Chapter 18

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Alastor POV

I had a blast yesterday with my sweet and beautiful Angel, but i also felt an enormouse sense of guilt as i told Mimzy about this wich was probably a mistake of mine to do so. "how is it possible that you can not tell everyone in hell that he is yours!" "mimzy, dear please...think about my reputation" "you are such applesauce guy" i gasp as she was pointing her finger at me "i sertainly am not" "yess you are! how does this even make sense? you will just end up hurting him more!" "but he is a pornstar and that would ru-" i was cut off by Mimzy "correction he used to be a porn star! you even made it clear to his ex boss and even his familly to leave him alone because you claimed him" "...those are just a minor few people...". She was glaring at me before she took out her device and tapped the screen a few times "mimzy dear, what on earth are you doing?" i asked as she had a smug smirk on her face "oh nothing much...just you know texting your love". I heard that word before and it took me a while to understand as i became very panicked "mimzy dear, you did not do what i think you did" "oh but i did alastor dear". The sound of boots could be heard as the door slams open revealing an annoyed Angel. He immediatly glared at me as i started to sweat bullets "al! i cant fuckin' believe this!!!" he exclaimed "b-believe what my love?" "i thought ya learned from yer last mistake!! but ya clearly didnt" he grabs both my cheeks and pinches them...pretty hard. He sighs and lets go of my cheeks "so since ya wont learn from yer mistake" he thought for a bit as i held his hand "angel dear, j-just give me time. that is all i ask" "time? how much time do ya need until ya understand what a relationship is!" he exclaimed as i stared at him "dear i know what a relationship is, it is what we have" he pulls his hand away as he wraps his lower set of arms around his waist. "well...a part of ya clearly doesnt see it that way" he sais as he looks at me "s-so because of that!" he gently pokes my nose "no touching, no cuddeling or hugging, no kissing and no fluff for an entire week!" as he sais that, it felt like the hammer of judgement fell harshly opon me "a-angel dear, angel wait!" he walks out of the door "please be considerate!" "i'm!!"he exclaimed.

No ones POV

Alastor was speed walking next to Angel who was practicly striding towards the elevator and everyone who stayed in the hotel thought of those two as the most adorable, loving and somethimes funny couple. Seeing them do what they do everyday as a couple was their favorate thing to watch as they even outshined Lucifer and Lilith. Lilith didnt seem to mind as she had more free time to spend however she pleases. Lucifer however could not stand beeing outshined by anyone as he fumed inwardly until he sensed the ugly green vibe of jealousy and oh his smile ever so wide. He scanned the area only to spot the source of this jealousy as it was none other than Mimzy who watched the two from the doorway that leads to the kitchen. Lucifer tapped his staff gently onto the floor letting some of his magic seep out towards Mimzy so that the jealousy she harbors would grow to a point for her to no longer hold back her feelings. As for Alastor, he had to make sure the deer demon would do something so unforgivable that the pornstar would no longer hold a blind eye for this crime. Oh and what a marvelouse chaotic plan he formed as he could only marvel in it and seemingly forgetting that his wife was there. Lilith smacked the back of his head as he snaps out of it "...dear you really ought to fix your day dreaming" she sais "oh i will fix it, very soon".

~Meanwhile up their rooms~

Alastor sighed as he tapped his fingers on his desk seemingly feeling not up to it to do his work. He should have known that Mimzy would pull a trick like this and he knew the reason as to why she did it. She did it to spite him, they both go way back even to the point of when they were once alive. The problem was that when Alastor was alive he was sexually confused and dated Mimzy in hopes to find out, it was only when he was in hell that he find out his sexual orientation, that and the fact that he swinged for the male way as well. He explained this to her as she had hoped to be with him in hell, but it was not to be. But now he was in a pickle because of her actions and yet on the other side he just had to be honest towards Angel so this mess would've never happend in the first place. He sighed even more as he took off his jacket, planning to rest on his bed until he saw his staff and a small idea popped up in his mind. 

Alastor POV

Ofcours, how could i have forgotten my own powers! I chuckle and grab my staff before i sat down on my bed and started to search for any static or radio wave nearby as i located one. I tap my microphone a bit as it opend it's eye "angel?" "al? how the fuck did ya get into my headset?" i chuckle more "well that is my secret to know angel dear~" I hear him shifting before he spoke again "so why are ya talking to me through my headset?" i sigh as my ears droop down "are you still mad at me angel, love?". There was a short silence before he replied "yeah" "angel i am sorry, i...i geuss i am still attached to my reputation" "tch, why dont'cha marry it" "angel dear please dont be mad anymore i truly am sorry" I hear him huff angerly "angel, angel dear, love of my life, my pearly white angel" i could hear him chuckle shylly as my smile went wider "my lovely spider demon, my everything, my entire world, my radiant love~" he keeps chuckeling shylly as it is music to my ears "stop al" he chuckles "oh no i am not dont yet my soft angel, my only love able angel, my sweetest angel~" "al~" he sighed lovingly "do you forgive me now? my fluffy love angel?" "i forgive ya" he chuckles "but my punishment stays" "but you said you forgave me" "i dont know al, i really like what yer doing now". My smile was wide as i felt my cheeks heating up softly "you know dear, if you lift your punishment i can do this every night or evening if you wish?" "hhmm well...oke i will lift yer punishment but remember, ya still on thin ice" he threatend as i chuckled softly "alright angel dear". We kept talking as if he was literally here infront of me, until i heard him yawning "angel?" "mm?" he replied in a drowsy tone "are you tired my love?" "mmnooo..." he whined out before i could only hear his relaxed breathing. "angel?" i could hear a cute sleepy reaction sound coming from him as i chuckled  'cute' i thought to myself. I held my staff tighty as i myself started to doze off thanks to Angel's soft breathing.

~big time skip brought to you by Angel's rug rats theme song~

No ones POV

It was the next morning as Alastor was beeing pestered by Mimzy in a more flirtatious way and he hated it. He did not understand why she all of a sudden changed so drasticly until he had a faint wif of Lucifer's magic that surrounded her. He sighed and used his magic to disrupt Lucifer's magic as now Mimzy was free and confused. "what happend? why am i holding your hand?" she immediatly lets his hand go "do not worry dear i already took care of that little problem" he said in an annoyed tone as he went up to confront Luficer about it, but Charlie was there and he did not want to disrupt their happy time togheter. Angel was still in his room as he took a day off just to have a drama free day for once and oh did Alastor wish he was there to comfort him. Alastor went to the kitchen as he was preparing himself some tea and who just came inside? It was Lucifer "alastor! my dear old friend, how is it going?" "cut the applesauce lucifer, why did you use your magic on mimzy?" Lucifer was suprised he found out so soon "ah just some mischieve! you know me" Alastor didnt notice that Lucifer slipped something into his tea "but i promise not to do it again" "good i do not wish to tell your wife and daughter about this either" "oh no no! ofcours not" Lucifer chuckled akwardly "well speaking of wich i need to return to them, it was nice talking to you my dear friend" his smile ever so wide. Alastor took a sip from his tea and noticed that it tasted weird, but thinking nothing of it he just drank it all in one go. Lucifer however, watched as his drug took affect, knowing full well what would happen next, Alastor would not have much self control over it.

Alastor POV

My ears twitch as i keep walking around hearing every sound. 'is it just me or is it getting warmer in here?' i wondered as i kept on walking only for things to become even hotter, i started to sweat and pant as steam left my mouth. 'IT IS ME!!!' i thought to myself in a panick as i snuck to the elevator, wanting to go to my room and only for the damn thing to be broken. I speed walked up the stairs passing by Angel's door, only to stop and smell his scent 'angel~' i thought to myself, feeling myself drool only to snap out of it and wipe away my drool. 'no...nononono, angel took his day of to get some peace and i will not disrupt it' i thought to myself as i finally kept going and made it eventually to my room. I took of my coat and threw it onto the ground along with my shoe's, socks and tie as i layed on my bed curling up. I was hoping that whatever this was, would just go away but it did not go away. Feeling myself heating up once more, i uncurl and pant heavely as my pants became unbearably tight for me. 'i need to get rid of this...o-or just distract my mind' i thought to myself as i saw my staff standing next to my bed. I grabbed it and instantly connected to Angel's headset or whatever he calls it. 'i just hope this is a good idea' was my last thought. 

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