Prepping for Christmas- The Ninja Way

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(Huh, I swear I thought I published this on the 23rd...  Oh well, then this is REALLY late)

Jay: *wakes up in the morning and sees that it's the 24th*

Jay: *runs around like a headless chicken* GUYS WE FORGOT TO DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS! *runs into wall*

Ninja: *groggily* Say what now? *realization*

Kai: I'll go get the tree and decorations. Nya, you're coming with me.

Nya: *shrugs* Eh, why not? *follows*

Lloyd and Jay: We'll buy the decorations!

Zane: I'll bake! *puts on pink apron*

Cole: I'll eat- I mean taste test! Yeah, that's totally what I meant...

*everyone leaves*

Wu: *sits in corner and sips tea* Well this is going to be interesting to watch.


Kai & Nya

Kai: So should we get a real tree?

Nya: The heck? Of course it should be real! What else would you use, cardboard?

Kai: Nuuuu, I meant living tree or plastic tree.

Nya: Ohhhh. Living then.

Kai: Okay *drives to tree farm*


Kai: I want the biggest, tallest, most awesome tree you've got!

Sales Person: Right this way, sir! *leads them to a tree the size of the freaking Burj Khalifa*

Nya: ...This isn't going to fit in the Monastery...

Kai: Sure it will! *goes to chop the tree down*

Kai: Shoot, I forgot to bring an axe. Welp, guess I'll have to use my fire then!

Nya: Kai, no. That's a bad idea.

Kai: *hands already on fire*

Squirrel: wHo dArEs tO cHoP dOwN mY tReE??!!! *looks down* tHe hUmAn sHaLL sUfFeR mY wRaTh!!!! (This squirrel has mental issues XD)

Squirrel: *jumps out of tree* rAgE mOdE aCtIvAtEd *jumps on Kai's hair*


Nya: See, I told you it was a bad idea! *starts spraying Kai's hair with her powers*

Kai's Hair: The universe is conspiring against me!!!

Kai: Maybe I can hit it with my powers too!

Nya: That's a stupid move.

Kai: Y E E T *hits his hair with a fireball* *misses*

Fireball: Well, I gotta hit something! *hits tree*

Farm: *Promptly bursts into flames*

Squirrel: I wanna live! *yeets out of there*

Nya: *uses powers to stop inferno*

Sales Person: *anger*

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