The Perfect Match Machine

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This is one that I mentioned in my Next Gen story, so if you've read it, you'll know this one.

In season 3, I think the Overlord actually hacked into the perfect match machine, and then showed Cole as Nya's perfect match. He knew that this would have make the Ninja's bond weaker, which would make them easier to defeat. This is possible too, because he was in all of the technology in the city, right? And realmtraveler310, I remember what you said, and you're right, I just think the code got leftover in Pixal's system, or he was controlling her without her knowing or something. (For those of you who are confused, realmtraveler310 said: "I do and don't, I mean it does make sense but in the other hand when pixal was hacked and back to good she too said they we're a perfect match. But then again the overlord mint have corrupted that info in her database and changed it to that, so who knows."

Let me know what you think!

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