Tagged [2]

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So I got triple tagged by ZeWeatherNinjaMorroDaGhost , and iMayBeObsessed

So I got triple tagged by ZeWeatherNinja, MorroDaGhost , and iMayBeObsessed

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1. Hair Color: Black

2. Eye Color: Brown

3. Favorite Book: Don't make me choose one!!!!!

4. Favorite Color: bLuE

5. Last Song Heard: We Know from Hamilton

6. OTP(s): Off the top of my head, Jaya and Percabeth. I can't remember any others right now

7.Favorite Animal: They're all awesome!!

8. Favorite Smell: Nature after it rains (or good food)

9. Favorite Song: Don't make me choose one!!!!!

10: Dream Job: Interior Designer/ Architect

11. Favorite Game: pRiMe eMpIrE (and Minecraft)

12. What would I do with a million dollars: I've actually thought about this question more  times than I care to remember: I would keep some for a rainy day, but donate it to a charity that supports the Earth.

13. Crush: JAY

14. TV Crush: JAY

15. Favorite Food: Don't make me choose!!!!!

16. What I got for Valentines Day: Loneliness, anxiety, and a heck a lot of work

17. Whoever would win a battle: tHe nInJa

18. Best Friend: On Wattpad: Realm, Obsessed, Sky, Morro [i'M sTiLL mAd aT yOu], Mint, and  Lizzie

19. Are you ZE Bus Driver: I don't know???????? aM i????????????????

20. Tag 5 pepoles: MasterOfWind1 realmtraveler310 i8pizza2night Skylar_Mack 

[the best part is how half the things on here contradict the last tag for some reason]

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