Not Even Front Line

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Jack knew that these Ironblood ships were going to visit, but what he failed to read on the letter was that they were going to be staying over for a few weeks.

"I apologize for accidentally reading over that part." Jack chuckles.

"Ah don't worry, if you reserve a part of the dorm for us that should settle things." Bismarck replies, patting the commander's back, and the order was quickly issued to quench the problem and any others that would arise, and with that the group heads to the local tavern.

"Surely you can handle a little booze?" Eugen chuckles, poking Jack's arm.

"I swore to never let a drop of alcohol touch my lips." Jack replies as Georgie joins them.

"Georgie?" Hood asks. "What brings you here?"

"I saw you all heading to the tavern and thought why not join?" Georgie replies.

"But I thought you didn't favor alcohol?" Wales asks.

"I still don't, I'm probably going to get something else there." Georgie replies as the group heads inside. After some quick banter with the people there the group finds a large table and Jack takes a spot near the center with Wales directly across from him, and Bismarck and Georgie to his left and right respectively.

"What happened to you when you were hit?" Zed asks. "I just now noticed that you've been carrying that around."

"You didn't hear the noise that it was making?" Jack chuckles. "Well to put it in an artillery shell my whole uniform was stained red with blood and the explosion nearly blew off my left leg."

"Ouch..." Bismarck says, cringing. "How did your fleet react?"

"Hood... More or less was ready to throw up." Jack replies, but before the conversation can derail any further their food is served. Two large plates of torpedo tempura are set for the girls while a small bowl of fish soup is reserved for the commander. Glasses of gin have been reserved for the Royal Navy girls while the Ironbloods get a taste of the Royal Navy's rum, and for Jack and Georgie, the two get a bottle of oxy cola and a cup of coolant respectively.

"I still forget every now and then that you are still human and you can't eat the stuff that we do." Hood giggles as she looks at the fish soup that Jack is eating.

"Well, of the many times we would hang out we would always drink tea, something we can both take in without a problem, and then we would head our separate ways." Jack chuckles as he notices the straw in his oxy cola.

"You know, any other man would kill to be in your position." Eugen chuckles. "Being surrounded by girls like this?"

"Well one thing I know for sure, they would probably have... Other intents that you girls wouldn't be very fond of." Jack replies.

"That's what I like about you." Georgie says as she munches on some of the tempura. There's a very audible crunching noise as Georgie bites off a part of the tempura, revealing a white filling of some sort.

"Wait, what DOES that taste like to you girls?" Jack asks.

"Tastes like shrimp." Zed replies.

"One of the advantages of living close to the sea is that you get a practically endless supply of seafood." Jack chuckles. "And I've developed quite the taste for seafood."

"Well do be sure to get your citrus in." Wales replies. "The last thing we want to happen is for our commander to come down with scurvy."

"Right." Jack says as the group continues to eat. While everyone's distracted Jack suddenly notices that someone's kicking him under the table, and one look down reveals that Wales has been playing a game of footsie with him. The strange little decorations on her boots then flip around, catching Jack's ankles and keeping them there as he looks up and notices Wales' smirk. "Okay..." Jack says, his eyes wandering off as he attempts to grab for his drink. He then proceeds to take a sip before realizing that it's not oxy cola, and he instantly spits it out, attracting the attention of the other girls.

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