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~~~~~~Gia POV~~~~~~

Jacob approached a another house. I wasn't sure to trust this one but I remember Naomi told us that it would be okay. I knocked onto the wooden door and was greeted by a mid-20 year old woman with red hair and a glassy smile.

She wore a tan pencil skirt, a tan tank top and a navy blue blazer with navy blue heels. Her red hair was tied into a bun as she sipped on a pipping hot cup of tea. The aroma filled the house as the scent spilled out. She took a sip before flashing another smile at Jacob and I.

"May I help you two?" She asked. "If it's for any sales, thank you but I'm fine."

", uh Naomi sent us here." I said softly.

She gave a look of 'are u srs rn?' before signaling for us to come in. She took another sip of her tea and placed it on the coffee table.

"Have a seat on the couch." She said before running upstairs.

I looked at Jacob and sat down the soft brown couch.

The lady with red hair came down the steps and sat in a recliner chair across from Jacob and I. She sat a MacBook in her lap and slid on a pair of reading glasses. The sound of keyboard clicks filled the room along with faint thunder.

"Hmm...Gia Carter and Jacob Perez; female and male, ages 17 and 18, invisibility and telepathy." She mumbled to herself.

She licked her lips and shut the laptop closed. She grabbed the clip from her hair and shook it out before sitting her glasses down on the table and walking towards Jacob and I.

Her pale hand displayed infront of mine, asking for a shake. I shook her hand as she spoke up.

"I'm Irene, I specialize in PWC hidings. I've helped over 70 cases worth of PWC. I'm technically not supposed to be helping you out because I'm not powered like you. Since I help other with powers I'm potentially putting myself in danger. So watch whenever you mention who helped you, just don't mention my name and be thankful for what I'm doing. Okay?" She explained.

I nodded and looked down at the wooden floors.

~~~~~~Jacob POV~~~~~~

My thoughts were traveling fast somewhat to bullet train speed. Gia probably thinks I'm shit for forgetting protection that night. Irene began laying down rules and explained that she was basically our guide until we got to wherever we were headed.

"So far you guys are a serious case, Naomi told me everything, somethings that I cannot mention for your own safety. " Irene continued on. She lifted the top of the coffee table and pulled out 2 bags and handed us each one of them.

"These bags contain everything that you'll need, save it for when we start traveling, things you'll need over the night are in the bedroom upstairs. As soon as you step upstairs it'll be the first room on the right. So...where are you headed to?"

"750 Alevine mother lives there and I'm just trying to get to her, she says the government has already passed through that area, so they're coming closer and closer to the south." Gia said without making any eye contact with me. Her deep brown eyes were flushed into thoughts as she stared at Irene, waiting for an response.

Irene paced back and forth for about 5 seconds before coming to a stop and writing things in a notepad.

"I'm gonna try to get you over the bridge." She said hesitantly.

"WHAT? Do you know how many of the governments secret agents stay on the bridge, waiting and praying for us to come so they can kill us." I got up, grasping Gia's attention.

"I believe I am the guide here, I know what I am doing, and as I said before listen to my directions and there won't be any problems. For starters, since you guys killed a few people, the government had you on their special list under the 'Hard Selection' category. They'll put your info onto news channels and make it seem as bad as murdering a newborn puppy. People will believe them until they have evidence in which says otherwise. You will need disguises, I have plenty of colored contacts, costumes, hair dyes, and more to help." She explained before walking up to the last step.

"Come...I'll show you the room." She began walking up the stairs.

~~~~~~Gia POV~~~~~~

It was currently 10 PM and I couldn't sleep. My stomach felt like it was bubbling acid and my mind was wandering on and on. I peeked over to Jacob who was sound asleep. As much as I wanted to kick his ass I knew I couldn't stay mad at him forever. I leaned over and left a soft kiss on his temple before he clutched the sheets and held a hand out to pull me closer. I pushed his hand away and slid out of the bed. I was in need of some kind of food. I really didn't care what it was as long as it stopped my stomach from sounding like a dying whale.

As I stumbled down the stairs, searching for a light to flick on. I rubbed my eyes and opened to fridge to reveal one side full of Irene's food and the other side labeled 'Guest'.

"Bingo." I whispered and grabbed a tub of spaghetti, an orange, a jar of peanut butter, a bowl of chocolate mousse, and a jar of pickles.

I grabbed a spoon and dived into the chocolate mousse.

"Mmm." I moaned to myself as my taste buds were in delight with my fulfilled cravings.

I stuck a fork into the spaghetti, spinning it a couple of times to grab a lot. I stuck a spoon into the peanut butter and stuck both into my mouth at the same time. Normally this would be the grossest thing I've tasted, but somehow I just couldn't resist the different tastes.

I peeled the orange and quickly shoved three slices in my mouth at once.

"Hungry huh?" I dropped the silver spoon on the floor, gasping before turning around to see a shirtless sleepy eyed Jacob leaning against the doorway.

"Sure." I mumbled and turned around, throwing the spoon in the sink. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry." He buried his head in my neck. I moved his arms from around me and started putting the food back in the fridge.

"Cool." I whispered.

"Really, so we're playing this game now." He said while staring at me.

"Yep, we sure are. You didn't use protection, and now look at the state we're in. Maybe if we weren't being chased by the fucking government I wouldn't mind, but this isn't the time, and you knew that." I hissed.

Jacob sighed and waited a second before speaking. "Gia, look I'm sorry, I know I messed up, you're right this isn't the moment for things like this. I was caught up in the moment and I know you were too. Look..." He came closer to me and grabbed my hands.

"I love you, and I will never want to hurt you in such a way, I'm not gonna leave you with my child all by yourself, nor am I going to disown the baby, and I will do everything in my power to protect you and my little Jr." He ran a hand over my stomach and smiled at me.

I knew it. I could never stay mad at him.

I couldn't help but smile. A bright smile snuck on my face as a looked down. Jacob put a finger under my chin and raised my head up towards his and left a sweet kiss on lips. He intertwined his hand with mine and led me upstairs to the room. I got under the sheet and felt Jacob wrap his arms around me.

"Now you're mother got what she wanted." He said into my ear.

I chuckled and closed my eyes, waiting to dream the night away.


This chapter was longer than usual, hope you guys liked it and thought it wasn't too sappy 😭.

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