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Tagged by iMayBeObsessed [hmph]

Tagged by iMayBeObsessed [hmph]

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13 Facts:

1. I have a talent of overthinking EVERYTHING

2. Wattpad is my home

3. I enjoy knitting

4. I love to read

5. Writing helps me calm down

6. I have the weirdest thoughts in the shower

7. I have the deepest thoughts right before I fall asleep

8. It takes very little to make me happy

9. I am not a very active person, hehe...

10. I spend a lot of time inside of my head

11. When I'm bored I like to pretend that I'm secretly a spy

12. The true otp in my life is Me x My Bed

13. I have no freaking clue what I'm doing with my life








Anyone else reading this, you're tagged! (sorry I don't know too many people!!)

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