Chapter Eleven

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Snow had blanketed the entire city like pristine white sheets.

The air was freezing cold that December morning and snowflakes fluttered from the whitewashed skies. The Plaza was turned into a winter wonderland overnight, complete with lights and festive foliage and Santa Claus statues. But the huge Christmas tree looming in the middle was the main attraction.

The hardware store where you and Taiju usually go to for some parts was near the Plaza, so passing by it on your way back was inevitable.

Armed with a box full of tools, you stop on your tracks and stared at the tree a little longer. You slowly place the box on the ground as you continued to observe. People were speckled all over the Plaza and were scouring the different types of booths and stores situated in the sidelines. You wished to be a part of the crowd, but before you could even take a step forward a hand held you by the back of your jacket, preventing further movements.

"Hey, idiot."

Senku had dropped his own heavy box and glared at you. Despite his skinny limbs and lack of muscle development, he had decided to come along after you and Taiju pestered him endlessly. After failing his experiment countless of times because he was far too distracted, he had no choice but to go with you so both of you could finally leave him be.

"We have no time for sightseeing," he says, tugging at your clothes. "The rocket isn't going to build itself."

You frowned and huffed, crossing your arms. Taiju makes his way to Senku's side, also carrying a box. "Hey, Senku, don't you think we should stop for a bit?" He said, looking at Senku with a pleading look, wanting to go to the Plaza himself.

Senku let go of you and looks at Taiju in a stern manner, not wanting to give in to his pleas either. The more time they wasted on trivial things such as fulfilling one's childish nature could have been used in completing their rocket. He wasn't going to stop now.

"You don't look like you're tired, you big oaf. We can still make it," Senku points out and tries to lift his box. He fails after many attempts, and curses himself for his scrawny figure. It was times like this he wished he had extraordinary strength and stamina like Taiju.

Taiju drops his own box and stares at something from afar, before rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "It's not that I'm tired," he says slowly, gesturing to where you were standing. Then, he adds, "but (Y/n) just left."

Senku only then notices that your box was the only thing that was left in their presence. He lifts his head, only to groan tiredly when he sees you running towards the Plaza with your arms outstretched.

"That knucklehead," he grumbles, giving up on his box and sighs. Taiju grins when Senku says, "we'll stop here and go after that idiot. But only for twenty minutes, okay? And help me with the boxes, will you?" Senku adds, nodding towards the two boxes on the ground.

Taiju nods enthusiastically.

"I can handle this, Senku! Leave it to me!"

"So much for twenty minutes," Senku scoffs, giving both you and Taiju a dirty look.

All three of you sat on a bench that was near the large Christmas tree, and despite a grumpy Senku in your company, this didn't deter your spirit. You and Taiju spent half an hour staring at the people who were still decorating it, sometimes even pointing at the most beautiful and shiny ornaments.

Just now they were beginning to surround the tree with what seemed like thousands of lights, and Taiju was eager to see if they would turn on the lights afterwards for some testing.

"Don't be such a grinch, Senku," you teased, bumping your shoulder with his. Senku inches away from you, and you weren't surprised when he suddenly dusted his jacket.

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