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"Jack?!" Zach's eyes widen as he dropped his things and ran towards Jack.

"What are you doing here?!" Zach asked while Jack put his arms around the younger's waist to hug him.

"I came here for your birthday silly." Said Jack with a smile one his face.

"I'm the gift."

"I can't believe your here. Thank you." Responded the brunette wrapping his arms around the older's neck.

"I won't ever leave you." He whispered in Zach's ear making him fall warm inside.

"Come on, let's go back home. Daniel is waiting for us." Said Zach breaking the hug and handing his hand out for Jack. Witch Jack gladly did.



Once they got home, Zach presented Jack too Daniel.

"So your famous Jack Avery that's been texting Zach huh?"

"Yes that's is me."

"Then I expect you to take good care of him." Said Daniel.

Zach mentally face palmed his face.

"I'm just kidding! Come here man!" Said Daniel with a smile.

Zach took a breath of relief while they hugged.

"Did you know this Daniel?"

"Know what?" Asked Daniel.

"That he was coming."

"uhhh yeah?"

Zach rolled his eyes.

"Come on Jack I'll show you the guest room." Said Zach.

"yep." He said as he followed him upstairs.

"Here it is." Said Zach as he opened the door as Jack looked around.

"It's great."

"I'm glad you like it." Said Zach with a smile.

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