When Life Gives You Lemons...

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This is what my brain does when it's bored.

 I could be studying for a test or doing something useful like cleaning up this natural disaster zone I call my room, but my brain decides "Screw that, let's think about how the Ninja might take the saying 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!'"

So I have this. 


Kai: Would freeze the lemons and chuck them at random people (realmtraveler310 MorroDaGhost  ZeWeatherNinja iMayBeObsessed do you guys remember this? XD)

Jay: Would draw little kawaii faces on them and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk

Cole: Would try and make lemonade, but somehow end up using milk instead of water and salt instead of sugar and get lemon peels and seeds in it and... ugh I feel link throwing up now

Zane: Would make lemon meringue pie with them

Lloyd: Would just suck on a slice of lemon

Nya: Would take the lemons and throw them back at life

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