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A/n: Brooke Connor and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Lacy sighed to herself as she lay in bed next to nick. She looked to him and smiled as he lay asleep. She ran a hand through her hair as she sat up from the bed. Her head was a mess and she couldn't sleep. She knew that she still shouldn't be sleeping with nick with him being with Leanne but she didn't care about her all that she cared about in that moment was her mum and finding out where she was, it made her feel anxious not knowing as she knew that her mum was not in the right train of mind. She knew that Carla was Ill and it wasn't the first time, she was ill when Lacey was little when Lacey had leukaemia and when her little sister was a baby, Lacey knew she needed to try and help Carla somehow

Lacey heard a knock at the flat door and answered it and smiled as she Saw Brooke, her little sister and their dad. Lacey looked to them and smiled "why are you here." She asked as their dad looked to her and smiled "I heard over your mum, and we wanted to see if you were okay" he said as Lacey smiled. He walked over to her and hugged her "it's going to be okay, we will do all we can to find her and Allison is going to help too" "you don't need to, she's my mum I can do it" Lacey said as Brooke looked to her and smiled "she's my mum too Lacey and we may not be close but you and me are and we will find her, you don't have to do this alone" Brooke said as Lacey looked to her and smiled


Lacey stood In the flat and smiled as she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and looked to nick. He could see that she had been crying "hey,are you okay" he asked as she shock her head "my head is a mess. My mum is missing and there's something going on with Brooke. I feel so alone" she said as he pulled her into a hug and smiled "you've got me, your not alone" he said "as what, your dirty little secret" she said as he looked to her and smiled "your more than that Lacey, I promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed him close as he kissed her up onto the bench as he stood between her legs. She pulled him close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her


Lacey groaned as she woke up to buzzing at the flat door. She answered it and frowned as she saw Brooke. "Brooke, what are you doing here" "I just can't stay there with them" Brooke said as Lacey frowned "come in, it's okay" Lacey said. She was worried over her sister and knew something had happened and she was going to find out what it was

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