A caricature of intimacy

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A/n I'm not sure if the way I write Jon is how the charachter actually is. But I very much enjoy writing this. I just write him as a no nonsense kind of guy with an artsy side and a flare for the more sinful carnal aspects of life. And maybe with a soft spot towards y/n cause I know you heathens like it when mean charachters are only nice to you.

As you wake you find yourself laying on a lavish dark red couch. Your eyes flutter as you feel the stiffness and sore joints of your body reminding you of the events of earlier that day. Jon walks in wearing a pair of black sweatpants shirtless. You notice your dress and coat are missing replaced with a pair of boxers and an oversized t shirt. Your hair is brushed and falls around your face as you sit up. He holds a glass of wine in each hand and places one on the table in front of you. "How did you sleep Deary?" He asks and smirks your heart beats faster and your face flushes as you take the glass and sip it if you are going to sin with a priest may as well do it right. "Just fine thank you." He raises an eyebrow and chuckles a deep sexy sound that sends chills down your spine. He hums and you noticed A easle and some paints. A canvas sits on the easle and your face flushes as you notice that a picture of you fast asleep is splayed across it. The room is lit by the fire roaring in the fireplace in the painting and you notice that the room is lined wall to wall with bookshelves. He smiles "Do you like it? You are absolutely gorgeous I couldn't help myself." You smile back and nod. "it's very nice Jon." He smiles and leans down kissing your temple and sighing. "Id like to paint you in your natural glory though. Clothes are so bothersome." You squeak and giggle slapping his chest playfully he smirks and starts to tickle you gently you squeal in laughter and squirm around trying to avoid his hands that tickled your sides. "Your laugh is like bells so lovely." He soon stops and kisses you.
You kiss back and he picks you up sighing and shaking his head as he curls up in the couch cushions with you and turns on a movie.

My Happily Ever After Father Jon x Reader (Includes Smut)Where stories live. Discover now