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Lacey knew how Peter was keeping her away from her mum. She had seen him telling Michelle that Carla didn't need Brooke back with her either.

Lacey didn't know what she had done wrong. But Peter wasn't letting her see her mum at all. She didn't know how she was.

Michelle had told her Peter had said that Carla didn't want to see the girls. Which had hurt them both.

Lacey knew she was okay. She had Nick. And she had the baby. But she was worried about Brooke. She knew all her sister had been through. And she knew Peter keeping her away from Carla wasn't helping.

Nick had offered to speak to Peter. But Lacey knew it wouldn't go down well at all. And she missed her mum.

Peter had been messing with Carla's head. It was like he wanted to be the only one there for her. Lacey wasn't going to let it lie though. She knew her mum. And she knew that she would never not want to see her daughters.

Nick had his suspicions about why Peter was saying stuff like this. And he had the feeling it was something to do with his relationship with Lacey.

Both of them knew how Peter hated Nick. But Lacey knew it was just immature. She wouldn't say anything. She would do what she could to make her mum realise how manipulative Peter was being.

All she knew was that things were hard. And Lacey knew she needed her mum. She couldn't have a baby if she didn't have her mum.

Morning came all too quickly. She rolled over and saw Nick. He smiled and kissed her. "You okay?" He asked.

Lacey nodded. "I'm good. I slept like a baby. I have you. So I always sleep like a baby," she said.

Nick kissed her head. He smiled. "I can talk to Peter if you want? To tell him to back off you?"

Lacey shook her head. "I don't want to cause unnecessary drama with him. He's an asshole who's trying to keep my mum to herself. She'll realise soon enough," she told him.

Nick nodded. But he knew he was worried about Lacey. He knew how close Lacey, Carla and Brooke were. So being away from their mum really hurt them deep down.


Lacey walked through the street. She saw Brooke who had been crying. She walked over to her. "Hey. What happened?" She asked.

"I went to see mum. Peter told me she doesn't want to see me," Brooke mumbled.

Lacey frowned. She sat with her. "He's saying it to me too. Don't worry. Mum isn't well at the moment. So Peter is messing with her head. It will be okay though," she told her.

Brooke shook her head. "No it's not. Petter told me I should have stayed with dad. That it's my fault mum had the breakdown. My stress didn't help," she mumbled.

Lacey held her close and smiled. "It's not your fault. I promise you. Mum's going to be okay. I'm going to talk to Peter about us seeing her. I promise," she said.

Lacey stood and walked off. She had enough of Peter Barlow and his attempt to control everything.


Lacey walked over to Peter. She grabbed him and glared. "I don't know who you think you are. But you need to stop telling my sister she can't see our mum. you're not the boss. So back off."

"You can see your mum. But you have to end it with Nick. End it with Nick and you can see her," Peter said as he walked off.

Lacey stood there and frowned. Not liking this whole situation at all.

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