Chapter 17

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No ones POV

Alastor and Angel worked togheter to finish the paperwork as they sat at the bar now "say angel, love?" "yeah al?" "have we ever been on a date before?". Angel thought for a bit before he replied "well shit we havent yet..." "w-would you like to go on is definatly oke if you do-" Alastor was cut off by Angel's hand cupping his cheek "i would love that so much, al" he places a soft kiss onto his lips as it left Alastor wanting more but they knew they couldnt go overboard infront of everybody. "great!! then uh will you be ready tomorrow morning?" he was still nervouse as Angel found it cute "i will al and dont'cha worry ya will do fine" he winks as Alastor chuckles holding Angel's hands. Husk groans in disgust "get a room you two" "well excuse us for having a relationship, virgin boy" "virgin boy!" "ya heard me!" "you wanna fight!!" "bring it on!!!". Alastor chuckles and watches in amusement how his lover was  arguing with his friend Husk. After a bit Angel huffed and adjusted his boob fluff before he walks of "i need to head of to sleep anyway" Angel turns around and blows a kiss towards Alastor who just perks up by this. Alastor sighs in delight before he himself went to his room to have some shut eye.  

~The next morning brought to you by Alastor dancing to electro swing~

Alastor was waiting for Angel at the lobby as je was talking with Charlie "dear...why did you not tell me earlier that your father was coming over?" "i didnt want to disrupt things between you and angel" "but we all know what a handful your father can be" "dont worry, vaggie and my mom will be here to" "your mother is tagging along?!" "yess but only to keep an eye on my dad". Alastor sighs and was about to take of his jacket until Charlie stopped him "no! dont worry oke? my dad can be a handful but i can handle him. go and have fun with angel...oh hi angel!" "hiya toots" Angel sais as it startled Alastor "h-hello love" he smiles innocently. "please take him with you" Charlie pleaded as Angel chuckled and grabbed Alastor's hand "c'mon al~" he said lovingly while dragging Alastor along."wait...angel dont understand" "see ya later charlie~" Angel sang as he closes the door behind him while still dragging Alastor along. 

Angel POV 

We were halfway there but Alastor kept worrying and stalling from time to time as i stop abruptly. He bumps into me by accident meaning that he wasnt paying attention "angel?" "this was a mistake" i wrap my lower arms around myself as i let his hand go. "what do you mean?" he asks as i looked away and turned back to the hotel "this date was a mistake...ya dont really wanna go anyway" he grabs my hand and pulls me into his embrace "i am sorry angel. i geuss recent news of lucifer coming to the hotel just frazzled me is all" he cups my left cheek "nothing is more important than you my love" i smile with a hint of a blush "so?" "so we are going on this date!" Alastor sais while lifting me up by the waist and twirling me around making me chuckle in joy. "there is my favorate smile out of hell~" he cooed making me chuckle more "i love ya so much al" i kiss him before we held hands again. "shall we~" "we shall~" we both chuckled even more as we made our way to the restaurant. 'i am so glad that i chose to wear a dress' i thought to myself before i eyed Alastor's clothing. To others it looks like he was wearing the same old thing again, but if you looked close enough you could see that he was wearing a victorian velvet tailcoat, a victorian style blouse with frills at the chest area and ofcours victorian velvet black pants. He looked handsome as ever in and it was a stupid coincidence that i was wearing a victorian dress myself...i really wanted to impress him but he impressed me more with his sense of style.

Alastor POV 

We had entered the restaurant as the lady at the reception smiled "good morning, have you made a reservation" "yess indeedy! it is on the name alastor". The receptionist looks on her screen as she looks back at us. "right a private room for two i believe?" "correct, dear" she rings a bell as a waiter comes to guide us to our private dinning room. Ofcours i did not dare tell Angel that i was still very much attached to my reputation and i love him to bits, but i am just not ready to tell all of hell yet. We followed as it gave me a chance to see what my love was wearing and what a coincidence it was that he was also wearing victorian styled clothing. Though his colors ofcours were pastel pink with black as i noticed that he was wearing a pink choker with black frills on it. But for once he was not wearing his wig and just did his hair in a special way wich looked really good on him. We sat down as the room was dimly lit wich brought out his hot pink eyes "i do have to say my love, you look rather beautiful this morning" he blushes and chuckles "well ya look extra handsome this morning to" he replies as my smile widens.

No ones POV

Alastor and Angel ordered their food as they started talking about all sorts of things until it ended up with Alastor talking about the shenanigans he pulled with Lucifer. Hours seem to pass by as Alastor could not take his eyes of off his beloved spider demon "have i ever told you about the time i pranked both valentino and lucifer at the same time?" Angel looks at Alastor with loving eyes "no ya havent" "well me and lucifer had an on going game of pranks out of pure boredom. but his last prank was...very distasteful to say the least. so i got him back where it hurts" Angel sat there listening to Alastor explain his story with full interest. "i gathered every appel from his apple tree that stood in his garden and made applejuice with it" "what did ya do with the applejuice?" "well he and valentino were going to do this grand opening of the new swimming pool area in porn studios" "oh yeah i remember now, i was there to" "you were?" "yeah i was the one in the skimpy bikini posing right infront of the pool" "you dont say, anyway i made a small applejuice bomb and made a gift out of it without a name ofcours" Alastor chuckles "i watched it unfold on the picture show" "oh yeah, lucifer opend ta fuckin' present as it blew up in both their faces" Angel laughs again "yess it did and applejuice can be very sticky" "i laughed so hard that day, valentino was still trying to get rid of the stickyness for weeks!!" "it was the same with lucifer but ofcours it hurt his pride when he was humiliated like that on the picture show".  "i always wondered who pulled it off and now i know that it was someone handsome and smart~" Angel said lovingly. These compliments and how much love Angel was pouring out for Alastor made Alastor feel all the more guilty that he didnt announce his relationship status to the rest of hell. Eventually they went back to the hotel as Alastor stopped Angel right infront of the door holding his hands "angel?" "yeah al?" "i need to tell you something" "ya can tell me anything, ya know that" Angel smiled sweetly at him as right then a loud crash was heard and the both of them opend the door to see Lucifer drunk off his ass already. They both sighed and helped Charlie to get her dad under control. Eventually he was sobbing into Angel's fluff as Alastor was ticked off that he even dared to do such an act. They then dragged him to his room and practicly threw him into his bed. They were back in the hallway as Angel grabs Alastor's hand "say eum what did ya wanna tell me?" Alastor got nervouse again "i forgot!" Alastor exclaimed "maybey it will come back to me another time" he added as Angel lets him go finding it strange he forgot but shurgged it off. They kissed eachother before they headed back to their own rooms to get ready to work in the hotel.

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