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Lacey was worried over her sister. Brooke had turned up at the fact and she had hardly spoken a work and Lacey was worried. She was worried over her little sister and she just wanted to be there for her but she didn't know how to be there. Lacey stood up from bed as she lay next to nick and sighed as she walked out of the room.

Lacey sighed as she walked out of the bedroom and into the empty flat. She saw one of Carla's perfume bottles that sat on the side and picked it up and smiled as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist as she turned to face nick and smiled as he kissed the spot behind her ear and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine, I just miss my mum and I'm worried over Brooke. She has hardly said a word since she got here and I don't know how to be there for her" Lacey said as age turned to face him and smiled

"I know, I know that your worried but you are a great sister and your doing your best don't be so harsh on yourself" nick said as he kissed her forehead and smiled as he held her close

"it's all going to be okay" nick said as Lacey rested her head into his chest and sighed as he held her close.

Lacey knew that she was trying to be strong for everyone else but she knew if she didn't have nick there that she couldn't do it. She couldn't do it without him

Lacey knew that what she and nick were doing was wrong and she knew how he was with leanne but Lacey didn't care. She knew that she was starting to fall in love with nick and she didn't care. Lacey looked to see Brooke as she walked into the room and smiled

"hey, do you want something to eat" Lacey asked as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"no, I'm going to school I'll get something later" Brooke said as she walked off. Lacey looked after her and I held as nick wrapped his arms around her waist and pilled her close and smiled

"she is going to be okay, I know that she is your a good sister and she is going to be fine" nick said as he kissed her neck as Lacey looked to him and smirked as she turned to face him

"you think so" she asked as he looked to she and nodded

" i do" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her.


Lacey sat in the living room as she looked to the phone and sighed. She was trying to find a way to find Carla. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed as nick walked in and smiled

"I need to find my mum for brooke" Lacey said as nick sat next to her and smiled. He was worried over Lacey and how she was focused on finding Brooke

"It's going to be okay, you will find her but you need to think of yourself and Brooke and you need to put yourself first. You know your mum and I know what she is like and when she is ready she will come back I know" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her.

Lacey kissed him back and moaned into the kiss as she ran her hands through his hair as the kiss got more passionate as he pushed her onto the sofa as he climbed on top of her as they stripped off. She moaned under his touch as he pulled her close causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her as she rolled her head back in pleasure as she ran her nails down his back


Lacey lay in bed with nick as they were having sex. She groaned as she heard banging at the door. Nick pulled out of her as she sighed

"someone better be dead" Lacey said as she grabbed her dressing gown as she slipped it on and sighed as she walked out of the room. She answered the door and frowned as she saw that peter was standing there. She looked to him and sighed

"peter what it is, is everything okay?" She asked worried

"I think I have a sighting of your mum, I think we have found her" peter said as Lacey looked to him and frowned asking herself if it was carla and if she was okay?

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