Chapter 23

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No ones POV

Charlie, Vaggie and Husk were hiding behind the bushes looking at a huge victorian like mansion as Charlie was the one to speak up in a whispering tone "are you sure he is in here?" Husk huffs "my nose isnt like the fucking blood hound deer but i know what i smelled and we ended up here" Vaggie then sighs "great...your father explicitly gave them this part off hells forest and he would be pretty pissed if he knew we were messing around in here". "then we have to make sure they dont know we are here, dear" a radio voice sounds out, the group was startled but they tried to keep quiet as Alastor just appeared next to them out of nowhere. The girls were relieved at first until they noticed his knee's shaking "are you shitting me?" Vaggie sais in a whisper "your still scared!" before Alastor could say anything Husk interupted "look you girls may not smell it, but we sure do and let me tell ya it aint a walk in ta park" "is it that bad?" Charlie asks. Alastor suddenly perks up as he seemed to have his eyes locked onto something and everybody else averts their eyes to try and see what he was seeing. Lord and behold it was Angel who was doing an attempt to escape, he was pretty succesfull until he accidentally bumped into a guard that was doing his rounds. Just when Angel tried to run he got grabbed by the guard who licked his jaws and held him around the waist. Ofcours a second guard slapped him on the nose and sais "dont'cha remember what ta boss said about 'im" the guard sighs and throws Angel over his shoulder as Angel squeaks out in suprise "oi, dont manhandle me like that!" "oh sorry princess is this better" the guard slaps his ass as Angel kicks him backwards in the face "spider legs bitch!". They continiued arguing as they walk off but little did they know that Angel left his choker on the ground, why? Well in the split second of him running he caught a glimps of Alastor who was standing in the shadows of the tree's. Alastor let one of his many shadows retrieve Angel's choker and once he had it in his hands, he started to smell it as his tail went crazy. Vaggie snorted along with Husk but Charlie had an idea "hey al?" Alastor snaps out of whatever it is that compelled him to do this and averted his eyes to the other 3 "yess my dear?" "is that Angel's choker?" she asks while the other two were having a hard time understanding why she would ask such an obvious question. Alastor blinks in suprise but just smiles in his ussual smile "why yess, dear" he replied while Charlier then asks again "with angel's scent on it?" the other two now caught on to what her little plan was, while Alastor just nodded and replied "i do not understand what this..." he cut himself off when he saw all 3 of them smirking at him as he only now made the connection between him and Angel's choker. His eyes widen and a hint of a blush could be seen "y-you cannot be serious!...please tell me you are c-cant make me!! stay away!!!".

~Meanwhile back with Angel~

Angel POV

I was thrown back in the same room because of my escape attempt only this time they made sure to secure the window so i wouldnt be able to escape again. I sigh and sit down on the bed while staring at the door 'that's my only way outta 'ere, but even then i would be immediatly caught again...' i thought to myself as i looked at the window and continiued my thoughts 'al...what's taking ya so long'. Suddenly the door slams open as several wolf maids come in with instruments and cloth examples "my my arent you the lucky one" the first maid sais while measuring me "and he has some pretty white furr too" the second maid sais while she takes out a few cloth samples and matches them up against me. I was getting confused and rather annoyed they were up in my personal space "what's goin' on 'ere? why're ya measuring me?" a third maid walks in who had a more stricter vibe about her "why mr.dust we are measuring you for your wedding gown ofcours, everything needs to be perfect!" she sais while dropping heavy rolls of fabric onto the floor. I gulp as this meant Dolphus has sped up the marriage plans as these maids literally started to stitch togheter a weddingdress right onto my body. They leave afterwards as i stare at myself in the mirror, right then i felt like i needed to cry beause of the amount of stress and fear that was building up inside of me. 'i need to stop this wedding from happening...or atleest slow it down for al...i-i i' my mind kept racing with ideas until i heard alot of barks coming from outside. Ofcours out of curiousity i went to look out of the window as i saw Husk lazily flying in the air while saying "is that the best ya mutts can do? i guess they were right after all, cats in hell are way better then dogs" even though it was said in a lazy and boring tone, it did work as the guards who saw him and chasing him, took offence to what he said "you what? come down here and fight like a reall animal!!" "yeah!!! stupid cat, we will get you for this". Ofcours my mouth was wide agape and the sheer stupidity of this scene that seemed to be working out very well, outside of my room i heard some muffled sounds coming from outside of my room. I prepared for the worst as the door opens again only for it to be Vaggie and Charlie, i sigh in relief when i see these two "man am i glad to see yer faces" "your welcome" Vaggie sais in annoyance while Charlie takes my hand "we need to go now! i dont know how much longer Husk is going to keep those guards distracted" she sais with worry. "oh but i dont think you should worry about that" a menacing but familiar voice snarls through the hallway. "dolphus" i softly mutter out as he chuckles "ofcours it's me who else would it be, i wont let anybody take my bride away" he states but right after that a black tentacle basicly slaps his entire body to the side "leave this mutt to me dearies" Alastor walks into view very confidently, i couldnt help but smile and cry tears of happyness when i saw him. Vaggie and Charlie grab both my lower hands and start to run as i follow them into the woods while Al and Husk were still there batteling these wolves. We stop exactly at the hidding spot Alastor was earlier "we should wait until they come back" Charlie sais as Vaggie then replies "that could take ages!" i interupt "i agree with charlie, we cant just leave em 'ere" Vaggie rolls her eye but sighs in defeat and sais "fine...".

Alastor POV

Dolphus stood back up with a confident smirk "i see you manned up to face me" ofcours this was his attempt to anger me, but i would not stoop to his level "i always was more man then you ever were with your dirty little trick". I see Dolphus gave a gritted smile trying to seem unbothered, but i knew i hit a nerve "why are you accusing me of something?" he replies with his fake confidence "why yess i am dear chap. you could not face me as a man, instead you  took the puppy route to cause fear in me with your well known sent changing abillity. knowing full well i had a sensitive nose, but no longer will this affect me" i said with confidence while i heard a soft growl from him "oh? did i perhaps lie little puppy? why wont you go back to your little doghouse and stay put" i knew this would definately push him over the edge as he started to growl loudly "you asshole!!!" he initiated the attack as i defended myself, trying to tire him out first before using my magic unwisely on him. He really went at me with his all, but that was not good enough as i bested him and then set his entire place on fire. I ran to the woods as Husker joins me after, Angel hugs me as i immediatly flinch from the sudden contact "ya sure got me worried" he sais as i sigh and hold him close while everyone else was smirking "if all of you say one word, i will rip out your tounges and make a necklace out of it". They did not say anything, just alot of giggles and chuckles on our way back "dear, i do hope your father wont know about this" as she replied "i'm sure he doesnt know" "are you sure about that?" a familiar voice sounds out. We all knew who this was, the demon who keeps himself locked in his mansion with his wife, the demon who easily gets pissed of after he looses a game, the demon who caress more about his reputation and how he looks then any other demon in hell, the one and only Lucifer. "ofcours..." i sigh out in annoyance 'why can i not have one day that goes smoothly' i thought to myself while holding Angel protectively on instinct. Lucifer stares at Charlie with this dissapointed but disgusted expression on his face "you, me and everyone else, hotel, now!!!!" he sais with a rasied voice "yess...your majesty" she replied and ofcours this made Lucifer's eye twitch as for me it was entertaining to see his majesty have a tinge of sadness from hearing the words 'your majesty' come from his own daughters mouth. This made me smile but Angel seemed to be worried and on guard for some reason, i wonder what would happen next. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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