Dragon Darby/ Completed

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Jack had a secret that not even the Autobots new the only person who new was his mother June Darby. Jack was a dragon as dark as night he was and alpha to all dragons who were left on Earth he was a giant bigger than pedraking though the pedacon was made of metal he was still no match for a alpha.
Jack pov
Jack sighed causing a bit of smoke to leave his nose as he sat with Miko and raph waiting for his guardians to arrive. " Oh I can't wait to show bulk my new home " shouted Miko making jack groan covering his ears jack sighed in relief as arcee pulled he quickly walked over " rough day partner " asked arcee jack groan " yes Miko wouldn't stop getting in trouble " jack hop off once they enter the base he groan as Miko began to shouted " Autobots ratchet has located a new energon source roll out" commanding Optimus jack watched as they went through before walking up stairs only to stop as Miko ran through the bridge " are you joking me " jack quickly ran through the ground bridge only to have his dragon side growl upon smelling pedraking jack looked around hoping to find Miko only to growl upon seeing Miko corner by pedraking " Miko!!!" Shouted bulkhead jack growled loudly causing everything to go still the decpticons and Autobots all froze pedraking turn with a hiss that when jack transformed

 " Oh I can't wait to show bulk my new home " shouted Miko making jack groan covering his ears jack sighed in relief as arcee pulled he quickly walked over " rough day partner " asked arcee jack groan " yes Miko wouldn't stop getting in trouble " ...

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Jack stood before the bots as and alpha dragon pedraking roared his challenge jack lifted his head with a loud roar

( First one)
Jack stood his ground as pedraking charged him jack scales started to glow orange before blasted pedraking with his fire causing the pedacon to scream in pain jack quickly grabbed pedraking neck and held him pedraking whine with submission jack release him before tipping his head back with a loud roar causing it to echo the other dragons answered him over ten dragon stood in a circle to meet their new comer jack stood above them all before turning to the decpticons with a roar his clan looked to them with growls and roars " decpticons retreat " commanded Megatron jack watched them leave before commanding his own to leave along with pedraking jack turn to the Autobots with a roar before taking to the sky " that was jack Holly Primus his huge pedacon" exclaimed bulkhead as they walked through the ground bridge. Jack sat down on the steps after school waiting for arcee when she arrived jack smiled " hey arcee" he said " why didn't you tell me " Jack's sighed " to tell you the truth I wasn't ever going to tell you what I am it is a rule that I made to keep my clan safe from the government that also included you and the others now thats over let's head to base"jack held on as they made their way to the base once their he saw the awe and nervous looks that the others gave him " Jackson you have a lot to explain" stated Optimus jack shivered at the prime voice " I will gladly tell you Optimus what you saw yesterday was my true from to your people they are known as pedacons to mine we are called dragons and to all dragons are rules by one alpha dragon and that is me I was made alpha after my final battle with darkknigjt he was cruel and harsh to us all he did not approve of my mother being a human so before he could hurt her I killed him to try and fight for the alpha rank two shall fight only one makes out a live " the Autobots were now gapping " sweet so you the king of the dragons " jack smiled and gave Miko a noded " can we rude you " jack glared " only my mate can do such a thing which will be another alpha male " Miko gap again " oh your gay nice Jackie boy " jack sighed before looking at Optimus who turn around in thought jack thought Optimus was hot,brave,and a strong alpha to his clan " oh I think jack has his eyes set on a certain prime bulk" jack tense up and glared at Miko before leaving the room. What jack did not know was that a certain prime heard everything and his spark pulsed for the boy
jacked groan as he walked down the halls of base thinking about what the others said ( could i really have a crush on the optimus ) he thought before walking up to the roof and transformed and took off flying was his way of escaping things it helped cool him down when he was fustrated or angry once jack was done flying he landed back at the base and let out roar to his pack to see if they were save once he got a answer he nodded and went back inside only to blush as he had bumped into optimus he transformed back to his human self and rub the back of his neck " sorry optimus " he spoke the prime looked down at him with a smile before holding out his sevor for the boy to hop on " jack may i speak with you privatly " he asked jack nodded and hop on the primes sevor and watched as they enter the primes berth room jack hop onto the desk only to gasp a human hand fell onto his shoulders jack turn and saw a very handsome person standing infont of him

 What jack did not know was that a certain prime heard everything and his spark pulsed for the boy jacked groan as he walked down the halls of base thinking about what the others said ( could i really have a crush on the optimus ) he thought befor...

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jack shooks his head " optimus is that u " he asked only to gasp as those lips slamb into his before pulling back and spoke " jack i can't hold this feeling any longer please bond with me " the man no optimus asked jack blushed and nodded before kissing optimus who growled and nip his bottom lip askignfir entrance jack did just that and moan intothe kiss as he was picked up and slamb onto his back optimus on top off him only to gasp as the prime began to thrust their cocks together jack pulled back with a loud moan " optimus " the mech purred at him before nipping his neck jack moved his head giving the mech room before thrusting up as well the prime groan before taking the boys clothing off while making his disappear. jack groan at the sight before looking down ward and gasp " your huge " he spoke optimus smirked at him before nipping his way down the noys body and lick a strip up the boys now harden member and groan at the taste jack gasp panting at this putting his hands in optimus hair only to give off a silent scream when the prime began to deep throught him " optimus frag ugh " optimus only smirked before pulling off with a pop then held three finger to jacks mouth " suck" he ordered jack did just that blue eyes starring up at the prime as he did so with a moan optimus shivered before pulling his finger away then moved down to the boys hole and rub his entrance then pushed them in one at a time, jack moan a loud clutching at the desk beneath him " optimus please " he begged only to shout as optimus hit that spot inside of him " Frag Me Optimus ~" he shouted out and the prime did just that slambing his member into jack with a groan and began to thrust into him " so tight jackson " he growled out going faster and began to hit jacks protast each time. jack was a screaming and moaing mess and he new that but damn optimus was fucking him so good " optimus i'm gonna cum " he gasped out before shouting as he came. optimus groan as jacks inside squeezed him and he came holding the boy close as he came inside of him filling him with his fluids " jack are you alright " he asked once he pulled out. jack groan looked at the prime " yes frag optimus i loved just like i love u " optimus looked at his new sparkmate with a smile " i love you two jackson "

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