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~~~~~~Jacob POV~~~~~~

I finished my breakfast and walked upstairs heading to Gia's room. She was putting on a sweater and a pair of jeans. I sat down on the bed as my mind wandered. I thought about telling Gia right now, but God knows if I told her, she'd lose every ounce of sanity right now. I laid down on the bed and looked up at her as she was putting on jewelry.

"Was it good?" I asked her, randomly.

Gia chuckled and sat down in my lap as I sat up. She wrapped her arms around my neck while I put my hands on her thighs.

"Very." She giggled while I kissed on her neck.

"Jacob stop, before we end up having G & J Jr's running around" she laughed as she got up and slide on a pair of black uggs.

I gulped as my eyes widened. Did she already know?

"On a scale from 1 to 10 how angry would you be if we had Jr's running around." I asked, wrapping around her again.

"Eh maybe an 8." She said while shrugging and laughing.

Oh my fucking gosh. Gia is gonna kill me. I don't think she'll take it well if I tell her. She might abort the baby. She might leave me and take the baby away. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair as Gia walked away from me.

"Fuck, what I am gonna do." I thought to myself.

"What was that?" Gia asked me.

"What...I didn't say anything" I said out loud.

"No....I heard your thoughts" Gia said as she stepped closer to me.

"Wait, what all did you hear?" I asked her. I was slowly getting worried.

"I just heard you swear and say "what am I gonna do" that's all." Gia said.

Thank god. I don't need her knowing yet.

But is Gia getting random powers, is she inheriting things? I sat down on her bed again and watching as she skipped through her phone playing music. I got up and walked to my room and drowned in my thoughts. I kept a barrier around my thoughts so that Gia couldn't hear them. I shut the door closed and locked it. I needed to think for a bit.

~~~~~~Gia POV~~~~~~

I ran the brush bristles through my hair softly as I spritz it with water and oil. I sat down and looked through my phone. A picture of mom showed up along with her contact. I gasped loudly and quickly pressed answer.

"Mommy?" I asked in anxiety.

"Hey baby." She said in a relaxed tone.

"Oh god, are you okay, I haven't heard from you in so long it feels like." I asked her.

"Yes, I'm fine, I just have a minor cold as of now, how are you?" She asked me before coughing.

"I'm good, me and Jay went through some tough things...we got through it though...." I took a short pause.

"Ma, can I ask you something?" I asked her.

"Sure, baby what is it?" She wondered.

"Um, I just found out that I just a new ability, I can read minds now." I nervously said.

"Wow...that's...rare" she said surprisingly.

" that bad?" I questioned her.

"No, it's just amazing, the chances with someone inheriting another power mean a lot of different things, but it's usually something rare that happens in 1 out of 1,000,000 people." She explained.

"Don't worry about it though, sometimes powers will come then leave within a few days." She continued on.

"Oh, well if that's the case, I'll just let it be." I said.

"I wouldn't recommend searching up the possibilities for what could be causing your new power, because the Anti-PWC likes to track people throughout internet." She said.

I sighed through the phone.

"Thanks ma, I'll talk to you once I get to the house, get better, I love you." I said.

"Alright, stay careful, bye I love you too." She said before hanging up.

I got up and ran to Jacob's door to tell him the news. I banged on the door before stopping and listening to his thoughts. All I could hear was a loud screeching noise. I think he was blocking out, as in keeping everyone else away from his thoughts.

"Whatever." I ran downstairs and met up with Naomi on the couch. She smiled at me before speaking.

"New power huh?" She said with excitement.

"YES!!! I wonder why it's here though..." I said in confusion.

"Well you'll find out real soon." Naomi said peacefully.

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