Ninjago Secret Santa: Date Crashers

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Hey everyone! This is my entry for @MasterofCupcakes 'sSecret Santa Story Exchange. This story is a Pixane Oneshot, which is really new to me. Most of the things I write are Jay-related (XD). I hope you enjoy this!


For: @ TitaniumNinjasGirl

Ship: Pixane

Request: I would like a Pixane if possible where they spend some quality time together and they are just their own cute lil selves to each other. I'd like there to be a crashing of the date by the brothers too.


Zane's P.O.V. (3rd Person)

It had been a week since the Sons of Garmadon were defeated, and Lord Garmadon was locked away in Kryptarium Prison. Zane was standing in the kitchen, getting ready to start cooking. He had a date with Pixal today, and agreed to bring the food. Actually, Jay, Nya, Kai, and Skylor were also double dating today. They asked Zane and Pixal if they wanted to come, but they politely declined.

"Hey Zane." Jay greeted as he walked into the kitchen. "Nya, Kai, and I are leaving. Just wanted to let you know. Are you sure you guys want to join us?" he asked while spinning the key to their car on his finger.

(I found it weird that you would go pick up your date on a flying ship, but hey, anything can happen in Ninjago! )

"We are sure. But thank you, brother. Have a nice time!" Zane replied as he tied his pink apron behind him.

"Thanks, you too! See ya!" Jay called back as he left.


Cole was walking through the hallways when he saw a patch of green in the corner of his eye. He did a double take and saw the Green Ninja sitting in their room, staring at a photo that he and Harumi took before they realized that she was the Quiet One.

"Hey Lloyd," Cole greeted as he walked in. "You okay dude?"

"Yeah." Lloyd replied with a sigh. Cole waited for more of an explanation, but nothing came.

"Umm, do you want to talk about it?" Cole asked hesitantly, not sure about what was going on in Lloyd's head, but wanting to help.

"I- I-" Lloyd paused, trying to convey his feelings into words. He sighed. "It's just that Jay and Nya are together, Kai and Skylor are getting closer, Zane and Pixal are together, and-" He broke off, feeling slightly awkward.

"You really liked her, didn't you?" Cole asked understandingly.

"Yeah." Lloyd muttered, thinking of all the good times he and Rumi had. "I really did." Lloyd sighed once more and spoke again. "I really wish that we worked out. Even if it was an act, she got me good."

Cole knew that he had to do something. He couldn't just let his little brother stay sad. Fortunately, he knew just the thing.

"You know what?" He asked. Lloyd looked up, curious.


"It's been a while since a good prank was played on the Bounty. What do you say?" a small smirk started to form on Lloyd's face as he heard those words.

"Oh, it's on."

(Shoot, I just realized that the Bounty was destroyed...umm...just pretend like it's still in one piece? Sorry!)


Zane was really happy with the way things were going. The food was ready (It looked amazing), and everything was decorated and set up perfectly (He had set up a picnic on the Bounty's deck). He was standing on deck, waiting for Pixal. He didn't need to wait for long though, because just then, the Samurai X mech landed on the Bounty's deck.

*insert Samurai X theme music*

-----Time Skip-----

Zane and Pixal were sitting on the blanket he had spread out on the floor, chatting.

"Shall we eat?" Zane asked.

"We shall!" Pixal replied with a giggle.

Zane passed her the -insert_meal_name-, and she took a bite. There was a flash of emotion on her face before she gave Zane a smile.

"It's wonderful Zane. As always," Pixal said, and if Zane wasn't a ninja, or a droid, he would have believed her. But he was, and he caught the flash of emotion on her face.

"Does it really taste good Pixal?" Zane asked, trying to see if what he had seen was correct.

"Yes, Zane. It was absolutely delicious!" Pixal replied with a pained smile, still struggling to swallow that bite.

Doubtful, Zane tooks a piece of -insert_meal_name- and bit into it. And he was horrified. He immediately spit it out onto a napkin, and faced Pixal.

"Really? It was 'absolutely delicious'?" he asked sarcastically. (His sarcasm switch was on?)

"...Yes?" Pixal replied, not sure if Zane was mad at her or not.

At that moment, the two of them heard chuckling in the background. They turned around to see a flash of black and green duck behind a wall.
(If you couldn't tell, Lloyd and Cole pranked Zane by switching the spices up [and adding in some things of their own] when Zane wasn't looking.

"Lloyd, Cole, what did you do?" Zane called, not in the mood for their tricks. When they refused to show themselves, Zane got up and walked over, ready to give them a piece of his mind. He opened his mouth to speak once he saw them, but stopped when he saw the scene.

Cole was just standing there, and gave Zane a shrug and a sheepish smile. Lloyd was on the floor, clutching his stomach and laughing his head off. Woah, Zane thought. He hadn't seen Lloyd smile since... well, since the Hands of Time. Everything that happened after took a toll on the Green Ninja. It was that fact that kept Zane from getting mad at them.

"What's going on?" Pixal asked as she walked over. She looked like she was going to say something else, but froze just like Zane when she saw how happy Lloyd was.

Zane took her hand and pulled her away.

"Let's leave them be," he suggested with a smile.

"But what shall we do now?" Pixal asked once they got back to the picnic. Zane thought for a second before he replied.

"We could go join in on the others' double date?" He offered.

"Sure, why not?" Pixal replied with a shrug, and the two left the scene.


"Skates. Why did it have to be skates?" Kai whined as he fell (again) on the wooden floor.

"Because we all like them." Skylor chuckled as she helped him up. "You're locking your knees, You need to bend them to maintain your balance," She explained. The pair watched Jay and Nya from the side, the two of them gliding across the floor (with Jay showing off from time to time), chatting and laughing.

"Oh, hey Zane! Hey Pixal!" Jay called from across the room.

"Hey guys! Did you change your mind on the triple date thing?" Nya asked once she made her way over to the newcomers.

"It's a long story." Zane told her.

"We have time, and I'd much rather listen to a story than get back in my skates," Kai added as he took his skates off. Zane looked to Pixal, who started talking.


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