Chapter Four

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I'm terribly sorry for the late update. We got cut off from our internet again. But I can't promise I can update early from now on since I'll be busy with school. I'm almost done with Chapter Five, so if you're still reading my book, please bear with me.

It was Friday, three hours past noon. Only a few more minutes until your last class of the day would end.

Only the faint sound of pencils scraping against paper and the teacher's voice were heard inside the classroom, his nonchalant tone droning on about how to solve very complicated mathematical problems you found to be quite hard to comprehend.

Most of your classmates would nod in understanding whenever your teacher made a point in his lecture. On the other hand, you also bobbed your head along with them, feigning understandability to hide the fact that you had no clue as to what he was saying.

There were some occasions where you understood the ever elusive and complex Mathematics, but those rare and sweet moments were gradually decreasing in time. It was clear to you that you needed to polish your math skills to perfection, if you wanted to catch up to your classmates in terms of smartness and capability.

You knew such a time where you would be of equal level with them is impossible, unless you finally get past your laziness and actually study.

You were a procrastinator and very lethargic, anything related to studying or Mathematics made you yawn. Your parents would help you out occasionally, but they seem to be even more busy with their jobs, so you let them be. They tried to make some time for you, even if their visible stress was preventing them from genuinely enjoying your moments together as a family. So, you tried to act like an adult and understand their situation, even if you were growing needy for their attention.

Being an only child had its perks. Your parents always looked after you and helped you with everything until they gained their new jobs. For you, it felt like their work was the number one priority as of the present, giving all of their attention to it as if it were their newborn.

The crippling loneliness and lack of love from your parents only added to your enervated attitude. Your parents were the sole reason you studied in the first place, and trying to achieve high scores during tests and quizzes would earn you praises from them. Now that they were busy and rarely checked on you, you were lacking enthusiasm for pretty much everything in your life.

As you continued mulling over your current predicament, the bell rings, signaling the end of class. "That's all for today, and please do your homework," your teacher sighed before giving one of your classmates a look. "I'm talking about you, Yamamoto-san. Don't think that I will tolerate your lack of homework like last time."

The girl with pigtails nodded, slight fear in her eyes before she ran out of the classroom along with your other classmates. You longed to go out also, and you could have if you had only paid attention and copied the unsolved problems before the bell rang.

Your teacher, having noticed one of his student still present with him, sighed again as you hurriedly copied the homework on the blackboard.

"Again, (L/n)-san?"

"S-sorry, sensei!"


"Oh, great..."

The young boy closes his shoe locker with distaste, resigning himself to the agony of having to tolerate your company again. If it weren't for his father holding his precious games and comics hostage, his life would have been blissfully free from your existence.

He was hoping that at the quick pace he was walking through the hallways,  you wouldn't catch up to him. And for a minute there, he actually thought he was successful. So much for his brilliant plans to avoid you.

"Stop assuming that we're friends, idiot," he grunted, slipping his shoes on before glaring at you. "That time at the playground meant nothing." Despite his obvious lackluster attitude for a possible platonic relationship, you never wavered and hoped that he would come around eventually.

"But I like walking home with you. It's fun." You hurriedly replaced your indoor shoes for your other pair meant for the outdoors, almost stumbling to the floor trying to catch up to Senku who walked away.

You were beside him in less than a second, the leek-haired boy letting out a huff to make his annoyance apparent. You were either oblivious or ignored it, your eyes downcast and too focused eyeing every step you took as if it was very fascinating to look at.

Your irritating chatter wasn't present this time, making Senku wonder but decided not to question it. He was savoring the few moments of silence, treating it as a rare occurrence that you were actually quiet in his presence for once.

Finally, peace.

"Hey, Senku! (Y/n)-chan!"

He spoke too soon.

The irked look on his face was obvious as he glared at his father, while Byakuya remained leaning against his car with that irritating grin of his. He actually waited for him outside of the school, so that meant Senku wouldn't have to walk home with you.

But knowing his father, wouldn't that mean he would invite you to join them, too?

What positivity remained evaporated into nothing as Senku grimaced at the thought. Surely, his father wouldn't torture him further by actually letting you ride with them. What kind of parent would he be in the eyes of Senku when he does? He already told Byakuya he didn't like you. The young boy was sure his father understood.


"I finally had enough free time on my hands to pick you up, Senku!" Byakuya laughed, nearing you and his son with his ever present grin. "Of course, it's not just you I came here for. What do you say to a free ride, eh, (Y/n)-chan?"

Senku's mood dropped to zero immediately.

Your face brightens up for a moment, in contrast to the young boy beside you who had a look of despair. Countless tiny Senkus in his mind were having synchronized panic attacks at the thought, hoping you would deny his offer.

"I would love to, Uncle Byakuya!" You grinned, before composing yourself as a tint of red flushed your cheeks. "I-If it's okay with you," you added, trying to sound polite.

"Of course!" Byakuya replied at the same time Senku said, "absolutely not."

The oldest of the two merely grinned as his son glared at him again. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Senku. No need to be rude!" He chuckled, both of his hands ruffling your hair and Senku's. You relished in the affectionate pat while Senku groaned in irritation before slapping Byakuya's hand away.

"Let's just go," the young boy grumbled and crosses his arms, having been fed up with the conversation. Byakuya sighed, a smile on his face before gesturing for you to enter the vehicle. You complied and made yourself comfortable inside the car.

Senku was about to go to the front seat until Byakuya stopped him and ushered him to the back of the car. You perked up once you see Senku begrudgingly sit at the back seat with you. Before you could come closer, his red eyes full of hostility warned you to not move an inch from your spot. You frowned, and once Senku was sure you would stay on your side of the seat like a good puppy, he turns his attention to his seatbelt and put it on. You did the same, looking at the boy beside you every once in a while with hope.

From the rear-view mirror in his automobile, Byakuya could see your little interaction. He was disappointed, to say the least.

"Really, Senku?"


He decided, with skillful observation, that he needed to fix whatever issue there was that prevented your friendship. If Senku was being stubborn and you didn't have the courage to push past the boy's boundaries, then he will.

Byakuya started the engine, already forming a plan in his head as he drove away from your school.

"Let's stop by that café I saw earlier. My treat!"

The things Byakuya did for his son. Seriously.

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