The spots cleared away and i felt like i could breath normall again "sorry 'bout that" i say with an innocent smile. Charlie seemed to think about something as i feared the worst "maybey you should stay inside until we found a way to deal with Valentino and his hench-demons to leave you alone" she said as i could hear the concern in her voice. I sigh in defeat "fine..." "great! oh and tomorrow me and vaggie will be visiting my dad so Alastor will be in charge tomorrow". Alastor seemed to smile even more after she said that 'oh boi...' i thought to myself while petting my lovly piglet as he was already awake from the noises.  "dont you worry charlie dear, everything will be perfectly fine upon your return!" he exclaimed while Vaggie gave a soft giggle while looking at me 'oh joy..' i thought to myself again.

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