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A hooligan

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A hooligan. That's the only word that could describe the person busting through my door telling me to wake up. Annoying would be an understatement. "Mama said you've gotta get up or you're picking me up this evening!" Xara yelled.

"Ya'll know good and well that I have to be at class too so why can't she take you?" I yell after her but she'd already slammed my door shut. I take the biggest breath and turn my HomePod on.

Shower, teeth, face wash, cloths, mundane tasks that take far too long in my opinion but who am I to argue. Vaseline and location, and I'm walking down the stairs with my backpack in hand.

"Mustard and ketchup, I'm leaving but dad left breakfast for you" my older brother said walking out the door leaving me stuck. All because of a red sweatshirt and yellow crocs that's the treatment I deserve...

Sitting at the island I grab the plate uncovering it from the napkin and take a strip of bacon immediately. While I eat I type up little prompts that come to mind; I drift in and out of people's lives. Not intentionally but, it just happens. Most times I understand that I never truly were in the person's life if they'd never really known I was there; that is until I start to leave. That is considerably why I won't make deep connections because, roots can't grow where a shallow surface is.

I throw the plate away wiping my hands, taking a water bottle from the fridge and no sooner than my keys jingle I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs to trail behind me.

My shades gracing my eyes as the sun beams down, scrolling through Spotify for a song and the backdoor is open where she throws her gym bag in. "Can I get aux?" She pleads putting on her seatbelt.



Personally this class is the only one I enthusiastically attend, creative writing. While only for juniors and seniors a professor I'd had previously recommended me so, I stand to be the only sophomore. It's not a bad thing considering I appreciate the non-existent boundaries to which we are allowed to write in. And it also being a hobby of mines is a plus too.

"If you could wish one person in your life who would it be?" Written on the board, McMillan puts the piece of chalk down and turns to us the audience. "Your assignment is to answer this question and describe what you would want from them and what they could possibly mean to you." She scanned us over taking in the responses and also remembering to explain it would be due in two weeks time.

I stare at the board puzzled, where would I even start? However that question could be answered after I figure out where this new kid is coming from. He converses with McMillan over what I assume is protocol for transfers; he smiles frequently displaying his near perfect teeth. Is that a bottom gold grill?

The dark skin beauty walks to the middle of the class my head tracking him until he reaches me and I'm crooking my neck to look at him. "I can sit here?"

"I'm sorry, can I sit here?" He asks again, can I hear him though?

I blink "oh, of course, yea, totally. Seats all yours!" He laughs

Waves and hazel eyes, the scent of weed and cologne invading my senses. His laugh brings me out my train of thought "enjoy the view?"

Simply embarrassing "just a bit, I'm Katessa and you are?"

He nods "Yarrow." His lefts eyebrows lifts and again with the beautiful smile "I assume the party was something serious?" He points to my sunglasses.

"Something like that." I fold my lips turning away from him, I'm doing too well at not making an idiot of myself and I'd appreciate keeping it that way. Finally then I can focus on coming up with ideas for the paper...

"The person I want to wish would be my person, someone who could fully understand why do what I do, someone to help me figure out my life's purpose. I want them to like being around me not just be okay with me and show me that there's more to life than what I currently know."

Of course I wasn't finished but it was a damn good start and I'll take it. The class went on for a good twenty more minutes until we were asked to share with our table partner of what we had so far. It wasn't uncommon to share but gosh it wasn't ideal that this fine man would sit beside me.

We both glanced at each other and I'm sure he could tell I held no interest in being the first in the vulnerable river so he poured out first. His mother. He wished for an ideal mother, one he never got experience. Going on to explain how much it would mean to feel that for once he could ignore the past and obtain the future with her in it.

"I appreciate you being open with me, compared to you I'd seem insufferable wishing for a partner." I sucked my teeth.

"Don't feel like that, me and my mommy issues are always gonna be here and a wish on a paper won't change that either so if anything, your wish is ten times more realistic." He chuckled.


During lunch most days I'd sit in my car listening to music while Valencia talked about the day she'd been having and today was no different. She went on and on about the minor details and briefly added about a party she expected me to attend with her. However I could never comprehend exactly how I'd become well known it seemed that my brother set a path for me to follow in his shadow and subsequently I too would have recognition. That was the basis of me and Val's friendship but it didn't matter to me.

She talked up a storm and mid way through her rant I watched as Yarrow and two other boys come in to view as well. There was no denying their attractiveness and no matter how hard I tried not to stare, I failed miserably.

We'd made eye contact and he took it as an invitation for him and the two musketeers to follow. "You know any good food joints around here?"

Stupidly nodding along "of course, whatcha got a taste for?"

"Anything would work." Holding eye contact would be the death of me with those eyes of his.

"Umm well if you turn right at the light up there, it's a couple places down that street"

He licked his lips nodding his head and turnt around leaving.

"You got a thing for ole dude, don't you?" She smirked

"No, not even. He asked a question I gave a response." Lying straight through my teeth; it wasn't that I didn't find him interesting but it would be pointless.

"I saw the way you were looking at him, plus he was looking the exact same way at you!" She exclaimed giggling.

I wanted to imagine that I could have relations with the boy but again it occurred to me that he could hear things and lord knows I don't want to embarrass myself. So I quickly let the idea slip out of my mind, shutting the idea down and my growing emotions in the process.

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