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Christmas was just around around the corner. Christmas was Zach's favorite holiday. Daniel and Jack had decided to invite their family's over at Daniel's place for the holiday. It has been 7 months since Jack had met Zach and they were getting closer and closer everyday. Honestly, Daniel felt almost like a third wheel. Soon enough both family's had arrived at Daniel's house everyone talking to one each other. The Seavey's family meeting the Avery's one. The younger boy felt bad because neither his mom or dad was there celebrating with him and his friends. It made him sad. Laughter and noise filled the air while Christmas songs played on the TV in the background. The house was nicely decorated with pretty light outside and inside of it, a very pretty Christmas tree, a few gifts under it, the red blankets on Daniel's couches and white tinsels around the fire place. He had met the Avery's and already knew the Seavey's. Zach loved Jack's family. They were nice and fun to talk too. Especially his little sister Isla. For some reason, she seemed to like Zach a lot. Food like cookies, a bundt cake, coffee and tiramisu was on the living room table for people to eat.

"can I please have some coffee zach?" Asked Isla.

"you can't its a grown up drink."

"please?" The younger girl looked at zach.

He got down and whispered in her ear.

"fine but don't tell anyone I let you okay?"

Isla looked at him.

"i pinky promise." the younger girl said holding out her pinky to him. Which he gladly shook with his own. She grabbed the coffee and ran of somewhere causing zach to smile.

"giving my sister coffee i see?" asked Jack as we wiggles his eyebrow at him.

"uh no."


"i swear."

"whatever you say zachary." said jack walking away from him.

A few hours later and it was already 8 o'clock. Most of the adults (including Daniel) were now sitting on the couch provably drinking coffee. The older if the three liked meeting people and talking to them. Unlike Zach. Zach sat with Sydnie on the floor in front of the fire place talking about wierd thought that they have while eating some of the cookies Daniel had bought for the "party".

"were are your parents zach?" asked sydnie.

"oh. my mom died a few years ago. and my dad couldn't make it." responded zach. half of that was true. Zach's dad couldn't come. not because he couldn't make it. but because he was in prison.

"i'm so sorry to hear that zach." said sydnie sadly.

"it's fine. i'm used to it."

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