I'll be happy for u.

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a/n: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry about the gramma part. Hope you guys enjoy. And feel free to request me an one shot on Tumblr's box.
Summary: Robin's in love with you but you're always in love with Steve. What'll happen when the three of you become friends??
  - you were in front of her with her hands on your hips, leading you to the sound of the melody as your hands went to her shoulders, leaning your head to hers, meeting her lips, and then she would feel the strawberry's taste in your lips. -
Robin woke up, feeling a good feeling through her body, breathing heavily as she realized that it had not happened and that she had just dreamed about her best friend again. She looked at the clock, beside her bed, realizing that it was about an hour before she really needs to woke up and go to her first day at work. The girl pressed her head to the pillow again, wondering what it would feel like to kiss you, your lips should be so soft, she thought while she touched her lips with her fingertips as she remembered the dream.
Robin knew you didn't like her that way. You knew she was a lesbian, and you don't have any problem with that, and Robin loved that you support her. She would never ruin the friendship that you two have by saying that she was in love with you. Plus, she knew you had a genuine feeling for Steve from the way you usually look at him in the cafeteria during school break, the way you ran your hands through your hair as you passed him down the hallway. She knew she couldn't change that, so she just learned how to handle your comments about him while admiring your eyes sparkle as you talk about him.
"Steve looks so cute in that green sweater." You spoke, daydreaming while looking at him.
"I heard that he likes The Police too, he has such a good taste in music, just like us." You said, pointing between me and her.
"Look, Robin. It's so cute the way he treats Nance in public, he must be a great boyfriend." You whispered as Steve hugs Nancy from behind and then kisses her.
"I wish he could go to the dance with me, he would look so handsome in a suit." You smiled sadly.
It hurt her but she knew the crush you had on him hurt you a little too.  Steve had never noticed you during school, probably didn't even know your name but he was irresistible to all the girls and unfortunately, you were one of them too.
Steve used to be a douchebag, Robin always wondered why you liked him so much, but in the last years of school he changed, became more sympathetic and stopped walking with his asshole friends.  It made you like him even more.
Robin got out of the bed and took a cold shower, trying to get you out of her mind, which would be difficult since you planned to have lunch together at her work.  Yes, you arranged to go to her work just so she wouldn't have lunch alone. She dressed in that ridiculous uniform, got her car key and going to work.
"Wait, What are you doing in here?" She said, entering an ice cream shop, staring at Steve in confusion, "I though you were rich." She laughed.
"Well, I couldn't get into any college and apparently my dad is trying to teach me a lesson by getting me to work here." Steve sighed, looking at her, "So, we're coworker."
"Yeah, unfortunately." Robin replied, rolling her eyes.
"I'm not that bad, it'll be fun." He gave her a smile as handing her one of the scoops.
"sure." She breath heavily.
  She refused to believe that with so many people in the world her cowoker was exactly the boy that the girl she was in love with liked. Then, she automatically thought about you and how you would react to knowing that Steve was her cowoker.
  They spent most of the afternoon serving countless customers, since it was summer and ice cream seemed to be the only way to improve people's mood in the heat.
Steve and Robin spent this time talking, about music, about how their family seemed to be crazy.  They got along well together and Robin was surprised by that.
"Hey, Popeye." You said cheerfully, entering the store as handing her a bag with her lunch, "I bought you your favorite sandwich." You smiled shaking the bag in front of her.
"[Y/N], you already here." She spoke, running to hug you, noticing that she had had fun talking to Steve and lost track of time.
She opened the bag, sitting at the store counter to eat, "I fuck love you, thanks."
"You shouldn't sit there." [Y/N] heard a male voice and turned toward the person, bumping into Steve.
"Oh, I'm sorry." You said, stammering in surprise at his uniformed presence inside the store. You gave Robin a confused look as he walked away from you.
"Hey, [Y/N]. Robin said that you would come, do you want some ice cream?" He said politely.
You gave Robin another quick look and and whispered inaudible, "Why didn't you tell me he was working here?"
"In fact, I already ate." You said as you watched him take off his hat - and his hair was longer and so beautiful than you remember.
Robin shrugged a little saddened, realizing that even with time your feeling for Steve still existed. She coughed falsely, breaking you from your trance and also drawing Steve's attention to her, "[Y/N] is babysitting one of those kids you let in here today to go to the movies." Robin spoke, putting her hands in you shoulders."
"Oh my god, you're the girl that Dustin has a crush." He pointed at you with a smile face as strands of hair falling over his forehead, "This boy keeps talking about you, he keeps talking about how hotter you are than Phoebe Cates."
"Than Phoebe Cates? Dustin is crazy." You laugh along with him, "The party always complain that when I'm around him, he doesn't pay attention to them."
"They are great kids."
"Yeah and they like you too, they do talk a lot about you and how badass you can be sometimes." You gave him a small smile.
"No way?" He sighed in surprise, "you need to tell me more about it."
Robin let you talk without interrupting, you seemed happy to be talking to him and that made her happy too.
Over the time you went to the store almost every day, you brought her lunch but Robin knew you liked staying at the store to spend time with him. The three of you even started spending more time together, hanging out to amusement parks, the movies, you two even took care of the kids together. Seeing you two falling in love hurt Robin even more but you had become friends and seeing you two happy with each other was amazing.  She would never ruin that because of her silly feelings for you so she just let things happen.
"Y'know, Today is the school's prom, for people who are graduating this year." She told Steve as she handed over another free sample to Erica.
"So what? You want to go with me?" He giggled.
By the time they spent together, he already knew Robin's secret and for him that doesn't change anything, but he didn't understand why she was talking about prom with him.
"I think you should go with [Y/N]. I mean, she is so excited she made her mom buy an amazing dress just to go."
"I know and I though you would go with her." Steve said as Robin gave another free sample to the kid.
"Wait a minute, you and [Y/N] like each other but you will let her go to the prom with her friend?" Erica said, poking fun of him.
"For your information she doesn't like me in that way." He spoke to Erica while taking her sample for her hand. Erica rolled her eyes and muttered calling him an idiot before leaving.
"Steve, you need to go with her, my mom had a small surgery yesterday and i'll have to stay with her tonight." She took a deep breath, "You have to be able to go with her, that's important to her, [Y/N] talks about going to prom since we met." She looked at the boy, clasping her hands begging him to go.
Robin would love to go with you, but her mother needs her, and she knew that if Steve took you to the prom, you would never forget your perfect prom night.
"You need to go and you know no boy invite her to go with." Robin whispered sadly because you're amazing and she doesn't understand why you want to go with her -probably because you two are friends since forever. She thought.
"I can go with her, don't worry." He said, looking at the confused girl in front of him.
He stopped staring at her for a few seconds, "You like her, don't you? Like romantic." Robin asked the boy.
"I do, Robin. I'm sorry for developing feeling for her." He replied sadly.
"You're sorry? Why you're sorry?" She asked apprehensive, shrugging.
"I'm afraid you are in love with her too, Robin." Steve whispered, carefully not to hurt the girl.
"I'm no.." She tried to replied with something coherent, "Is it that obvious?" She sighed, with tears in her eyes.
"It is." He ran his hands though his hair nervously because what would he do now that he knows for sure, "I think the situation is complicated now that I know you like her too." He breath heavily.
"No. It's not, I can't do anything but you can." Robin said, looking at her shoes, "Steve, she loves you since you were in high school, she fucks love everything about you. I would never be selfish and keep you from being together." Robin gave Steve a small smile, "She's not even bisexual, there's no way that we can be together, like a couple."
"You're like my best friend, I can't do that with you." Steve said, running his hand nervously through his hair.
"And she's my best friend too and you make her happy." Robin sighed, "Take her to prom and talk to her about your feelings, I know she feels the same way."
"I'll think about that." He giggled sadly, "She really likes me when I was "king" Steve?" He made quotation marks with his fingers.
"Oh, she always found something to praise you."
Robin wanted that after this conversation all would be ok, that you and Steve would confess for each other and that the three of you would remain friends but after that conversation she had with Steve, everything changed.  He was avoiding her at work, barely talking to each other and she had a feeling that things between you, Steve and her would change even more.

You felt beautiful, the blue dress gently wrapping your curves, the makeup beautifully highlighting your eyes.
"You look pretty, honey." Your mom said, putting her hands on your shoulders as you look yourself in the mirror.
"I know, I'm so excited." You giggled, groping your dress.
Your mom gave you a sweet smile, "He's waiting for you downstairs."
"He?" You asked confused because you were waiting for Robin.
"Steve." She replied with her eyes shinning with happiness. She knew how much you liked the boy who had become one of your best friends.
"But did he say he wouldn't go to the prom with us?" You whispered for yourself as you walk down the stairs quickly.
He was sitting on the quiet couch, fiddling with his fingers.  He looked beautiful in that suit - it was hugging his muscular arms- and his hair was styled in a tuft.  He was always breathtaking but today he seemed to have been carved by a Renaissance sculptor.
"Stevie.. what're doing here?" You muttered surprise, drawing his attention to you.
"Robin said I'm more excited than her for parties." He said, getting up to face you, "So we talked and we agreed that I should go with you to the prom." He smiled softly at you.
You know that Robin wasn't excited for the prom and that she would just go because of you, so you were feeling relieved that Steve would come with you, even though he had spoken before that he wouldn't because he didn't want to see Nancy again. But the fact that Robin had asked Steve to come with you made you happy, she was encouraging you to tell him about your feelings, and you really couldn't imagine a better time to tell him how much you care about him. After all, he was going to the prom with you and it'll be just the two of you.
"That's good because Robin wouldn't accept to dance with me .. But you will, won't you?" You asked, smiling as you straightened his blazer.
"Of course I will. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't dance with you?" He replied, holding one of your hand, "Cmon." He said, pulling you toward the door.
You shouted at your mother, saying you were already leaving.  He led you to his car, opening the door for you to get in.
"What a gentleman." You said, You said when he sat in the car.
"Yeah, I think you deserve it." He giggle sweetly as he started the car, "Why prom is so important for you?" He whispered.
You took a deep breath, not sure what to answer.
"I don't know, I think it's because I always wanted to wear a dress like this." You said, pointing at the dress while smiling.
"Well, you look fantastic in that dress." He nodded, watching my cheeks turning flush.
"You look really good too."
The rest of the way was a total silence, but it was not an uncomfortable silence.  You could hear his breathing as you looked out the window, you felt like putting your hand in his but you knew it would be weird so you stepped back your ideia in you head and kept watching the way until we arrived.
  Steve and I are drinking something that someone had served us, he was sitting next to me while I was talking to a friend of mine.
"You guys look really good together." She said, smiling at us as Steve was playing with my curls.
"Oh, we're not a couple." You murmured awkwardly.
"Uh, sorry." She spoke, "I'll talk with Josh, ok? I'll see you late." She said getting up and hugging me whispering apologies once again.
  After she left I was talking to Steve about how funny it was how time goes by so fast, and how I never imagined we would be friends let alone that he would be friends with Robin.
He interrupted me by letting out a quietly grunt. "What?" You laughed at his react.
"I love that music." He said, getting up, "Come on, you promised me a dance." He took my hand, pulling me to dance among the people.
You had a giant smile looking at him as he put his hands on your waist pulling you close to him. Every breath you take by  The Police were playing as he slowly guided me, following the melody of the song.  You put your hands on his neck, hugging him. The music was perfect for the moment and you wish you could never get out of his arms.  You could feel his breath approaching to yours, you closed your eyes, tilting your head while he buried his lips in yours. And God, The kiss was perfect, until he took his hands off my waist, stopping kissing me all of a sudden.
"Hey, what's wrong? It's ok." You gave him a small smile, putting you hands on his shoulders.
"Ok? That's not ok. You're my friend." He rambled.
You're still smiling because the boy you like had just kissed you, "Steve. it's ok, I wanted to kiss you too and I kissed you." You look him with shining smile as he took your hand from his shoulders, "Steve, I'm in love with you and I-"
You would finish talking but you saw their eyes fill with tears, he was shaking his head as if you had said something wrong. Then you put your hand on your mouth realizing the mistake you had made.
"I don't feel the same way." He whispered, wanting to kill himself for doing this with you.
"But you kissed me." You whispered confused with tears in your eyes.
"It's was a mistake, it's complicated." He said worried.
"Mistake." You breath heavenly. I'm a mistake. You thought.
"[Y/N], I'm sorry.. listen.." He was trying to explain to you but you couldn't listen anymore.
He kept calling your name as you ran from him, you ran until you stopped listening to him, ran until you couldn't see the school entrance.  You needed to breathe and near him would be impossible.

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