c h a p t e r s i x

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A week had passed and it absolutely sucked, I didn't realize just how dependent I had truly become on the pills

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A week had passed and it absolutely sucked, I didn't realize just how dependent I had truly become on the pills. The worst part about it was the constant battle of it while I went on with life. Every class I tried to attend I couldn't focus in so, I'd emailed my professors about a family emergency hoping it would give me three weeks to get presentable.

The door  was unlocked so I let myself in attempting to avoid any interactions with the three stooges once agin but it was unsuccessful. There stood Yarrow in the hallway by the staircase in grey sweatpants and a gold chain; I had to know their relations with Castriel and I needed to find out his specifically soon.

"My house can't be a hotel so, why are you here?" He mugged me. Rude.

"I don't answer to guests, the owner only." I sassed.

"You're cute, you really are but just because you pull that sad woe is me with my brother doesn't mean it'll work on me" he'd gotten closer to me.

"I'm not tryna be a problem or anything alright and I don't pull any 'shit' with your brother for your information so fuck off" I sent a sarcastic smile his way following Casty's voice that bellowed through the house.

"Waltzing in here could get you killed you know." He shakes his head with a small smile.

"I'd hope as the owner's favorite I could avoid the turmoil if he would be ever so kind. Also why didn't you tell me you have a brother?" I sat beside him on the couch where he sat playing the game.

"I never got to mention it carrying your lil ass out of parties and it really never came up. I'm surprised you've went this long without knowing or realizing if I'm being honest."

"Guess I was too caught up in my own shit, that's my fault." I murmured. There's no way I have been strung out for so long I didn't notice...

I got up making my way to the kitchen grabbing ramen from the pantry and searching for a bowl in the cabinets.

"It's the one by the air fryer."

I turned to the voice across the island, "Thanks, sorry for telling you to fuck off earlier"

He squinted his eyes at me "It's whatever, we're playing pool in the game room you in? I don't think you got shit else to do."

"Actually my schedules pretty packed, I've got meetings there, food here, I'm pretty booked."

"Haha, I'll see you in five."

I shook my head taking the ramen from the packaging pouring water and putting it in the microwave. Wishy washy is what he is.

"I'm Katessa" I said walking in looking at the three, the one with fair skin trying to play with precision closing one eye leaning on the table.

"Ezal, pretty boy is Nero" the dark skin one said, "and you must be druggie."

I was silent, too stunned to speak.

"Well I wouldn't say druggie more like enjoyer of pills maybe" I stammered.

"A crackhead?" Nero said standing up to his full hight and the other two snickering.

"And if that was my last straw?" I jested and they laughed, "I know you're not talking with an outfit that's giving lost and found."

"I like her, insults need work but I fuck with it." Ezal chuckled.

After I'd finished my ramen they put me in and I fear Nero mopped the floor with us all. I should've known he'd get serious when he pulled out a ruler. I didn't get to really talk to Yarrow but from the many glances he took my way I'm sure I would get the chance.

Funny thing is the only way to describe the three Ezal and Nero bickered like siblings and Yarrow took no true side then whoever was winning in the moment. It was cute. However it seemed Ezal was the most outgoing and Nero looked like he'd belong with the hermit crabs because he seemed so quiet and dainty almost.

I went back downstairs seeing Castriel walk through the garage door "Where'd you go?" I put the bowl in the dishwasher.

"Somewhere you weren't and matter fact I meant to ask you If you signed up for any therapy sessions?" He said putting his bag down on the counter grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Not yet but, I'll do it this evening."

"Well let me know and I'll pay for the sessions."

"You don't have to do that y'know." I chided.

"I want to, you can stay in the guest room."


Terrible is the only way to describe the feeling I have while I vomit due to the nauseous feeling I held. It brought me to my knees and I couldn't leave the side of the toilet; It took everything in me not to sob because my throat felt like it was on fire.

When I finished I brushed my teeth and took a long steaming hot shower because it felt like ants were crawling up my skin. The water tumbling down my skin attempting to sooth the irritation but all it did was keep it simmering below the surface. I'd never felt more disgusted.

I lathered my body in vaseline and cocoa butter and finished off putting my hair in a bun to get it from in front of my face. A tracksuit and blue crocs were all I could manage and they squeaked all the way to the kitchen due to my wet feet.

The cereal felt like a waste of energy because every bite I take was hell when I knew the true solution to the current problem. All it would take lie in a bottle Castriel holds hostage.

"Earth to Tessa" fingers snapped in front of my face making me swat them away. "You alright?"

"Never been better" I say sarcastically. "In fact I'm going to run a 5k after breakfast!"

"Seriously? I mean hey I didn't think you'd-"

"The hell is the matter you know damn well I'm not running in this state" I spit to Cas.

"I'm sorry for seeing the brighter side, sue me. Have a good day at class and try, that's all I ask of you." He pleaded

"Of course dad, make good choices won't you" my eyes rolling; it wasn't that I didn't appreciate his concern but I definitely wasn't in the mood to hear it.

I move around rinsing the bowl placing it into the dishwasher grabbing my bag from the counter and as I try to walk out the front door I'm snatched into the dining room.

"The hell is wrong with you!" I shove the body away.

"Why'd you lie to him?"

"Yarrow what're you talking about?" It wasn't his business and even then what could be the angle.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, I heard you this morning." Damn it.

"Heard what?"

"Don't be stupid, people don't retch their lungs out for no reason."

"Why the fuck were you listening, what's it to you huh?" I looked him up and down but I shouldn't have. He looked too good.

"It's nothing to me but to him it's more so don't be a liar." He pressed his pointer finger into my chest.

"Look, I'm straight. I don't need you in my business and it's nothing anyways so take your grimy finger and shove it."

We stood staring at one another for a few more seconds before he walks away first and gosh I can finally breathe properly. The man oozed sex appeal and I just know it's big.

I move past my thought's and head to my car watching him eye me down but, I didn't expect it to be a look of pity.

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