Jax M.

664 44 4

~~~~~~Jacob POV~~~~~~

I held Gia's hand in mine as we walked through the forest. I pushed a branch out of my way and looked back her, smiling. The anxiety was still eating at me of that dark feeling. Everything that I thought of was depressing and cold for the past few hours. Gia started walking behind me as we kept walking. I heard extra footsteps follow behind us. Leaves crunched and I could hear someone's boots clicking to the ground.

I snapped my head back quickly and peered around. Gia looked up at me with a questioning look. I signaled for her to be quiet and watch her surroundings. I slowly saw a white boy with brownish- blonde hair, step from behind a tree.

"Well hello." A smirk approached his face as he stepped closer to us. I pushed Gia behind me and held my guard up.

"Who are you?" Gia asked nervously.

He smiled and pushed me out of the way before looking down on Gia.

"Well babygirl, that's for me to know and you to find out. But...since you're so anxious...eager little soul. My name is Jax Martinez. I hold the life and death power." He said.

I dusted myself off before walking beside Gia.

"Listen curly q, step the fuck back, before you get cut." He said to me, while quickly pulling a knife out if his back pocket. I held my hands up in defense and stood about 7 feet away from him and Gia.

He lifted her shirt up and looked at me. "Before you raise your suspicions, I don't want to fuck your girl." He mumbled and turned back to Gia. He dragged the knife softly across Gia's stomach, but not drawing blood.

"DONT YOU FUCKING HURT HER!" I said walking forward before Jax pointed the knife at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU CURLY Q?" He jerked my head back and held my hair in his hand.

"Make another sound or come near your girl, and I'll fuck you up." He said.

I huffed and ran my fingers through my hair as he let go. Gia stood there in shock as she held her stomach.

~~~~~~Gia POV~~~~~~

Jax walked over to me and placed the knife over my stomach and looked down at me. He crouched down quickly and squinted his eyes.

"Hmm.." He stood up and poked my stomach as a I was expected to bleed or have a small cut appear; nothing happened.

"How far are you babygirl?" He dragged the knife across my stomach as I raised an eyebrows.

"Wait...what?" I asked him.

"How many months?" He asked once again.

"I'm not pregnant...me and him just 'did it' not too long ago, and we used prote-" I stopped my words and covered my mouth before quickly dropping to the ground. A warmth hugged my body as tears streamed down my face. I held my stomach and rocked back and forth. Jacob got up and ran to me, trying to place his arms around me. I pushed his chest away and pounded my fists on them.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled out. I stared down at the ground as I heard leaves shuffling closer to me. Jax pulled me by my arm and stood me up. He lifted up my shirt again and tried to cut a line across my stomach. I pushed him away from me and fell back. Jax quickly got up and smacked me in the face. A large pain came to my cheek as I felt a huge hot, stinging sensation. I held my cheek and sat there. Jacob ran into Jax and tackled him down to the ground.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Jax yelled at Jacob. I turned away as my sobs continued. Silence grew as a heard someone gasping for air. I turned my head back at Jacob and Jax and saw Jacob holding Jax in the chokehold. Jax gasped for air as he clawed at Jacob's arms. I got up and pushed Jacob over.

"Remember what Naomi said..." I mumbled to him. He nodded and stood up before grabbing Jax while he was coughing.

~~~~~~Jacob POV~~~~~~

I held Jax by his hair and ran my left hand through my bag to find that rope that Chres gave me. I pushed the flimsy white boy into the tree and threw a hard blow to his abdomen.

Jax held his stomach as I wrapped the rope around him, tighter and tighter.

"Don't you ever touch, what's mine ever again. ALL YOU DID WAS COME AROUND AND RUIN SHIT." I yelled in his face as he turned it to the side and looked away.

My huffing decreased as I turned around and looked down onto the ground and looked at Gia. She was laying on the ground with her hands around her stomach. She got up and started walking I picked up my feet and began walking behind her.

"Gia...baby" I reached out for her arm.

"DON'T.....fucking touch me" she lowered her yell into a mumble.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you earlier...I jus-" he tried to explain.

"YOU KNEW ALREADY?" She pushed me back and began speed walking.

"Yes...and I'm sorry." I said.

"Oop oh well, go fuck yourself Jacob. Just lead the way." She said.

I pulled out the map that Chres and Naomi gave me. I treaded in front of Gia and used the map to find our next destination.




Plus you guys I made a story called 'Bite' yes it is a Princeton fanfiction, so if you're interested go check it out. :)

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