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jack is on a date with gabbie.

"w-what?" asked zach heartbroken.

"i'm so sorry zach..." said daniel giving him a hug.

and zach cried for what felt like hours.

"god dammit i love him daniel!" yelled zach.

"i know you do."

a few seconds later, zach found himself running too the bathroom vomiting his guts out.

he had been sick for a while.

for two weeks actually.

and it was really weird.

"you okay zach?" asked the older boy sitting down next too zach who was starting at the toilet blankly.

"no i'm not okay."

"alright we're going too see the doctor on saturday. you've been sick long enough." said daniel rubbing the back of zach's back as he cried again.

"where would i be without you." mumbled zach.

"probably dead." chuckled daniel.

"thanks for taking me out tonight." said gabriela walking with jack while arm was wrapped around the back of her neck.

"of course." said jack kissing her cheek.

"here let's sit down." suggested jack walking towards a bench.

the next 20 minutes were filled with laughter and smiles.

"i really like you." whispered gabbie.

" you do?" asked jack a little nervous.

"i really do." said gabriela wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

she slowly started too lean in.

"stop." whispered jack close too gabbie.


"i told you too stop." stubbornly said jack.

"don't you want this?" questioned the younger girl lifting a brow.

"i don't know."

"why not?" asked gabbie with a sad look.

"i think i'm in love with someone else."

"who is she?" asked the curly haired girl leaning a little closer.

why does everyone think it's a girl?

maybe it is supposed too be a girl.

"he." corrected the boy.

gabbie sat there trying too figure out what he had said.

since when was jack into guys?

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