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Lacey sat in the back of the rovers in the flat. She sat as she tried to call Carla. Her head was a mess and she was worried. All that she wanted was for her mum to come home and know that she was okay. Lacey ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Lacey knew it was serious and she knew Carla wasn't well and that she had to do all that she could to find her and make sure that she was okay. Lacey ran a hand through her hair and sighed as Johnny walked in and looked to her and smiled "are you okay darling?" He asked as he sat next to her. She shock her head as tears rolled down her face and sighed "I don't know, I just want to know where she is and make sure she is okay. I can't rest until I do. I just can't help but worry what she is going through" Lacey said as he looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know that your worried but it's all going to be okay I know that it is. We are going to find her and we are going to bring her back and it's all going to be okay. We just need to be strong like a family that we are" he said as Kate walked into the room as Lacey looked to her "family? We're not family. She couldn't care less for my mum or me. She wants her dead and she doesn't need that. I know rana is dead but she didn't do it on purpose. She is my mum and I need her still" Lacey said as she walked off as Johnny looked to Kate "she's a kid, she misses her mum. She doesn't mean it" "yeah she does and she's right I pushed Carla to this" Kate said


Lacey walked through the street and sighed. She was trying to clear her head. Nick walked over to her as she looked to him and sighed "leave me alone" she said as he looked to her and frowned "no, I won't. I'm worried over you Lacey. I know that your going through a lot and I care about you and I just want to be there for you" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes. She didn't want to be near him "go back to Leanne I know you don't want me, I need to find my mum and us isn't important right now" she said as he looked to her and sighed "fine but I am not giving up on this, on what we have" he said as he walked off


Lacey walked back to the rovers and saw peter. He looked up her and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she shrugged "I know that your scared and worried but we will find her. We will find your mum and it will be okay. I promise" he said as Lacey looked to him and sighed hoping he was right

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