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I was feeling a little down so I decide to write that, hope u like it
He knew what it was about and he knew that the best thing to do was not to leave you alone - even if you assure him that you needed to be by yourself.
His knuckles were turning white with the pressure of the bags. He had probably bought too many things.
"Steve!" Your mother gave him a weak smile, "She hasn't left her room properly for a couple of days now, I don't know what else to do to try to cheer her up." She said with a concerned face as she gave space for him to enter her house.
Steve knew that you were not feeling well, after all you had not been to school for more than three days;  which was something unusual coming from you.  But hearing that had a different effect and it's hurt him even more.  He should have come earlier.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Y/L/N," He says. His voice was cautious, not really knowing what to say.  If seeing you go through this was difficult for him, he couldn't imagine how complicated this situation is for your mother. "She'll get better."
"I know she will," She said, her eyes glassy. "Go see her, she'll be glad to see you."
I hope so.
He nods, holding the bag tighter in his hand as he smiles at your mom, thanking her.
Looking at the wood in front of him, he breathed heavily, knocking his fist lightly on the door before entering.
I'm here for her and I will be able to make her feel at least a little better.
"Stevie..." Your low, choked voice echoed through your dark room.
"Hey, babe," he murmured, placing the bag next to your bed. He knelt in front of you who was curled up in your comforter with only your face out, "I missed you." He wanted to ask how you were feeling but he knew it wouldn't help you.
He ran his fingers through your hair, pushing a lock behind your ear and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Have you been eating?"
Damn it, Steve. This is also not a good question.
"I had breakfast and I have been drinking some water." Your slurred and almost inaudible tone of voice made him punish himself mentally for forcing you to speak.
His eyes quickly met the digits of the clock on the table next to your bed. 4pm. You needed to eat something, even if you felt that you didn't need any food.
Licking his lower lip, in a nervous gesture.  He asked, "how about I open the curtains, let the light in," he kissed the tip of your nose and smiled slightly when he saw you slowly open your eyes to look at him. "Maybe taking a shower to help you relax and maybe eating something after that, what do you think?"
Steve was gently stroking your arm, drawing small circles with his fingertips. You frowned while scratching your face with your hand. He looked at you calmly, waiting for your answer to his proposal.
You nodded as you slowly sat on the bed.  Your hair was messy and you could smell your scent mixed with the bedspreads, because you had spent a long time there. The smell wasn't bad, but it reminded you that you were letting your emotional overcome you and you hated it.
Steve opened the curtains, allowing the evening light of the sun to enter your room.  You closed your eyes tightly, hugging your torso with your arms.
"Sorry," He said.
"You'll come with me?" You pulled your hair out of your face while analyzing your boyfriend's face, which was now sharp in the light.
He smiled, knowing that you were referring to the shower. "If you want me to..."
With that, in a few seconds you were looking at each other standing in the bathroom of your room.
"Come here." He whispered affectionately as he wrapped his warm hands around your waist, removing your shirt gently.
He takes off the rest of your clothes and removed his own as well.
The corner of your lips curved in a timid smile, making him feel his heart warm in his chest. You held his hand while he turned on the shower and stepped under it next to you.
He kissed your cheek and guided your hands to his shoulders.
"You look pretty like that, all wet." He babbled. He can see you close your eyes and you scoff, trying to hide a genuine smile.  The feeling of knowing that maybe he is helping you to feel better invades him, leaving him with a silly grin on his face. "Gonna wash your hair now, love."
You nodded, humming happily. He soaped his hair, taking care so it doesn't get near to your eyes.  The mixture of your touch with the lavender scent of the soap was making you so relaxed that you could feel your body soft, melting and almost falling in his arms. His fingers ran through your hair for the last time, removing the rest of the foam while you felt like a baby being lulled to sleep.
  Letting the warm water envelop your frame, you wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your weak body on his, feeling calm and comfy while he held you close to him.
You nuzzled your wet face in his shoulder as his hands caressed your back.
"I think it's time to get you out of here, right?" He said quietly in your ear when he noticed your eyes closing and your weight falling all over him.
He towel-dried your hair after turning the shower off and then putted the towel around you, kissing your forehead.
Steve guided you back to your room, sitting you in one of your armchairs while he grabbed new bed sheets and clean clothes for you and him.
You smiled to yourself when you noticed that he remembered your issue with the sheets. "I'm going to put your shirt on, okay?" You whispered, reaching for his shirt that was on your bed.  It was obvious that he didn't mind you wearing his shirt.
After he fixed the clean sheet on the bed, you lay down on it, snuggling between your comforter again while the smell of his shirt on you entered your nostrils. Your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of comfort you were feeling in that little moment.  You heard paper noise and some things falling - probably from Steve being clumsy while putting his clothes on.
"Sorry," he said, lying down beside you, holding one of his bags in his hand. "I brought you some things, I thought they could help." Feeling that you were getting closer to him, he put his arm around your waist as you settled yourself on his chest.
He pulled a book out of the bag and turned it over so you could see the cover. You were saving money to buy that book. "I saw you looking at that book a few days ago and I know how much you love Jane Austen, so I decide to buy it for you."
You held the book in your hands and Steve cannot help himself and feel happy to see your face lighting up in a wide smile.
"Oh, Stevie," you placed the book beside you and hugged his waist tightly, making him giggled. "Thank you so much."
"Ah," He said. "And I bought some chocolates and your sandwich too."
You smiled against his chest, it was sweet the way he called your favorite sandwich by your sandwich.
"Grilled cheese sandwich." You mouthed, looking at him.
"Yeah," He took it out of the bag and handed it to you. "It's probably cold, it's been there for a long time-"
"No, it's good. I love it." You bit a piece, feeling the food almost embrace your stomach.  You should have tried to eat a little better. "Thank you for being here for me." You said quietly, tilting your head to kiss his cheek.
"Anytime you need me, babe," he kissed the top of your head. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You straightened yourself up better in his chest, in a way that you could eat and still be able to feel the heat of his body in contact with yours. "Can you read for me?" You asked a little apprehensively, maybe he doesn't want to read to you or thinks it's stupid to read to someone. "Please."
"Sure," He said happily because he could tell that you were felling better.
He took the book and placed it between you and him carefully.  It only took a few pages until he felt the rest of your sandwich fall on his arm and realize that you were no longer paying attention to his words. He took the food out of your hand and placed it on the table beside your bed along with the book.  He put your hair behind your ear and placed a kiss on your face.
"I really love you, hope you sleep well, sweetie." He whispered. And he really was heads over heels for you and he couldn't wait for you to feel like yourself again, but while you're going through your difficult times, he'll be right by your side.

Steve and Billy's imagines.Where stories live. Discover now