Nightmares Never Do Leave / complete/

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Jack went to sleep that night it had been few good days since their old base was destroyed and jack has been having nightmare but tonight those dreams will get even worst then before.

jack hopped of arcee as they made it back to their home town it wasn't the jasper he new so well it was repaired after the decepticons used the bridge to destroy it. jack looked at his newly rebuilt home and sighed before entering the house everything was so different it made jack a bit nervous about being here" jack honey you okay " jack turn and saw his mother he gave off a small smile "i'm fine just adjusting the best i can after everything i'm just gonna go to bed mom love you " jak walked up the staires tooka bath before heading to bed and fell a sleep but his dreams haunted him greatly
Jacks dreams
jack looked arounf breath picking up as the alarms sounded " evacuated the base " shouted optimus jack ran out off the base hoping the others followed " jack JACK" jack turn and cried out " ARCEE GUYS NOOOOOOOOO"
Jack woke up with tears he gasped and painted before calling ratchet he needed to know that everyone was okay.
racthet was just working on some sinthetic energon when he got a call he saw that it was from jack he froze " odd shouldn'the be asleep " he said aloud before answering " jack ar-" he was cut off do to the teens worries voice "rathet please tell that everyone is find they're all safe " ratchet froze " jack what are you talking about are you alright " all he heard was panting and hiccups " just tell me please " ratchet felt his spark break "everyone safe " he spoke giing off a bigger frown when he heard the boy crying " thanks ratchet" then he hung up.ratchet froze looking at his computer before shaking his helm " i needto get optimus " he commed the prime " ratchet what is -" ratchet cut him off " just get here " he spoke and activated the ground bridge and watched as the prime walked threw " ratchet explain "he asked worry in his optics.ratchet sighed pinching his helm " it's jack he called me optimus he sounds so upset and frighten " he exclaimed. Optimus froze looking down at his medic before going into his thoughts " i will be picking jack up tomorrow " he walked off ratchet sighed before heading to his own room.
Jack walked down the stairs bags under his eyes and groaned as he sat down on the kitchen table as his mother cooked breakfast " morning love how did - jack are you okay "she asked jack looked up at her and gave off a smile " i'm fine mom just hungry " june smiled and handed him his food

Jack walked down the stairs bags under his eyes and groaned as he sat down on the kitchen table as his mother cooked breakfast " morning love how did - jack are you okay "she asked jack looked up at her and gave off a smile " i'm fine mom just hun...

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jack maoned at the sight and began to eat his food and drank his coffee when he heard a honk he froze "huh it's optimus " said his mother.jack gave off a hum before cleaning his dish and walked out side towards optimus only to see his holoform

jack gave off a hum before cleaning his dish and walked out side towards optimus only to see his holoform

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( i do not own this picture just using it )

jack froze and rub his head " hey optimus what are you doing hear " jack looked at him only to tense up as those eyes looked deep inot his own jack matched them and crossed his arms optimus gave off a surprise sound before opening his cab door " get in i wish to talk to you jackson " jack frowned but did as he was told he buckled up and watched as they exited the town only to go the oppisite direction of the town " optimus what did you want to talk about " he asked looking at the holo who gave a stern look " tell me the truth jack have you not been sleeping well " he asked pulling his alt over and looked at the boy better. jack froze before looking away with a sigh " i haven't i've been having nightmares about the base and the explosion " he leaned forward against the window and sighed only to jerk as a hand landed on his shoulder he looked back up at optimus who gave off a small fatherly smile " jackson this is only going to get worst in less you tell somebody that is why i am here i care for as if you were my sparkling or son in human terms " he spoke looking at boy who had tears forming in his optics.jack froze listening to this he never had a father fugure before he looked back at optimus and jumped him and cried. optimus held jack and cooed into his ears rubbing his back rocking a bit " sh i'm here jackson i got you my sparkling " he spoke pulling his son close. jack hiccup before speaking " i kept watching you guys die during the explosion i could hear acree screaming for me "he cried leaning into his optimus. the prime froze before frowning and held him closer " shh until these dreams leave you can stay with me " he porposed starting his alt and called for a bridge optimus drove threw the bridge and transformed keeping jack close to his spark and walked to his berth room their optimus sat at his desk and cooed at hi sparkling.

the others had watched the prime take jack into his berth room " ratchet whats wrong with jack " asked arcee worry enterin gher spark for her partner. ratchet sighed " jack hasn't been sleeping well since the base was destroyed he is having bad nightmares " he esplainedgoing back to worklooking up ways to help a sparkling when they are depressed. miko and rapheal frown at each other " i hope he is okay " they both spoke going with their guardians,

jack curled up into optimus with a happy sigh this feeling was something he had wished for for so long and now it was finally here jack smiled and looked up to his new father " thanks dad " he leaned in closer. optimus heard this and smiled for the first time in erons " always my son always " he spoked and leaned down and kissed his son head and purred in comfort.

( pineapplecup101 i hope you like it comment me if you do and everyone else enjoy :) /

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