Out Of The Trenches

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"Jack? Are you okay?" Bismarck asks. "You got some coolant on me..."

"I am so sorry about that." Jack replies. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No it's alright, it's you that I'm worried about." Bismarck says.

"Oh, you accidentally took a sip of my drink." Georgie says. "Are you alright?"

"I think so yeah." Jack replies, glaring at Wales.

"What? Did I do something?" Wales asks innocently as she flips the decorations on her boots back to normal, releasing her commander's ankles.

"No, it's nothing." Jack replies, not sure how to address the fact that the prince has been playing footsie under the table while everyone was distracted. With nothing more to worry about everyone resumes eating, and Jack glares at Wales again, who simply snickers under her breath knowing what she did. When everyone finishes eating they head out, with the Ironbloods returning to their part of the dorm and Georgie and Hood heading off to do their own thing, leaving just the commander and the prince. "What was that?" He asks.

"Oh nothing, just... Fooling around." Wales giggles. "You're cute when you're flustered like that, y'know?"

"...Am I?" Jack asks in trepidation.

"Why would you ask that kind of question?" Wales asks back, slinging her arm around Jack and pulling him close. "We're all friends here." She quickly lets go of him as she realizes that Georgie has returned, and all traces of Wales' flirtiness are gone by the time Jack turns to face the king.

"Dear sister, what are you doing with our commander?" Georgie chuckles.

"Oh nothing of importance." Wales replies. "It is getting a little late, shall we all rest up for tomorrow? The Ironbloods have a lot in plan."

"I guess." Jack says as the sisters head to their dorm, but before he can head back to his quarters Eugen pulls him off to the side and she has a smirk on her face not unlike Wales'. "What's up Eugen?"

"I know what Wales did to you." Eugen giggles.

"Then why didn't you stop her?" Jack asks.

"I couldn't help but laugh at your face. It was red as a tomato!" Eugen laughs. "I'm sorry I didn't do anything."

"Well, do try and stop her next time?" Jack asks.

"What? Are you sure you didn't like what she was doing?" Eugen replies. Jack can only stammer and stutter, unable to form a response. "Sure sounds like it."

"Ah- that's not true!" Jack quickly says. "Are you sure you didn't just come out here to mess with me?"

"I'll leave that up to you to decide." Eugen giggles. "See you tomorrow morning." And with that Eugen heads back to her part of the dorm as Jack heads back to his quarters.

"Wales has never acted like this before... At least not around me..." Jack mumbles to himself as he heads back to his quarters and gets ready to rest. Before he can hit the hay though he's paid one more visit by Georgie for some last minute document delivery.

"Sorry I didn't get these to you earlier." Georgie says.

"It's alright, don't expect me to do these overnight." Jack chuckles.

"Are you sure you're alright from earlier? You didn't swallow any of the coolant did you?" Georgie asks.

"I'm pretty sure I spat it all out. If I swallowed any you all would have known and would have had to take measures." Jack replies. "It's just that... Your sister did something odd with me while we were all distracted and I didn't notice for a while."

"It's alright if you don't wanna say what she did." Georgie says. "I know a lot about Wales, and she can be... Eccentric at times. Do you want me to say anything?"

"No, nothing really, thanks for asking though." Jack replies as he sets the documents on his desk for tomorrow as Georgie takes her leave and Jack can finally rest for the night.

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