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(pretend there is a Disneyland in Texas okay? okay.)

"What do you guys want to do today?" Asked Daniel as they all took a cup of coffee in the morning discussing about what they should do during the day.

"Maybe we could go to Disney?" Asked Zach.

"How about you Jack?" Asked Daniel.

"Sure. We can go."


"Can we please go on the ride?" Asked Zach.

"No let's eat first. Then we'll go."


"You sound like a baby Zach" Chuckled Jack.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Responded Zach offended.

"I said you were a baby."

The younger stuck his tongue.

"Alright we're here. Now stop fighting like an old married couple." Said Daniel.


"You guys want to go watch the fireworks?" Asked Zach.

"I'm down."

"Let's go."

The three boys stood up and made their way too find a good stop we're they could have a good few view of them. Once it started a bunch of "wows" were said by people. There were a lot of different colors. Once the show ended they decided to go back home and play a board game.


"AHA!" Yelled Jack.

"NOO I WAS SO CLOSE!!" Said Daniel.

"Oh come on we all know I'm the real winner."

"nope I won losers."

"You two have to admit I'm the best at Uno." Jack said with a smirk.

"Neverrr!" Said Zach.

"I'm with Zach." Said Daniel.

Jack frowned.

"Whatever. I'm I know I'm the best at it." He said sticking his tongue our at both of them.

"Alright I'm headed of to bed." Said Zach yawning.

"Mk. I'll just plays with Daniel and beat him again."

"No you won't." Said Daniel with a frown.

"And I'm off." Said Zach walking up the stairs.

A/N: wow my chapters suck. I hope you liked it 💛

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