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the kiss hadn't meant anything.
so why did it fell right too zach?
whatever it meant, it drastically changed their friendship.
for the worst.

they would still talk to each other, but it was really awkward. and they both knew why. and now that zach and daniel were moving to la, it would be even more awkward. one of them had too apologies. but none of them did. and zach was getting tired  of waiting for jack too apologies so he was going too do it.

"can i talk too you?" said zach.


"i just wanted to say sorry for what happened on christmas. it wasn't supposed to happen."

"it's okay. let's just pretend it never happened. start off again." said jack with a smile.

"i just don't it to be weird."

"don't worry. it won't."

"good because i want you too come too my graduation next week." said zach with a genuine smile.

"of course i'll come." said jack.

"if you arrive early you might be able to get the chairs in the front."

"oh well that's not a chance."


"i'm always late too everything." shrugged jack.



today was graduation day. and zach couldn't be more nervous. sure he has excited that he didn't go trough hell in high school but he was nervous. high school was something zach would never forget. it was actually kind of sad. rows of chairs were placed in front of the stage. people were scattered everywhere talking. the more people that arrived, the more zach got nervous. he noticed jack in the crowd with daniel's family. jack looked back at zach and gave him a warm smile.

"hey don't worry, everything will be just fine." said daniel putting a hand on zach's shoulder.

"i know."


every teenager was asked to go sit down before they would call the names of everyone for their diplomas. they sat down and they started naming everyone's name.

"aspen rogers."

"kay cook."

"liam nadon."

"angi le."

"daniel seavey."

"zach herron."

"eva wilson."

"august ash."

"emma patel."

"brandon couture."

"asher snow."

and so on.

"we've got a few students that would like too say something for this special event."

"kay cook."

"liam nadon."

"zach herron."

"angi le."

"you may come back up the stage." said the principal with a smile.

"you got this zach." said daniel before zach headed on stage.

so he waited nervously for his turn. when it was, he looked at how many people were there and got even more nervous. he felt the anxiety.

"hi. i'm zach herron but you all probably know me as the wired kid in the back in the class. because that's what i've been labeled during all my years of high school." chuckled zach.

"but the truth is, i'm so much more then that. i've been told that i'm caring and fun too hang our with. i guess no one actually took time to get too know me expect for daniel."

zach took a deep breath.

"the way i was treated in high school wasn't great. and that's why i'll never forget it. high school is something that will stick with me forever. and i want too thank daniel for being there for me. your the only friend i had during this time." said zach looking at daniel.

"but now i'm done with high school so suck on that suckers!" said zach while the crowd laughed.

"thank you." said the young boy while the crowd clapped.


"it's time." said the principal.

"1...2...3!" shouted all thw high schoolers and threw their hats in the air.

"we did man!" said zach approaching daniel giving him a hug.

"we sure did." said daniel with a smile.

daniel noticed his parents calling him over.

"i have to go take pictures. try and find jack." said the older boy with a smirk.

"yeah yeah."

"there you are!" said jack.

"i'm sorry graduate coming trough." proudly said zach.

"congrats buddy. you rocked that speech if i do say so myself."

"thank you." said zach giving him a hug.

"i didn't mention you in it but i wan too thank you to." said zach.

"that's what i'm here for for z. I won't ever leave you." whispered jack into zach's ear.

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