Storming Nights

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it was around 6 pm when the storm's had hit and jack miko and the kids where stuck at the base until the power was turn back own even the decepticons wouldn't move in this storm the lightening pop hard enough that it made the base rattled. Jack who was standing in the corner he never liked storms many reason why is he lost his broth the night off a storm his name was codey darby. Jack remember when the lightening struck the house how it burned to flames he remembered hearing his little brothers screams jack tried so hard to reach him he had gotten hurt and scared from it his back was beyound saving do to the flames. jack remembered waking up ohhh did he weep when his mother told him that codey wasn't coming. jack sighed and rub his scars he then looked to miko and raph he would protect them with his life no matter the cost. " dude when will this storm ever ended my host parents are gonna ground me for life though i could careless " jack rolled his eyes and leaned back with a sigh " you okay jack " jack looked up and blushed seeing optimus prime looking at him with those crystal blue optics " yeah optimus i'm fine just thinking you know since i can " jack cursed himself for ever falling for the big bot leader he doesn't regret it, but would optimus go for a mature young school teen that hasn't even begun to begin life. " i understand it is always good to think but soemtimes we may wonder a bit to far " the prime gave off a small smile to the teen he looked jack over and gave off a wanting purr. optimus shook his helm and frown everytime he was near the boy this happens almost as if jack possessed his spark the primes sighed and rub this chamber he turned catching ratchet looking at him " optimus when are you gonna except that you have fallen in love with a human teen though he not really a teen " ratchet crossed his servos. optimus gave off a small glare before turning away from his old friend " be as it may i will not tell him i wish not to destroy our friendship " he spoke then looked at the monitors. ratchet scowled and threw his hands up mumbling about stupid oblivious primes and humans. Jack smiled as he sat down with miko only to jump at really loud pop he grunted and rub his scar more he need to be a lone. jack got up and told miko he was going to walk around the girl only waved him him by. jack sighed as he walked down threw the halls he stopped at the bathrooms and enter them not knowing a pare of blue crystal optics followed him. jack looked into the mirror and took off his shirt and looked at the scars more closely he leaned against the mirror and took in a breath flinched at a really loud pop he began to actually see himself their standing just on the other side of the flames he reached out and froze " codey " he whispered and sighed " jackson where did you get these scars and who is codey " jak jumped and turn to see none other then optimus bloody prime starring back at him. jack guloed before speaking " i it was on storm like this i just put my little brother to bed after a story when the lightening popped the house i remember the smell of smoke and cooked flesh i remember my little 6 year old brother screaming and begging to be saved" jack had tears going down his eyes he never notice when optimus picked him up or when they enter the primes quarters " i tried to save him i tried so hard that i nearly died myself the doctors told me it was a miracle" jack went to wipe the tears away only to have a giant metal digit to do it for him jack looked at optimus and blushed a bit he gave a little surprise look and turn to see those blue optics looking directly into his own blue ones." jack what happen that they was not your fault you can not change the ways of the worlds you can only try and move own and start anew " spoke optimus who gave jack a little smile this boy has been threw hardships beyound those of his own kind this most be why his spark yearns for jack the boy was not a boy but a man in younger skin. optimus leaned down and vented he looked and smiled wider as he saw the shiver pass throught jack body " know that i am hear jackson james darby to help you sweetone " optimus then got up and walked to the hanger. Jack smiled at optimus though he was slightly turn on by the primes earlier actics he wouldn't tell optimus that ohh he would die first before he ruined his friendship with optimus for a silly crush well even though it was more then a crush jack wouldn'y tell. jack smiled as he was put down he heard the popping off lightening and could careless he would miss his brother yes but with optimus around jack knew everything would be alright. the next day jack and the others came into the base jack was beyound disppointed in miko he glared at the girl and stormed off " whats his problem " asked ratchet. optimus had seen jack when he enter the base he was truely surprised seeing and feeling the anger coming from the older teen he followed him " jack " he spoke and saw the teen sitting on a crate he walked over and rub the boys back only to bit his mouth plate when the boy gave off a soft groan " jack is everything alight " he composed himself.jack looked at optimus and glared " miko she decided that it was a good idea to try and stop vince bullying by ruining his car but when i tried to stop her half way threw it we where caught and vince had it all blamed on me optimus i've been suspened a week from school " jack glared at the ground only to blush when his head was picked up by a digit he looked into the primes optics which was now closer jack gulped. optimus purred " you can visit the base until your week ends jackson " jack nodded and let out a breath as the prime left he called his mother and told her she came by and brought him some cloths he was to bunk with one of the auto bots what surprised hime the most was optimus choosing himself.jack sighed as he laid down in optimus berth and yawned only to jerk when he felt small metal hands on his back he turned and gapped " optimus " he spoke, the prime smirked and nodded befor eleaning forward and kissed jack wirh hunger he pulled back " jack i need you ~ i want you ~ " he growled . jack froze only to gasp as his cloths where ripped off he panted then shouted out in bot pain and pleasure as three digits entered his ass he moaned lowly. optimus growled he couldn't wait to take his boy so nicely jack was so beautiful moaning beneath him " are you ready " he spoke lining up his spike after removing his fingers lining up his large spike. jack groaned then shouted out as optimus thrusted inside to the hilr jack felt optimus rubbing his sides before maoned out as optimusbegan thrusting " ahhh fuck yes optimus so good ~" he panted and thrusted back.optimus smirked fragging jack so nicely " yes that right jackson moan for you prime mmmhm~ i'm gonna frag you so hard you want go for anybot else " he growled and began pounding into jack. jack screamed out thrashing only to have optimus hold him down the pleasure was to great jack welled " OPTIMUS AHHHH " jack came all over the berth bed.optimus groaned feeling jack tightening around him he overloaded into the jack and purred "your mine jackson " he smirked cuddling with his human mate. jack heard optimus and shivered before smiling " your optimus all yours " he kissed the prime.

( i hope you guys like this story pineapple101 tell me whatcha think and for everyone else leave comments and votes )

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