c h a p t e r f o u r

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"So, she's a junkie just like I assumed" Ezal said looking around after we watched her walk out the front door in tears

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"So, she's a junkie just like I assumed" Ezal said looking around after we watched her walk out the front door in tears.

"She's not a junkie she just uses... a lot." Castriel said walking into the living room.

"I can't blame her, life is hard sometimes." Nero murmured lighting the joint he held taking a few puffs.

"Yea well pills can't be the only thing to satisfy a person." Ezal insisted

"You say that like you never popped one either." Nero side-eyed Ezal.

"I say that because I've never depended on it. Some of us have gone through actual real shit and others enjoy the feeling for the hell of it, don't compare me to a junkie."

"I'm not I'm just saying is all." Nero conceded before we all held a comfortable silence with me and Ezal playing the game and Ezal scrolling through his phone.

They both understood what it meant to be down on your luck as some would say. Ezal's dad passed when he was just a kid and with his mom abandoning him after birth bouncing from home to home was all he knew. Nero on the other hand was raised by his grandmother after his parent's passed away and when she did too my brother offered him a place to stay with us.

We knew what it meant to have problems but it didn't mean we were any more accepting to drugs being the only option.

I walked in the kitchen finding Cas making ramen on the stove, "I wish you would've told me about her sooner."

He turned his head "Katessa, you like her?"

"Yea I met her in class, the creative writing one I told you about. Seems like you two are pretty close though?"

"She's like a little sister to me." He sighed.

"How come I've never seen her before?" I questioned taking a seat at the counter watching him stir the noodles.

"She comes normally at the beginning of the month but she was late this time, and outside of her sprawled visits we talk on the phone a good amount."


"No, text." He poured the season packet in.

"She's loyal and she grew on me, bothers me like somebodies bad ass little cousin. I couldn't let her keep on like that though so I'm cutting her off." He pours the noodles in a bowl.

"Like she can't get anything from other dealers?" I furrowed my brows.

"I already blacklisted her, and she knows better than to go against me. At least I hope she does... All I can say is don't get your feelings hurt." He bites on his fork.

"She's gonna hurt my feelings. And what if I said I just want to fuck?"

"You can't compete with the feeling a controlled substance gives, addicts don't have it in them to always care so don't think she'll spare your feelings is all I'm saying." He says taking a sip of water.

"You say you love her yet you speak of her like this?"

"I love her but I won't be stupid and I'd advise you not to be either."

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