Collecting memories.

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a/n: English isn't my first language, sorry about the gramma part

First kiss.
Today will be the school game, Steve's last and that was important to him. He was nervous about what was going to happen, it was a scout game, which meant it was his change of winning a scholarship to doing what he loves.
You as his best friend had promised to go see him, the boy probably thought you wouldn't go because he knew how uncomfortable you got in crowded places but you make it for him.
Entering the court you soon noticed the amount of people present at the place, you passed them, shrugging and shaking hands on your coat, going to sit in a corner of the stands where he could see you.
Steve looked happy, his hair was a mess and his shirt soaked but he was still handsome, you smiled watching him hit the basketball hoop, his team praising him, patting his back.  He was doing well and his smile was so bright you couldn't help but smile too. The boy looked around the stands looking for you and soon saw you waving at him, he ran his hands through his hair and sent a kiss with his hands to you.
When the game was over the players began to despair to talk to important scounts or the coach, but Steve said goodbye to some friends who were close to him and started looking around for you. By that time you had gotten up from the seat and were also looking for him.
"Y/N" You heard him call you and then turned running towards you.
"Oh my god, you did it so great." You said, jumping on him.
He pulled you into his arms by your waist, looking at your bright eyes. "I'm stinking, Y/N."
"I don't care." Chuckled, rubbing his hips. "I'm sure they'll pick you." You brought him close to you one more time. His sweating making your hair stick to your forehead.
"You were amazing." Someone shouted to him, giving him a handshake.
He hugged you sideways and you almost stick into his chest so the person didn't need to feel like he needs to talk to you.
Steve finished talking to the boy and grabbed your face to look at him. "Thank you for coming that means so much to me."
"I know, that's why I'm here." You leaned down to kiss his cheek but he turned quickly making you peck him. The girl cheeks automatically flushed. "Steve, I'm sor—"
The boy ran a hand over your neck, pasting your mouth to his while holding your waist with the other. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling him deepen the kiss, He grinned in your mouth slowly breaking it, giving pecks all over your face. Some of the players and friends saw you guys kissing and started clapping around you and Steve. He snickered, giving you on last kiss and slowly putting pecks on your nose. His lips were so soft and his fingertips touched you like you were a porcelain doll.
"God, you're a really good kisser." He giggled while you buried your face in the place between his neck and shoulders, trying to hide from his friends. You were a blushing mess by now. The boy made a gesture bending himself down slightly in an attempt to thank the applause.
"I hate you." You muttered, nuzzling and smiling into his embrace.
Your breathing getting heavy as you clench your nails in the palm of your hands, forming half moons on them. You were repeating your order over and over in your head.  "I'd like a chicken burger and a strawberry milkshake."  "I'd like a chicken burger and a strawberry milkshake."  "I'd like a chicken burger and a strawberry milkshake." Lost in your own mind you didn't even notice that the waitress had arrived and Steve was ordering.
"And you?" The lady asked and could feel your body freeze as all your words vanished.
"She'll get a chicken a burger without tomatoes and a strawberry milkshake." He said, squeezing your hand over the table.
  The waitress took the order in her notebook. "Something more?"
"I think that's all, thanks." Steve smiled sweetly at the woman while you breathed relieved.
You ran your hand through your hair nervously, feeling dizzy from the situation. Talking to new people wasn't your mood.
"It's ok, Hon." he leaned in, kissing your temple.
Your boyfriend got up to sit next to you on the bench, he wrapped his arm around your waist making you comfortable to rest your head on your shoulder.  He started talking about something else to make you feel better. You began to spaced out, getting drunk on his sweet voice and how he spoke while smiling. He remembered my order and even remembered that I don't like tomatoes in the burger, probably because I always shoot and give it to him.  But he remembers, even doing less than a month we go to this place.  Steve's just so cute to you.
"...Are you listening to me?" He said, looking at me. You nodded and he gave you a peck on the lips. Sighing, you building your head in his chest, grinning happily against him. You truly love Steve. 
First I love you.
"Steve, she's in room number 12 on the second floor." Your mom told him as she saw your boyfriend entering the hospital, holding flowers and a teddy bear.
"Oh, she's is okay?" He asked with teary-eyed, looking worried at her.
"Y/N's fine, the girl is strong. She just broke her leg but she's still sleeping because of the anesthetic.  The accident was mild, you don't have to worry."
He nodded, "I can stay with her, you can go home if you want."
"Thank you, Steve. I'll be back as soon as I can, I'll just eat something and take a shower." Your mom said, rubbing Steve's arm, "Y/N's good, honey." She tried to calm his nerves.
The boy had received a call from Mrs. Y/L/N 30 minutes ago saying that you got yourself in a car accident. When he heard that, he immediately began to imagine all the worst things that could have happened to you.  Your mother warned him that everything was fine and that you had only suffered minor injuries but Steve was thinking about the worse, tears running down his face, worried about you. He needed to see you to make sure she wasn't just saying that to calm him down.
  Steve entered the room, finding the nurse adjusting your bed.
"Hm, hi." He coughed, catching her attention.
"Hi, you must be his boyfriend," The nurse smiled, looking at the flowers. "She'll wake up soon, you can wait here."
"Ok, thanks." The boy murmured, sitting in the chair near your bed.
Steve took your hand in his, rubbing it. Your face was pale and with a few scratches. His eyes filled with tears, wondering once again what might have happened, did you feel pain?  was it hard to get you out of the car?  could he have somehow avoided it? He let out a small sob as he rested his head on your belly lightly not to hurt you, intertwining your fingers in his hand. Admiring how serene you looked, he managed to calm down seeing that you were fine.
"Stevie..?" The boy heard your soft voice as you squinted, getting used to the light again.
You were going to try to get up but Steve stopped you. "Shh, babe. Don't make sudden movements."
You moaned a little, feeling your stomach doing back flips while he rests his hands on your waist and adjust the pillow so you could sit up.
"Are you ok?" He said with a shaky voice, you could feel the worry in him. His soft skin was glowing pink because of the crying, his eyes were swollen and as he spoke they filled with tears all over again.
"I'm not feeling any pain because of the anesthesia, but I'm a little dizzy," You sighed. "Babe, I'm sorry for worrying you."
"You just scared me a little, it's not every day someone get themselves in a car accident." He spoke, picking up a small bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear from the chair he had seated earlier.
"Oh, Stevie. That's so beautiful," You put the bouquet in your lap with the teddy bear. "I love it." You made room in the bed for him to join you. "Thanks for being here,  I didn't want to be alone but I didn't want to have to hold mom here."
"I wouldn't leave you alone." He grinned, kissing you temple.
You straightened up, getting comfortable on his chest as he pulled a flower and put it on your hair.
"I was so worried." Steve breath heavily, running his hand thought his neck.
Burring your nose on his T-shirt, smelling his sweet scent. "No need, I just break a leg." You giggle.
"I love you, I hate the though of losing you."
  He had never spoken these three words before and nor did you. You loved him, but you never said anything because you knew what he had with Nancy and didn't want to put any pressure on him. You were frozen.
"You don't have to said it back, I just want you to know how I feel about you." He smiled softly at you, holding your hand. Your palms were sweat and he cloud see your cheeks turning red. He snickered softly, the boy loves when he makes you blushed.  Steve loves your shy, he loves everything about you.
You tried to look him in the eye but you went from making little to almost no eye contact. "I'm sorry, you get me embarrassed sometimes." You giggle and your boyfriend was sure that it is the best sound he ever heard. Looking at both of his and yours hand together you whispered. "I love you too, Stevie."
  He puts a hand on your jaw, trying to make you look at him. "I sure I love you more." You heard him murmured as letting him embrace you in a sweet kiss.
Meeting the party.
"Do you think they'll like me?" You asked, hearing the knocks on the door.
After the kids begged Steve to meet you, he soon decided to make it happen.  Your boyfriend had agreed that the children would come to his house for a day to play D&D, making it clear that you would be there. He never shut up about you while he were with the little ones, it was strange to think that you hadn't actually spent a day with them, you just knew them by sight and Steve knows how important you are to him, so he decided that it was the right time to plan a "meeting" between you and the party.
"They will, don't worried." He rubbed your back slightly.
The boy opened the door and you can see six smiling little people.
"Hey, dingus." One of the boy says, making a weird but cute hand shake with Steve. You couldn't help but smile.
He took your hand and introduced each one to you.
"This is my lovely Y/N." You grinned softly, wanting to disappear.
"You're so beautiful." Max said.
"I like the T-shirt." Lucas replied.
"Steve said you would play D&D with us." Dustin shouted.
They started talking all at once, making you feel a little nervous.  Steve felt you squeeze his arm lightly and slapped his palm twice, the sound echoed, catching the party's attention and also scaring you a little.
"Guys, let's be nice, talk one by one." They nodded.
El held your hand, "Hey, it's ok. Steve warned us that you will get used to us slowly, and that you are just shy, we understand." She said quietly. You had already loved her and made a mental note that you need to thanks him for let them know how "awkward" you were when it came to meeting new people, especially them that were special to your boyfriend.
"Thanks."  You said as she pulled you to the table that your babe had prepared for them to play. Turning your head calmly to Steve you saw him smiling, making a thumbs up towards your love.
"I'll order pizza, I'll be right back." Your boyfriend said. You were all sitting at the table and you could feel your palms sweating, feeling a little afraid of being alone with the kids and ending up messing up and they didn't like you.
"You love him?" Max muttered.
"What?" You gasped, breaking your train of thought.
"He sure loves you, He looks at you like you're the only thing in the room." Mike said, placing his arms on the table.
"He also said that you who supported him try to pursue a sports career." Will added.
You could feel your cheeks on fire again but now for happiness. He talks about me to them.
"Did you know that he has a mixtape called Y/N containing only songs that reminds him of you." Lucas whispered.
Dustin hits his fist on the wood, making everyone quiet and looked at you with an empathetic look, as if he wanted to know if you really were a good person to Steve. "You really like him, right? You won't hurt his feeling?"
He didn't bother making your request to you, he understood how you felt when you needed to talk to strangers.   He didn't mind having to spend a night with me at the hospital when mom couldn't because she needs to go to work.  He always made sure you were comfortable at parties, making it clear that if I wanted to leave he would too.  He knew you were an introvert person and he seemed to not get ashamed of you because of it. Yeah, you were for sure head over heals for Steve Harrington.
"I love him guys, every part of him," You sighed happily with a dazzling smile from ear to ear. "every imperfection."

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