Chapter One

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  The city was completely drenched with rain when you and your family arrived. The sun was blocked by melancholic clouds, the once blue skies turned grey as the downpour pelted relentlessly on bystanders.

While the strangers were fumbling for their coats or umbrellas, you were safe and dry inside the car but feeling suffocated and bored. After drawing different kinds of shapes you could possibly think of on the window, it wasn't as fun as you thought it was minutes ago. Staying inside the vehicle for hours had taken a toll on you, your once overbearing enthusiasm drained out of your system.

Being the only child of two busy parents required you to always move from place to place all over the country, and your mother didn't want you to be left alone while they slaved for hours in their work.

It disheartened you at first, knowing that you wouldn't stay long in one place to know more about the people and meet new friends at school. But your parents had promised you no more moving or traveling anywhere since they supposedly found permanent jobs that paid enough money to provide you with a comfortable life.

Your parents would remind you day after day that what they were doing was for the betterment of your future. They truly loved you and of course you understood them. You reassured them that wherever your little family would go, you were sure to be happy, as long as you were with them.

"Are we there yet?" You asked for the third time, your whining increasingly aggravating your father who was behind the wheel. As the windshield wipers removed the rain, you could see that you were stuck in the midst of a heavy traffic.

"We're almost there, (Y/n)," your mother reassured you with a smile. "Just be patient so your father can concentrate on the road."

You blinked several times before smiling. "Okay," you replied while leaning further into the backseat, your father sighing in relief.

"She can be a handful," your father muttered.

"But she's your handful," your mother retaliated, giving him a sour look. "And you keep saying that we should give her a sibling."

Your father's lips curled up into a mischievous smile, glancing back at his wife momentarily. "Well, if you want to..."


"That's just harsh."

"I want a baby brother!" You declared suddenly, their conversation sparking your inner desire for a sibling.

Your father nods in agreement. "See, (M/n)? She wants a baby brother. Isn't that right, (Y/n)?" He spoke with a grin.

"We want a brother! We want a brother!" You and your father continued to chant the same sentence until traffic stopped, leaving your mother exhausted.

"I guess the two of you are my handfuls," she muttered, but a smile soon makes its way on her face, what little rage she held a while earlier disappearing.

She loved her family, after all.

The weather had calmed down as the sun sunk into the horizon and the moon soon took its place on the night sky. You raise a finger towards the firmament, connecting the stars as if they were little white dots, forming familiar constellations your mother was so fond of.

"Look, Mom, the Big Dipper!" You belted out with pride as your mother walks towards you.

She looks up to where you were pointing and smiles, before informing you, "that's the Little Dipper."

"It's still a dipper!"

"Of course it is."

Your father continued huffing and groaning in the background as he lifts a heavy box from the car storage. "Uh, can you two help me out here?" He inquired, looking at his wife and daughter with teary eyes. Your mother grits her teeth in annoyance, the mother-daughter bonding the two of you were having completely shattered as your father interrupted the both of you.

"You're the man of this family, do it yourself," your mother retorted, holding you back by your shoulder when you were about to help your father. "Don't help him, (Y/n). If he can't handle lifting a single box then we're getting you a new father." You looked at your mother with a rather confused expression while your father was shocked.

"E-eh?! Hold on a minute, dearest—"

"Don't you 'dearest' me, you flimsy excuse of a man!"

As your parents continued arguing, you merely switched your gaze between them, depending on who was speaking. It was quite normal for them to argue over little things, though you knew it didn't mean anything. Your mother's aggressiveness can get out of hand sometimes, but your father has been able to endure it for years now. He was always the one who managed to calm her down.

A loud laughter from behind distracts you from your parents, and it was also enough to stop them from fighting. You turn around, tilting your head as soon as you see a man with dark red eyes. His expression held a hint of nostalgia as he gazes at your parents with a grin.

"Even as adults the both of you still argue," he spoke, his voice gravely and rough, but he still managed to sound friendly and heartwarming. "Ishigami-senpai!" Your mother uttered, completely forgetting how she had your father in a headlock and gave her past upperclassman a smile. You began to worry if it would jeopardize your father's health.

Then again, you saw how many times your mother had physically hit him and he seemed to be doing fine afterwards. So you turn your attention back to the stranger, oblivious on how your father was desperate to be freed from her grasp.

He merely laughs and shakes his head, his white hair swaying with his movements. "When will you learn to call me by my first name, (M/n)?"

"Oh, but I could never!" Your mother exclaimed, holding a dainty hand against her mouth as her other arm tightens around your father. "D-Dad!" You were fully alarmed at that moment when your father released several choking noises, his face turning blue.


The man snickers. "I don't know about you, (M/n), but you should probably let go of (F/n)." At his words, your mother immediately removes your father from her strong grip. He sat on the ground, panting and wheezing.

"(F/n), why didn't you tell me that Ishigami-senpai lived here?" Your mother questioned as she places her hands on her hips while staring down at your father. "S-surprise?" He manages to say between pants. Your mother only sighs exasperatedly before facing Ishigami with a smile.

"Anyway, how is Senku-kun doing?" She asked, earning another weird laughter from the man. You wonder if he was truly evil or if it was just the way he laughed. "He's doing fine. Kids these days know how to keep themselves busy while their parents go to work." He blinks, as if only remembering something before his eyes landed on you.

"Ah, speaking of kids, how's little (Y/n)-chan doing?" The sudden inclusion of yourself in their conversation made you nervous, but your mother nudges you gently to reply. "I'm doing fine," you managed to say without stuttering and promptly hid behind your mother. "She's really shy around new people," your father added as he comes up to Ishigami, grinning as if he wasn't almost suffocated to death a moment ago.

"Oh, she'll warm up to Uncle Byakuya in no time," he stated with yet another one of his weird laughter. You guessed it was one of his quirks, like the black tips of his snow-white hair. Was it even natural?

"I wanted Senku to introduce himself to (Y/n)-chan, but he's already asleep. I only stayed awake to wait for you guys," Byakuya spoke before moving towards your parents' car. "Come on, I'll help you guys unpack."

"Senku?" You asked curiously, looking up at your father who answered immediately. "Senku-kun is Uncle Byakuya's son. You're only a year younger than him."

"Does that mean I'll make a new friend?"

"Maybe tomorrow." Your mother added with a soft smile, ruffling your hair. "Come on, let's go unpack." Your parents went with Byakuya to unload your things from the car. While the adults were busy catching up, you look back at the tall apartment complex, your thoughts wandering except for one that had stood out the entire time.

You were going to meet a new friend.

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