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Jacky 🥰
I'm bored again :(

Zachy 🧸
Okay 🤷🏼‍♀️

Jacky 🥰
lets face time!

Zachy 🧸
I chocked on my darn water

Zachy 🧸
I'm sorry WHAT

Jacky 🥰

Zachy 🧸
fine :(


Zach felt nervous as he was about to tap the face time button.

"What if he thinks I'm wierd?"

"Or what if he thinks I'm ugly?"

"Why does it matter so much?"

The younger boy took a deep breath before pressing the face time button. He felt his anxiety kick in as his phone started calling Jack. A few seconds, there he was. The older male had straight blond hair, cute freckles on his checks, a sharp jawline and stunning hazel eyes, slightly lighter then his own.

"Hi." Said Zach smilling

"What the hell, this is so weird to hear your voice"

"I guess that's one way of saying hi back." The brunette muttered to himself.

"Hey!" Said Jack with a fake frown.

"Alright hello." The older one said smiling. He was absolutely gorgeous and there was no doubt about it.

Zach ran up to his room with his phone in his hand. He ploped on his bed his face in his pillow.

"How are you?" Asked Jack.

"Better for sure."

"Is Daniel around?" The blond haired boy asked.

"Nope he went shopping." Said Zach.

"You didn't go with him?"

"Nah I was too lazy." he muffled into his pillow.

"As usual." said Jack as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey what is that suppose to mean?!" Respond the the younger male.

"Oh nothing."

"Yeah right." He chuckled.

Zach removed his head from the pillow and looked at the camera. Jack took this time to take in his features. He had messy brown hair, shinny brown chocolate eyes, slight rosie checks and had long lashes. He was pretty. Very pretty.

"What time is it in Texas?"

"Like 8 I think. What time is it in LA?"

"6:46 exactly" Said Jack.

"Your such a nerd" the younger one rolled his eyes. The older one smiled.

They talked for the rest
of the night 🌙

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